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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hates America and freedom

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Hyperbolic? Perhaps. But that’s the only conclusion I could come to after reading this morning that Reid is planning an end-run around Chris Dodd’s threat to filibuster any FISA legislation that contains immunity for telecom companies that participated in the NSA spying program. Glenn Greenwald, as always, has all the nasty details. More from Lambert at Correntewire and Matt Stoller.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about this, so here’s a reminder of why preventing telecom immunity is important. And Chris Dodd’s campaign has tips on what you can do to support the filibuster.

I used to support Harry Reid during the darkest days of GOP domination of Congress in the Bush era. He demonstrated gumption and courage when necessary. I don’t know what happened to that man, but this guy is no friend to progressives, the Constitution, or his own party.

In one fell swoop, he is enabling the Republican party agenda of protection for corporate malfeasance, dispiriting and disenchanting the Democratic activist base, and cementing the image in the minds of the public that the Democrats are weak, cowardly pussies who won’t fight for principle even when they can win at it. Nice work if you can get it.

We need better laws, better Democrats, and real progressives in Congress. Harry Reid has shepherded too many unnecessary compromises that tar his party and make those of us who backed him look like fools. He, just like Bush and company, needs to go.

Upon taking the Senate floor to discuss the FISA reauthorization, Reid said “I’ll guarantee you right now, one thing that’s going to occur: not everyone will be happy. People have the obligation to do what they think is right.” Well, Harry, you’re right. We’re NOT happy, and we ARE going to do what we think is right. And that means getting you bounced out of your cushy Majority Leadership position and right out the doors of the Senate chamber.

And out of the USA too.


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