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Clubplanet Nightlife Community



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11/1 - Roy Davis Jr, Jeff Craven, Phatman

11/2 - DJ Tony Trim, Chris Kozy

11/5 - DJ Gilly Smash

11/6 - Stunna vs Submorphics, DJ Carbide vs Grandmarquee, Ciro vs BRC

11/7 - Paco Osuna, Skoozbot, Mike Jay

11/8 - Gene Farris, Dayhota, Ori Kawa

11/9 - Panic! Music and Michief!, Pogo

11/12 - DJ Gilly Smash

11/13 - Sangre, Andy Farley, DJ Op, Traxxy

11/14 - DJ Fame, Mixin Marc, Alex Peace, TJR, The Yank

11/15 - Justin Long, Santiago, Bushido

11/16 - Sybris (DJ set)

11/19 - DJ Larissa, Epoch Fail, Boy 13

11/20 - D-Code, Jeekoos, Chris Widman, Phaded, Pinkushin

11/21 - Audiojack, Kink, Fortune

11/22 - Colette, East St. Louis Players

11/23 - Greg Haus

11/26 - Derrick Carter, James Curd, Justin Waite

11/27 - Julius the Mad Thinker, Monna, FLX, bigSEXY, Priti Gandhi

11/28 - Marc Houle (live), Sassmouth, Ryan Karlsen

11/29 - Miles Maeda, Aaron Dae, Jackola

11/30 - Pete Augusta


12/4 - Alfonz De La Mota, DJ Decay, Riverman vs The Ghost, Rifleman vs Incident

12/5 - Misstress Barbara, Frankie Vega, Philip Stone

12/6 - Kaskade, Wolfgang Gartner, Dani Deahl

12/7 - Scott Lucas

12/12 - Jeff Mills, Karl Meier, Tyrel Williams

12/13 - DJ Heather, Bear Who?, Brian Gardner

12/18 - Julius the Mad Thinker, Monna, FLX, bigSEXY, Priti Gandhi

12/19 - Wasted Chicago Youth (live), Justin Long, Mazi, Alena

12/21 - Ralphi Rosario

12/26 - Keith Mackenzie, Popstatic, Tonitz, Wyatt Agard, Vivid, Jude Raw

12/27 - Colette, Lady D, Brenda D

12/31 - Green Velvet (DJ set), Justin Long, Santiago, Ori Kawa


1/2 - Daniel Mnookin, Kiddo, Matthew Martin, James Lauer, Projekt Soundsystem

1/3 - Pat Nice, The Sound Republic, Blu Sol Revival, Chris Grant, CRS

1/17 - Justin Long, Alena

1/30 - Lindstrom, SR-71, Jerome Derradji

1/31 - Santiago, DJ Bam Bam, JPhlip


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