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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

I feel so young!

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lol. i was thinking almost the same thing the other day on my birthday...but on the other end...i just turned 27. yikes. but not to worry-age is just a thing and all of these people seem so cool that i am sure there will be ppl your age you like and lots that are not that you will like too. smile.gif

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There are only two sets of people who care how old you are. The police and the bouncers.

Your age is what you present. If you are 18 and you pass as 24, fine. If you are 27 and pass as 20 great. Age really is not a factor, unless you are under 18. ( I wonder why...)

At this time in your life, age is only a measure not a guide. We dread each passing day and wonder if we filled it to our ability. Share here with all of us your and our general experinces so that we each may grow.

I am feeling philosophical as I am now recovering from a motorcycle accident and have a broken bone to heal. I will be out next weekend, but more likely than not, very careful...



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hey xtckitkat....I am only 20(just turned on Sat)...its cool that you 18, i was clubbing at 18 too...and i gotta tell you WHO CARES!!! you are having fun like everyone else in there!!! Us youngins are out there dancing our asses off just like the other people!! And we are cute and innocent looking...hehe!! But like someone else said...age is just a state of mind!!!Don't feel young, just be happy that your days will go on and on well the older people will be having babies and taking care of their families!! Have fun!!<333

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smiley...i'm 19...and study my ass off and have two jobs(a nine to five and a five to one) and yet i still have time to sit around on the board(as i answer phones for one of the jobs)....


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

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