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Six Degrees of Mickey Rourke Continued…

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mickey_rourke1-125x113.jpgBack in March we ran a piece on actor/clubber Mickey Rourke and how he hooked up a group of his NYC nightlife buddies with parts in The Wrestler.* These guys of course are doormen at select Rourke haunts in the city (namely 1 Oak and Cipriani Sundays), and happen to also be budding actors (Though Wass Stevens has definitely gained a lot of traction over the years pre-Wrestler).

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In any event, it recently came to our attention that Rourke even hooks up his nightlife friends(promoters) who aren’t actors.* What a nice guy to give back to those who have given him so much!* Enter into evidence his acceptance speech at the 2009 Spirit Award’s.* This Rourkesian speech is replete with profanities, unexpected twists and turns, a shout out to Eric Roberts (someone whose career has not been resuscitated, but M. Rourke thinks should be), and aptly displays his loose-cannon nature.* Probably a good case study in how not to set yourself up for an Oscar win. But alas, M. Rourke in all of his glory.

Nevertheless, the most curious fact about this speech is the prescene of Unik right behind Aronofsky.* If you go to 5:13 of the video, its probably the most clear shot, however, he is present throughout.* Unik, was a partner in the now defunct nightclub PM in Meat Packing (the space will reopen as Griffin shortly).* He also heads up the Sunday night party at Cipriani Downtown, and has been a stalwart model/celeb wrangler for years.* No doubt Unik has set up Rourke for years (even when his career was floundering), and it looks like Mickey returned the favor.

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