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quit bitchin' about the raids...

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here's a bright fucking idea...DRUGS ARE FUCKIN ILLEGAL! And some of you ppl go bitchin and whinin about raids and shit... blaming giuliani this and giuliani that... well, wtf u expect? You do illegal shit and you'll get in trouble for it.

Having drugs inside a club is a privilage, not a right. Walk around with that attitude and you'll feel much better about yourself and your nights.

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We're bitchin cause they stopped the party not because they caught the drug dealers. If they raided so many clubs how come only Vinyl closed down ? A kid died at Twilo and nobody closed it down (not to say that I think Twilo should be closed). The truth is that the raids were a polictical move not a police one. Think about the timing of the raids and u will understand why they happened. I am just glad that they didn't close down all the clubs like they did Vinyl otherwise I would have been really pissed.

Whether one takes drugs or not is a personal matter there are many people who go to clubs and don't take drugs. The truth is NYPD u will not be able to stop the war on drugs by catching the small time dealers and the 18 year old kids who have 2 rolls on them. U want to catch the crooks catch the one's who are selling 1000's of pills. There're usually the one's who live in real nice houses not the guys at the clubs.

PLUR smile.gif


Why ?

cause "Vinyl is the Answer"

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well i'll bitch because friday at vinyl was a special night for danny and close friends not to mention the fans who knew about it...it marked the pre release of his new Global Underground, something he's been looking forward to doing and into the first track he was asked to stop the music and then told the club was being shut down...because 7 patrons were arrested for drugs and 2 employees, considering 50% of Twilo's security staff recently was caught dealing drugs and someone died there in the last few months not to mention the amount of house dealers they have in their it amazes me that they close a place like vinyl which is the most drug free out of any club in the city...and where it really is about the music and vibe...that is what is upsetting...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I don't think Danny will leave Vinyl regardless of Home coming Stateside, is it even definite yet? Regardless of that unless something serious at Vinyl goes down, don't look for him to leave, he's happy there smile.gif


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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