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Where are all the...

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...goodlooking/attractive guys? It seems that whenever I go out (to clubs, after work spots, the street of nyc), I see way more goodlooking women than men. What's up with that?? Is it that we women take the time to make sure that we look good when we go out? Any one have any thoughts on this matter, and how the heck we can fix this very troubling problem?? I want to date too goddammit!!

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diva it depends where you go...if you to hole in the wall after the work ...its a good chance that you aren't going to find and fine guys around....trust me their out there..I speak for myself ..your just looking in the wrong location....peace


Don't Stop Until its all Done!

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Diva I know what you are talkin' about. Whats up with that?!!? What spots in particular are you talking about....I wanna have a good time too but I also want to meet some good-lookin' people (preferably men). Ah well...Viva la musica!


Tutto e possibile!

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I go to Exit, SF, I'm also in the hamptons, and I go down the shore. Last night I went to Bryant Park, then Lunar park, to do the after-work thing... I don't go to hole-in-the-wall places, they are not at all my style. I don't really think I'm looking in the wrong places...

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It depends what clubs you go to, I suppose. Whenever I am at SF I always think the guys look better than the girls when I'm out. Plus, it always seems like the ratio of guys to girls is like 2 to 1. On top of that, 90% of the good looking girls go with their boyfriends. I can't blame girls not going alone though. When I go with my girlfriend, if I move more than 3 feet away from her some guy inevitably moves in to try the ass-grab approach. If I was a girl I wouldn't want to endure a whole night of that. That said, my girlfriend loves looking at all the men at SF, even though she likes the Twilo/Vinyl music better than JP.

I also guess it depends what type of guys you like. If by nice looking you mean flashy dressing dudes, the big club scene places won't be good for that. I would never wear something nice to one of those places, by mid morning it will be ruined.

The girls who dress up don't need expensive stuff to look fantastically sexy. They can buy a tight top for $10 that looks like the sexiest thing ever, and not give a damn if it gets sweaty and they have to throw it out.

Also, I think clubs are generally a bad place to find boyfriends/girlfriends. If you are a single good looking guy and try to approach a girl nicely, more often than not she will lump you in with all the aforementioned annoying ass grabbers she has put up with that night, and she won't give you the time of day. If you are a single good looking woman, you will probably be on your guard and assume guys approaching are not worth your time. So, although its inefficient, I think its better to meet people through work/school/friends/etc. than trying to meet people blindly in clubs.

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It depends what clubs you go to, I suppose. Whenever I am at SF I always think the guys look better than the girls when I'm out. Plus, it always seems like the ratio of guys to girls is like 2 to 1. On top of that, 90% of the good looking girls go with their boyfriends. I can't blame girls not going alone though. When I go with my girlfriend, if I move more than 3 feet away from her some guy inevitably moves in to try the ass-grab approach. If I was a girl I wouldn't want to endure a whole night of that. That said, my girlfriend loves looking at all the men at SF, even though she likes the Twilo/Vinyl music better than JP.

I also guess it depends what type of guys you like. If by nice looking you mean flashy dressing dudes, the big club scene places won't be good for that. I would never wear something nice to one of those places, by mid morning it will be ruined.

The girls who dress up don't need expensive stuff to look fantastically sexy. They can buy a tight top for $10 that looks like the sexiest thing ever, and not give a damn if it gets sweaty and they have to throw it out.

Also, I think clubs are generally a bad place to find boyfriends/girlfriends. If you are a single good looking guy and try to approach a girl nicely, more often than not she will lump you in with all the aforementioned annoying ass grabbers she has put up with that night, and she won't give you the time of day. If you are a single good looking woman, you will probably be on your guard and assume guys approaching are not worth your time. So, although its inefficient, I think its better to meet people through work/school/friends/etc. than trying to meet people blindly in clubs.

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Originally posted by john58:

I think clubs are generally a bad place to find boyfriends/girlfriends. If you are a single good looking guy and try to approach a girl nicely, more often than not she will lump you in with all the aforementioned annoying ass grabbers she has put up with that night, and she won't give you the time of day.

DUDE, I am SO with you on that one. I think I'm a good looking dude, yet I get all the bullshit from girls in these clubs, and to be honest, when I'm "good" all I want to do is talk, I'm not even even going for it. Go FIG-,

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Well said. It's true when a great looking cool attitude guy tries to talk to a women in a club it's an insatant label.

As far as Luna Park and Byrant park, they get good looking corp crowds. However eveyone there hangs out with there possey and it's hard for a single guy to break into the group.



Saci Fri, Joe's Pub Sat.


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All I have ever gotten from guys Ive met at clubs are disappointments. Theres no way Im going to find LOVE there but I have soo much in common with them that it seems possible. Yet, I cant seem to meet guys anywhere else but the club. Something must be wrong.........


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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john...i think you have a good grasp of the situation....personally i, a good looking, decently dressed guy, find all the grabass stuff discusting to the point that when I go out i don't even want to make a move on a girl in the fear that i will be grouped by other clubbers, and or the girl in question, as the assgrabbing type. so instead i just act as though i'm the only person in the world...which of course doesn't help my social life one bit. clubs are great places to go with people and dance, and have fun, but their not, at least in my experiance, great places to meet people who you don't have common aquatance with.

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Well said. It's true when a great looking cool attitude guy tries to talk to a women in a club it's an insatant label.

As far as Luna Park and Byrant park, they get good looking corp crowds. However eveyone there hangs out with there possey and it's hard for a single guy to break into the group.



Saci Fri, Joe's Pub Sat.


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I tend to agree with the sentiments that one may not be able to make a love connection in a club.

But I don't agree fully...a guy in a club is someone who loves what I love and chances are he won't try to stop me from going out dancing - he'll come with me!

If a guy approaches me the right way - ie: makes eye contact and dances with me, with a respectable distance between us - and I find him attractive - he's got a foot in the door and I won't give him the treatment that some ass-grabbing fool will get! I will even approach a guy I fancy - no double standards for this gal. But alas, the cute ones are always snatched up right quick!

BTW, I'm not looking for some flashy, I'm-so-hot-you-know-you-want-me type of guy. A comfy pair of cargo pants and tank top can be quite sexy on the athletic type of guys I like.

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jill...I wish there was one definit answer but.. there are many places that could meet people ..work is one...unfortunatley at my job...everyone is fucking old... or married with kids....but I sometimes find them at school or at a bar...like a bar which you can actually havea conversation...sometimes on the street..the part that sucks is that you actually meet someone that you think is worth dating only to find out that theyare already taken....but like someone else stated before....you'l find them when you least expect them....don't look too hard.


Don't Stop Until its all Done!

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I think in general, you guys might be right in that you can't meet gf/bf at clubs but I DO know a few exceptions...(also I'm sure BlueAngel will agree with me).

Other than that..hmm.....friends, work, gym, etc, etc..(anyone here ever try a singles bar - I'm curious).

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Everyone I knows yells at me for meeting guys at clubs. Saying that thats the wrong place to find a decent guy. Which maybe its true and maybe its not. But really, where are we supposed to meet a good guy? Restaurant... Dont think so. Library...never go there. On the street...umm possible psycho.So where then? If you guys are all decent as you say.....where can I find you when youre not in a club??????????????????


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Just name the time and place MsKittie!!


I don't think there has to be a special place to meet someone. I guess the main thing is be friendly to everyone...just smile at people you see (esp. the ones that are cute). Its so much easier for someone to talk to you when they see you're open and friendly. I've seen so many chicks (and guys) walking around with their noses in the air like they're f***in royalty (and half of them aren't even cute).

My 2 cs.

Good hunting all! smile.gif

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yo know everyone says the same shit about meeting someone at a club. 'thats not the type of guy/girl you want a relationship with' meanwhile you're clubbing all the time, so why cant other cool people be clubbing all the time. i agree that those going out lookin to hook up are the types you dont wanna hook up with, unless its a 1nighter, but u'd be surprised at how many 'nice' people are clubbers. you just gotta go with the flow and not put toomuch thought into it, and that really goes for anything in life not just trying to find a significant other.


deez nuts

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Ok I never pass up a chance to meet someone new or talk to someone in a club. Im always smiling and laughing and giggling, acting wacking, whatever. But I never really believed people when they said a club was a place you wouldnt want to look for someone. But Ive met sooo many wonderful people who have many common interestes with me other than the club scene. I dont know. I give up on dating!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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