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What will be remembered most bout this board in 2006


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friday - went home and played Batman with my best friend.. he got to wear the cape

saturday - this transformers poster i ordered came through the mail.. i hung it and ended up staring at it most of the day.. at night decided to try some lucid dreaming and managed to dream i was in the new transformers movie

sunday - had a legend of zelda marathon in preparation for the new zelda next weekend.. i also made a Link costume during the afternoon and wore it while i slashed some stalfos knights

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To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with the recent treatment I received at Store 374 in Yonkers, New York. I made a purchase of 2 DVDs on October 7, 2005. The transaction number on the receipt is 0854. Upon returning home I noticed that one of the DVDs titled Layer Cake had already had one of its security labels cut and DVD taken out. This was very disappointing since I had every intention of watching it that night. The next day I went to the store with my receipt and asked for an exchange for the same exact item due to the original being empty. Much to my surprise I was told that I would have to contact Sony and be sent another one from them. This made me upset since I wanted to watch the movie that night and not 2 – 4 weeks later. I asked to speak to the manager and explained my case to her. Her name was Jessica and she was very unhelpful. I felt very uncomfortable and she made me feel like it was my problem, even though I had purchased it from that store. I will even go on as far as to say that she made it seem like I was lying. She went on and repeated what the first person said, even though it appears, the DVD was taken from within the store by either a customer or employee.

I went back to my car and proceeded to call Sony and was told that it was not Sony’s policy to replace missing DVDs and that it would be a Best Buy issue since I purchased the DVD from Best Buy. Having heard this, I contacted Best Buy’s customer service and spoke with a Don. I told Don about my conversation with the person at Sony Pictures customer service. Don told me to go back into the store and to get the manager Jessica on the phone. I went back in and got Jessica to speak with Don on my cell phone. Jessica proceeded to tell Don that Sony would replace it and that I did not know what I was talking about. She was very condescending and I felt embarrassed since this was done in front of other customers. Don then told me that I had called the wrong number (the number that I was given initially by Best Buy) and to call again. He also gave me a case number, which is 20923. I was very upset at this point. I had already wasted over an hour of my Saturday afternoon. I went back to my car and called the number Don had given me. I was then told by the customer service rep at Sony to call another number. Upon calling this number, I was told the same thing. Sony would not exchange the DVDs but rather it is a Best Buy issue. If you would like to call Sony yourselves, the correct number to call is (800) 942 – 7669. Upon hearing this, I called Best Buy customer service again to speak to Don but he was nowhere to be found. I spoke to another representative and upon hearing my case; she said she would send me a gift card for $19.99, which was the price of the DVD. I agreed since this is the best that the top electronics retailer in North America could offer me. This still does not cover tax or the amount of frustration I had to deal with on Saturday. I spent close to 2 hours dealing with this mess, when in fact I was the one that had spent hard earned money on an empty DVD case.

I am just simply baffled and at the same time appalled at the service that I was given. I never go to the trouble to write drawn out letters like this, but I just needed to help let out my frustration. I am not one to make a big deal about $20. I have been a pretty loyal customer for the last few years due to the great prices you guys have. Unfortunately, I do not think I will be shopping at your store anymore nor do I think my associates will shop there either. Once I receive the gift card (that’s even if I receive it), I will purchase another Layer Cake DVD and that will be it. It’s very unfortunate too. I used to enjoy shopping at your store. It also baffles me how you claim on your website, “Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE: BBY) is an innovative Fortune 100 growth company that continually strives to create superior customer experiences”. I am pretty sure that if I were to have the same thing happen at another store, they would have simply exchanged the DVD for me since I did have my receipt. I guess this is just another example of how a loyal supporting customer gets the short end of the stick.

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If my pal NMN was here right now, he'd urge us all to get along better because that's what he was all about. NMN is like a teddy bear in a scorpion suit. Sometimes he stings, but underneath he's really just a cute and cuddly bear with a heart of gold.

that post is the worse

Don't be hatin', love.

This post, on the other hand, was the best in that thread:


..i'm not anti gay ...i'm anti douche bag..........

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ohhhhh you mean how we all got you and your boy Ante to really believe that you got under my skin...we all fucking owned you including your boy frederick....you sending IMs back and forth thinking I really wanted to fight you hahah yeah everyone was in on that making you look like a fool...those were good times :pint:

ohhhhh you mean how we all got you and your boy Ante to really believe that you got under my skin...we all fucking owned you including your boy frederick..

Negative. I really got under your skin. Stop backpedaling and own up already.

you sending IMs back and forth thinking I really wanted to fight you hahah yeah everyone was in on that making you look like a fool.

Stop lying cunt - you were afraid of me. You wouldn't fight me solo and threatened to have your boys come after me? :rofl: Oh I forgot, being the true man you are, you also threatened to have Jenny come after me. Hiding behind her as well?


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i played you so bad the fact that you still believe that you fucking herb...everyone was in on me just pretending to be upset...you think anything you could ever say to me on the intraweb would bother me...the fact that everone would just sit and talk behind your back and say what a fucking weirdo you were is good enough for me...

Ante: "yo doom isn't that bad man why do you hate him so much"? hahahah .... you two fags are perfect for each other

Talk behind my back? Who the fuck do we know in common besides Ghost and Smokesum, and why do I give a shit to be accepted by your e-clique?

Give it up, I got under your skin. I already knew that you were not coming out of Friday, so how could you possibly play me? I was encouraging you to come, so I could see you in person.

When Deepspell was playing at Sully, you were afraid of me. Threatening to stick your boys and girlfriend on me like a real man. You said "no I don't fight fair". I can't believe you're that much of a coward to have your girlfriend fight your battles. Like it said on the log, I knew that you were posting this on CP and I'm more than willing to take you on anytime.

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dude they got u pretty good..u really think this kid was gona fight you over some internet beef? and who says theyre gona get their gf after you?? lmao ..come on...uve been had

I don't get how he "had" me. I didn't get "shook" and went to work like it was any normal day. :confused:

And the gf part was a different event. That was Deepspell at Sully, when he offered to send out his "girl and boys" on me. I knew all along he wasn't going to Crobar.

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sall good doom.... drinks on me if we're out together :pint:

you're a good man... i don't care what anyone says about you... i must admit that i impress myself sometimes... you really thought i was serious saying things like "yeah man but you really crossed the line with this shit talking about my family and my girl, etc..."

the best was you coming back with "wow i got under the infamous NMN's skin...whats the matter you can give it out but you can't take it" or something to that effect....come on bro

"yeah man but you really crossed the line with this shit talking about my family and my girl, etc..." Stopy lying, you never said that. :confused:

I don't get how you "had" me. If you were going to come at me, I was more than willing to have a go. I didn't wait for you both nights.

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dude..accept it..someone got one over on you..you're not omniscient..it happens.

and when i say he "HAD YOU" doesnt mean that he had u scared or w/e...but he HAD YOU really believing he was mad and wanted to fight..a jokey joke..

I knew he definitely wasn't going to Crobar, so why would I think he was coming to fight me? :confused:

He definitely was angry, that's for sure. He's backtracking now.

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bro why are you getting so defensive? you still don't get it... i was never going to "come at you".... was never bothered by anything you said... it was an act

comprende? we cool yo....

But you were . . . stop playing it off.

I think we're cool, as long as you're okay with me thinking of you as a lowlife piece of shit.

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