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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Citrine: Already Ous't?

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Well, we have to admit, we had our doubts about Citrine before last night's 'Grand Opening'. Unfortunately, our worst fears were confirmed. The pay-for-celebs-and-parties model for successful bottle service clubs expired some time ago (or has just been relegated to Miami and Vegas), but someone forgot to tell the management of Citrine. First things first, the place doesn't look anything like the renderings. As one of our commentors noted:

"The biggest mistake they made is that the picture floating around on the web (not the flyer discussed here, but something similar) sets such a high expectation, but looks nothing like the place itself," and "The actual interiors of Citrine look like they just took the old Snitch (which itself looked like a car repair garage without the fun lift, but was actually appropriate for the garage bands that played there) and added some long drapes, painted plywood, and cheap rubbery/plastic covered stools and cushions for the banquettes. The sort of thing I might have done when I was 8 or 9 trying to 'dress up' my friends grease-pit garage in order to impress and seduce 10 and 11 year old girls."

Ouch. What did we think?


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