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The Essential Guide to DJing by Danny Rampling


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Long-serving London house DJ Danny Rampling has published his first e-book, a motivational self-help tome called ‘How To Be A DJ’. Chatting on his sales portal theessentialguidetodjing.com, the newly re-inspired DJ promises his book will transform purchasers’ lives for just US$67, with a 60 day money back guaranteed by Danny himself.


“Dear Friend, My name is Danny Rampling and I have had the great fortune to live what many claim is a ‘charmed life’. I can’t disagree,†Danny enthuses at the top of his pitch. “I love what I do, do what I love and make a hugely rewarding living in the process. I travel the world every week to DJ at the best clubs in the world, make music, meet amazing people and effortlessly attract wonderful opportunities and continuous success into my life,†he continues. “Now for the first time ever, due to a huge demand of people around the world asking me to share my ‘secrets’, I have created a ‘blueprint’ for success that ANYONE can follow, sharing with you EVERYTHING that I attribute to my success, and the successes of other phenomenally happy, healthy and wealthy individuals,†he writes.

The erstwhile Radio 1 DJ and acid house pioneer officially retired from DJing two years ago with a worldwide series of farewell parties, though returned to the decks just 12 months later after discovering controversial ‘personal development’ organisation the Success University. The ‘University’ offers visitors a ‘step by step marketing system that can earn you thousands of dollars a month for a US $2 fee’ and is run by Ketan Hirani and Kalpesh Patel. Danny’s book focuses primarily on DJing rather than the SU, though also offers ‘the essential secrets to success that you can immediately apply in your life to achieve more, faster and with more fun and happiness’, he promises. He also takes a pot shot at ‘how to DJ’ books written by less famous authors, declaring;

“I couldn’t help noticing that a lot of the people who are giving advice on DJing, the music industry and even ‘success’ aren’t walking the talk. They are big on advice but low on results. I don’ t know about you but I like to learn from people who are getting the results I desire. Talk is cheap. It’s action that counts,†he enthuses. “I walk the walkâ€.


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