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Weekend Round Up: Happy 2009!

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Welcome to 2009 everyone! In case you slept through the weekend, here's what you missed.

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  • A writer who already hated absinthe goes deep into the absinthe revival and shockingly discovers that she still hates absinthe, comparing the fad to "ear piercing for men, tattoos on women, those cigar bars, pole-dancing-aerobics classes, mind erasers, blogging about one’s bikini grooming, naming one’s bong after a cartoon character." Her various tastings conjured thoughts of mouthwash and licorice, helping to reinforce her pre-conceived notions of absinthe as being overrated. It seems silly to seek out a trend that's not a trend just to bash it. Why not just not order absinthe? [NYT]
  • Been dying to know more about the most powerful doormen in New York City? Why not read this fascinating and expertly written expose that tells you (almost) everything you could ever want to know about Wass, Binn, Jonny Lennon, Angelo and Frans. [P6 Mag]
  • Free drinks and how to find bars serving free drinks! [NYT]
  • Britain rang in the New Year their own special way - by getting blitzkrieg drunk and placing 999 calls every 7 seconds, which is the "second highest volume of calls since the Millennium". Here's to a classy 2009. [Daily Mail]


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