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Puppy Needs a Home

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I know this is a little off our usual subjects but a friend of mine is getting kicked out of her place and she really has to find a home for her puppy. It's a year old bull terrier female. It's really tiny and pure white. She's the sweetest, cutest dog I've ever met. I'd take her but I have two already and they wouldn't be too pleased if I brought ANOTHER bitch around. If she can't find a place in two weeks she may put it to sleep! I've exhausted all my other resources and my club buddies are the last resort. E mail your friends PLEASE. Thanks. PEACE!

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Of course I got rid of them!!! Weren't you supposed to take one? I'm getting more in September. Blondie's sister's cat is ready to give birth. You know I'll be posting something! I just can't deal with seeing such a young cute dog being put to sleep. BTW, my pup may have to have surgery so say a prayer for her! Say hi to that sexy man of yours.

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Hey I may be able to help you. My mother is a bredder of Irish Wolfhounds and yet she also knows many people who are dog rescuers. She may be able to find a home for the pup but I will have to run it across her first. If anything, give me an email and Ill get back to you most likely sometime tomorrow.



~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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BTW, let me just ask you, is the dog deaf by any chance? Usually dogs especially this breed, when they are all white they are deaf.

I happen to have a male at home but hes brindle and white.

Also, what is considered "small" to you? How much does she weigh and whats her height at the shoulder blade?

Is she protective? At this age, and particularly for this breed, its harder to get rid of them. Anything you can tell me about the dog would be helpful.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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this is kind of on this subject but mainly i just want to know if i'm crazy or not.

today on my way to work i was walking across hoboken and coming towards me was a woman walking a cute yellow boxer pup..about a year old....as i walked by her the dog looked up at me curiously and i said to the dog, "hey doggie". it wasn't until i few steps later that i realized that when i spoke to her dog that the woman had not looked at me as i spoke to her dog in that same way people don't look at the crazy homeless people asking for change. i thought about it somemore and realised that everytime i pass a dog, pretty much, i say something to(i think cuz i miss having a dog) and that everytime the closest human to me(usually the owner or the dog in question) doesn't look at me like i'm crazy.


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

[This message has been edited by foodbark (edited 08-17-2000).]

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