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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Wasted Day . . .

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It is ab so lutely amazing how people can ridicule others for an entire day . . . everyone is entitled to do as they please - if Cuteness felt like expressing herself by wearing nothing, then so be it. No one bitches (except me) about all the fat girls that shove themselves into too-tight pleather short-shorts and have their rolls oooozing out of their halter tops . . . they wear what they like, whatever. They look like sluts, IMO.

hey guess what???

sometimes, I LOOK LIKE A "SLUT" WHEN I GO OUT. half the girls on this board prolly dress the same damn way - wearing next to nothing - it's freedom of expression. There are other days where I barely meet "dress to impress" . . WHO CARES? wear, or don't wear, for that matter, whatever hte fuck you want!

Nobody is saying anything about the general crowd at SF on saturday - lemme guess - ALL the girls wearing their lil thongs and everything else somehow managed to pass for "Non-sluts"? rolleyes.gif you've gotta be kidding me.

This topic is annoying . . . end it already people. The juvenile reactions of everyone to the fact that there was a naked girl in a club make me sick. They make everyone on this board look like jackasses, cause now the "WHOLE CNYC BOARD" has said something wrong and acted like three year olds. Sorry, today I'm not part of that.

Damn it, if I had a nice enough body, and my bf didn't care, I would have done it too. who gives a shit? get over it. really.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Thank you to everyone who responded nicely thus far . . . tommy sauce, thank you for your opinion, but as i stated too many times today, please STFU. thank you. i feel like a pre-school teacher having to talk to you like this. just leave the topic alone, everyone else will, but you, for some reason, find it necessary to continue on.

the_greatest= tommysauce or some other juvenile punk who won't post under their real name because just like a bunch of people said, they're hiding behind their keys. rolleyes.gif this is SO stupid.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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tAnk you Rally. biggrin.gif i luv you, too. *hugz*

maybe i can become an internet evangelist . . . any donations? wink.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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