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The Story of a Nightclub Owner with Kaine Rosado

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The Story of a Nightclub Owner with Kaine Rosado


The story of nightclub owner John Englebert AKA "JE" is a motivating one I must say. How many club owners out there have started and worked there way up the nightlife ladder to get where this guy is? From scenester to promoter to promoter to owner. The story of NYC club and restaurant owner "JE" is an interesting one. I caught up with JE on his AOL instant messenger screen-name.

Kaine Rosado: JE... For all the people that do not know who you are, what are you doing in Nightlife at the present moment?

JE: I co own MYST nightclub, RETOX nightclub and PRE:POST Restaurant lounge and am in the process of opening new lounge in October

Kaine Rosado: That is a lot going on right now for you. Can you tell us how you handle all the responsibility without going crazy? Do you have down time? What do you do when you are not working?

JE: I’m lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep but it’s easier to get up when your doing your dream and living everyday like you want to. I am always working thinking and planning

Kaine Rosado: So I guess your down time is work?

JE: Yes. No free time consent pre or post marketing. Marketing never stops it never sleeps, its always going

Kaine Rosado: How many Nightclub owners can say that! How did you get into the Nightlife industry?

JE: I started out just by getting a taste of the scene, hitting the underground rave and club scene back in the early 90s. I just went out all the time and new everyone. Promotions really came natural after a while. I started off working at Tunnel for legendary club owner Peter Gatien.

Kaine Rosado: When you say Rave, do you mean when Scotto was doing NASA?

JE: No the rave/underground scene was more then just Scotto. Scotto was a great influence dont get me wrong, he was very creative. Loved his flyers especially. Liquid sky, Caffeine, Park rave, Storm, Alan Sanctuary, Dennis the menace all great crews and guys that fueled the fire in the underground.

Kaine Rosado: Yes, I remember some of those crews. Amazing that we never met.

JE: We probably did....we probably crossed paths at that time but I have know you Kaine for a while, at least 10 years now.

Kaine Rosado: OK... So here you are..working as a promoter for the legendary club owner Peter Gatien. Did Tunnel and Disco 2000 on Wednesdays at Limelight teach you all you know? Do you think you still make mistakes with throwing a party and owning a Nightclub? Or does it come as 2nd nature?

JE: Disco 2000 I was a small sub there. Me and Richie Trix. Promotions was not taken serious at this time just more fun for me, getting free drink tickets and comps. I was a regular on Wednesday nights there. It was a fun party. The hot body contest with Larry Tee…the legendary "Pee Drinker". Crazy shit went on there. Disco 2000 gave me a lot of memories from that era. It showed me a different side of the scene. The Tunnel is where I really started to treat this scene as a business and take promotions serious. This is really where I developed into a promoter. When I throw a party or own a nightclub of course I make mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes with my first club QUO but you live and you learn. Mistakes make you wiser for the next project. I am still learning and will never stop learning.

Kaine Rosado: Wow JE, I could not answer that question better myself.

How did you get the money to be a co-owner of 4 locations in NYC?

JE: Let’s say I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth

Kaine Rosado: I know that. I have known you for many years. You just can't go and get a college degree on the Nightlife Business. You most start at a you age (like you and I) and learn as you grow. On that note, it is time to go out to Retox!

JE: OK. See you there!

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