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Guest genevieve

Brandie, I don't think you should feel regretful on posting this matter. Everyone on this board should not hesitate to vent what's on their mind or how they feel. We're all here for each other through good and bad. Sometimes that's all you need is to talk to someone or get a second opinion on a situation. I think BlueAngel has agreat idea on the silver ribbons. Maybe we could hand them out when we go out! MissKitty, I know how your feeling and appriciate your dedication. Maybe if we can do something with the ribbons or the media it would go way farther and get heard by more people than donations. Plus, the media loves charitable coverage and it's usually free! Then someone who has lots of dough to blow might want to help. Let's not forget ......IT'S NOT WHAT YOU DO BUT WHY YOU DO IT!

[This message has been edited by genevieve (edited 08-21-2000).]

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Hey Miss Kittie. I am willing to help you out in putting together a fund-raiser.

I have many contacts that may be willing to help out with this. Currently I promote events @ SACI on Friday's and Joe's Pub on Sat. I know our scenes are totally different. But I am willing to offer my services "pro bono".

Contact me @ a_sardinas@hotmail.com

Warm Regards,

Antonio Sardinas

FLAVA Promotions

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Well insulting anyone was not the point of this. I wasnt trying to judge yet many are mad about the comment I made about the drugs and whats bought in what amounts. It was said as a reply to what Cazz said to me in his post..."You have no idea what our financial or time constraints are." It wasnt meant for any other reason than that.

Im going to apologize to those of you who are upset by my comments in this thread. It just kills me knowing someone else took their live when theres so much that coud be done to prevent this. I myself have lost many people to suicide and nearly lost my mother. The fear of living everyday thinking someone else close to me may die is petrifying. The way many of my friends and even family have died to suicide is extremely morbid and its a very touchy subject for me to deal with. I saw in the post by Brandi how even gave their condolences and made it seem as though they would be there to help. Well, heres a way. We can do something. Over the weekend I was trying to find some ways to do this and it seems to be coming along.

Thank you for those of you who did give some ideas. Im sorry if any of you think I was judging but if you knew me, you would know that I dont judge anyone. But I do get upset when it seems everyone talks but noone really does anything. Kindly all end this post, if you have something to say to me then Private Mesage me. Only continue this if it has GOOD. If you have found an organization or have any ideas then post them here. Otherwise, if you would like to yell at me, PM me. Thank you.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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i think talking and writing are great forms of therapy . . .

maybe we could get Dave the administrator to add a section on this site strictly for that use . . .

from my short time here, i can feel the sincerity of everyone that posts. we've developed into a strong community and at the same time we are total strangers. if someone has a problem about relationships, work, or social life, there are many meaningful replies that really try to console or counsel that person. i've been on the receiving end a few times. it's online therapy for anyone in need. maybe it's extreme, but imagine if someone had written to us contemplating suicide. i'm sure we would do everything in our power to help this person . . . just a suggestion . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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