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This is F'd up/ Whitmann and Jersey Clubs - Read

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I'm trying to get my hands on the letter to scan it and put it up. It was sent to every establishment that holds a liquor license. If you have a New Jersey Liqour License the state has every right to put undercover cops inside without the establishment knowing. It said due to the problem with Extacy, K, GHB, blah,blah,blah. The LL holder can lose the license if caught dealing. Be careful this isn't a joke I read the letter, the owner of a club I used to work at has it. More info when I get it.


It's all in the music

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because God forbid they do anything other than the taxable alcohol. Whitman, "Kids please we know they are both bad but we feel that if your going to hurt yourself in any way then at least we should be making profit off of it."

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This is just another reason why the War on Drugs must end. How many other privacies must be violated before someone speaks out? This kinda shit really pisses me off. "Your cell phones may be tapped because many drug deals take place over them." C'mon people! They're taking our rights away slowly just so that we can't choose what we put in our bodies. And if you get the Star Ledger, read the Op-Ed piece from today. It is some dude defending the great War.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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Screw it, I'll type it in for y'all. This stuff really really makes me angry...


by Matthew Hopkins

Many people are saying we should end the "failed drug war." The logic goes something like this: There has been a war on drugs, but drugs are still around, so obviously the war has failed. Besides, drug use is a victimless crime, and drug users need rehabilitation, not jail time.

There are many problems with these arguments. First, the idea that the continued existence of drug abuse means that the drug war must have failed is poor reasoning. There is no telling what the rate of abuse would be if law enforcement weren't fighting the drug trade. Also, the logic of "failed war" argument could be extended to say the continued existence of cancer means the fight against that disease has failed and should be abandoned.

Next, drug use is not a victimless crime. In addition to all the victimes of crimes committed by people under the influence of drugs, the user himself is a victim.

I have no problem with people arrested for drug use being sent to rehab programs. But I do not believe that drug arrests should be excluded from criminal records or that drug use should be viewed as a personal mistake and not a crime.

My main reason for opposing calls to end the drug war is simple: Drugs are evil. I know that today it is not fashionable to talk about such an absolute moral term as evil. And it is seen to be especially foolish to apply that to term to inanimate chemicals. However, I stand by my belief that drugs are evil.

Drug addicts lie, cheat and steal to support their habits. Drug use destroys friendships and rips apart families. People under the influence of drugs do thing they never would under normal circumstances. Dealers know what they are selling is poison, but they continue to sell because of greed and lust for power. Drug addiction takes over a person's life and controls his actions just as much as any demon from myth. If these are not elements of evil, then nothing is.

The fight against drugs is not easy, but it is a just cause. There will always be drug use, but that does not mean we are defeated. We may never be able to claim final victory in the war, but that does not mean we should surrender.

I AM SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW. I am so close to tears because of this moron's ignorance. Our current President of the United States smoked pot. Our Vice-President admitted he did too (and his best friend from the '70s said he was a pothead.) The other presidential candidate was a cokehead who probably did numerous other drugs. Screw it, I'm not gonna bother going further.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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Originally posted by godslze:

Screw it, I'll type it in for y'all. This stuff really really makes me angry...


by Matthew Hopkins

Many people are saying we should end the "failed drug war." The logic goes something like this: There has been a war on drugs, but drugs are still around, so obviously the war has failed. Besides, drug use is a victimless crime, and drug users need rehabilitation, not jail time.

There are many problems with these arguments. First, the idea that the continued existence of drug abuse means that the drug war must have failed is poor reasoning. There is no telling what the rate of abuse would be if law enforcement weren't fighting the drug trade. Also, the logic of "failed war" argument could be extended to say the continued existence of cancer means the fight against that disease has failed and should be abandoned.

Next, drug use is not a victimless crime. In addition to all the victimes of crimes committed by people under the influence of drugs, the user himself is a victim.

I have no problem with people arrested for drug use being sent to rehab programs. But I do not believe that drug arrests should be excluded from criminal records or that drug use should be viewed as a personal mistake and not a crime.

My main reason for opposing calls to end the drug war is simple: Drugs are evil. I know that today it is not fashionable to talk about such an absolute moral term as evil. And it is seen to be especially foolish to apply that to term to inanimate chemicals. However, I stand by my belief that drugs are evil.

Drug addicts lie, cheat and steal to support their habits. Drug use destroys friendships and rips apart families. People under the influence of drugs do thing they never would under normal circumstances. Dealers know what they are selling is poison, but they continue to sell because of greed and lust for power. Drug addiction takes over a person's life and controls his actions just as much as any demon from myth. If these are not elements of evil, then nothing is.

The fight against drugs is not easy, but it is a just cause. There will always be drug use, but that does not mean we are defeated. We may never be able to claim final victory in the war, but that does not mean we should surrender.

I AM SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW. I am so close to tears because of this moron's ignorance. Our current President of the United States smoked pot. Our Vice-President admitted he did too (and his best friend from the '70s said he was a pothead.) The other presidential candidate was a cokehead who probably did numerous other drugs. Screw it, I'm not gonna bother going further.

Like your energy and passion ..wanna do something about this bullshit? Send me direct e-mail largueta2@aol.com

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