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Women and music...Girl about Town

Guest shannon_coolj.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

I have to comment on Sarah's column "Girl About Town" because I totally agree--

Why is it that men find it surprising when females know about programming, music software/hardware and other technical aspects?

It never fails: when we interview producers/DJs or talk to guys about it, there's this look of surprise on their faces when we can converse with them about music production, etc...

FYI--We love music and have a deep passion for it...so no, we don't just gossip about the latest Versace dress or what color lipstick we like.

Well, that was my 2 cents :)

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Guest endymion

If you're offended because you think that the boys are disrespecting you then you might be misunderstanding at least some of them.

In some cases the boys that you are talking to are surprised because they have been looking for competent women and they have not been finding them. Guys who are into strong, intelligent women are used to turning over a lot of rocks and finding a lot of frogs. There are an awful lot of women out there who do not make suitable intellectual companions, and those are the ones who normally dress up, go to a club, and try to get the DJ's attention.

Boys who appreciate a woman with half a brain might look surprised when you start talking about in-progress white labels, but in those cases it isn't because we are assuming in advance that you're an idiot. In a lot of cases you might be talking to a guy who has fantasized about finding a hot girl who knows a MIDI event from a MOD player, but we have just learned to be skeptical about our chances of finding somebody like that.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

Actually, I'm not offended by it. I just thought I'd comment on Sarah's unerring observation. :)

You're right, endymion. But I hope many men are beginning to realize that there are actually women who can sit down with them and hold their own when talking about music.

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Guest endymion

Well there are some men who will just never get it and will never see past your gender. There are also plenty women who think that I'm less of a man because I know the difference between Prada and Vuitton.

Those people do offend me. The trick is learning to peacefully coexist with them while trying to identify people with more tolerable attitudes.

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Guest pod

I love it when a girl can hold their own in a conversation with me. As all my co-junkies can attest, I tend to get a little out there sometimes. Nick has to nudge me when I somehow deviate from criticizing a club or something, and turn the conversation into how much bandwidth would you need to replicate the human body, quark for quark, at a distance...

Though I'm not shocked to find out that Sarah can hold her own in a music-technology related conversation...she interviews and hangs out with DJs, producers, and other like-minded individuals, so it's bound to rub off...sure it's happening in other fields, too...hell, just the other weekend, she made a wonderful photo of Shannon and myself, using my 10D, which tends to befuddle 99% of the population. I'm sure by now she's aware of the basics, f-stops, ISOs, focal lengths, barrel distortion, crop factors, etc...:) My technobabble must be catching!

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Guest pod

Hey, I'm just passing on some of your knowledge too :)

If the CJ staff could cluster their brains somehow (ob. Slashdot 'Imagin a Beowulf..' post), it'd be some sort of superbrain...schizophrenic beyond recognition though! 8)

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Guest shannon_coolj.

Well, we cooljunkie girls have to know about music...we're around it all the time and we love it!


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I have to comment on Sarah's column "Girl About Town" because I totally agree--

Why is it that men find it surprising when females know about programming, music software/hardware and other technical aspects?

It never fails: when we interview producers/DJs or talk to guys about it, there's this look of surprise on their faces when we can converse with them about music production, etc...

FYI--We love music and have a deep passion for it...so no, we don't just gossip about the latest Versace dress or what color lipstick we like.  

Well, that was my 2 cents  :)

Perhaps I am the "odd one out the bucket", but I have always preferred to work with women on creative endeavors... particularly music. The female approach to lyrics/melody/harmony can be so completely different to that of the male, it makes me wonder why the combination is not more common. Unfortunately, technology is viewed more as a "guy" thing and seems to scare off a lot of women. This includes DJing. While things may slowly be changing now (MP3s CDs etc..), it was rare indeed that I came across a girl who enjoyed carrying crates of 12" vinyl in and out of clubs or cabling a rack of outboard gear. The women I have known involved in music have been mostly vocalists, some keyboard players and a few Djs (mostly steady gigs). Funny thing is that I think there are far more women in to self expression than guys. Hopefully, this will mean that as technology progresses and becomes less "obtrusive" to the creative process, more women will join in to this otherwise male dominated industry...

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Guest pod

Obtrusive technology is fun :) Nothing is cooler than a big ol' rack of servers humming away in your apartment :)

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Guest sarahcj

Well where did your knowledge come from Vinyl Junkie, born omnipotent were we?? ;)

I don't know about any one else, but I learn't most of my stuff from magazines and the internet. Haven't found many DJ's into giving lectures in a club...


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Ok Sarah now you've got me started! :D

I have nothing but respect for 'people' that have drive and passion and a willingness to learn. Shannon is the perfect example. She'll read pro audio mags (how cool is that boys..). Keeping up to date with the latest production software. Ask her, she knows. And if she doesn't she will strive to learn. She asks me stuff about dj'ing, music, vinyl, everything all the time, and I ask her plenty of stuff too. We talk music for hours. We exchange our knowledge, and as we are both interested in what we are talking about  the actual 'learning' comes naturally, as you push to gain as much information as you can. Though my motivation 'as a boy' to learn, may be different, the outcome however, regardless of gender is relative to the drive and passion you have as a person. Person is driven = knows lots of stuff. :)

Sarah, you yourself are an extremely driven person, you are intelligent and also a great person, people love you because you are Sarah and not because you are female.

As our industry is sadly very one-sided and controlled by intimidating chauvinistic males, it would be nice to be able to sit back and see the balance take shape, it already is...if it wasn't for you Sarah, Fredda (waddup!), and of course Shannon, this industry would be unbearable, even for the most hard headed of people. And as more talented girls head the way, this industry will flourish. Soon we'll be seeing the top 100 Dj being a Miss not a Mr., soon the president will be a Mrs., then we'll have this same discussion, now that thread would be fun to read.


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Guest coach

I love smart girls! (Just ask my smart girlfriend.) Actually, in general I have found that I like female DJs better than male. One of my favorites right now is Eve Falcon. She frikkin TORE it up at Ultra. http://www.divadjs.com/DJs/EveFalcon/EveFalcon.htm and http://www.clubradio.net/dj/djinfo.cfm?djid=1241

No point really, just wanted to join in the lovefest!

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Guest pod

On the topic of girl DJs, local fave Sage Molotov is playing tonight at Flute, Saturday Morning at Space 34, and Monday July 14th at Back Door Bamby for a special birthday set.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

Ah, the incorrigible Vinyljunkie, you redeemed yourself with that second post...lucky for you.  ;)

Actually, I get most of my brain power from my mother so apparently, I did get my knowledge from a female source...well, at least the ability to absorb knowledge.

But thank you, Vinyl Junkie,  for saying all the kind words. It really means a lot.   ;)

And thank you Sarah..because as usual, you always have witty, sharp things to say...you're my girl!

I learn from people all around me, male and female. Getting philosophical--I believe that everyone that comes into your life is there to teach you something. So we should all just open our eyes and take in the knowledge (especially music) that other people are willing to give.

So who cares where the knowledge is from? That wasn't the point...the point of the post was not to be surprised when a female knows just as much about music as her male counterparts.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

By the way Coach, i checked out eve falcon's set---f'ing great!!

i'm so happy...it's about time there was a great female progressive dj out there (and no one mention sandra collins...because she sucks...maybe if she stopped drinking an entire bottle of tequila everytime she plays...)

i'm a new eve falcon fan! someone bring her to miami...i want to see her play.

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Guest endymion

If you want to see a woman who can hold her own in a 'guy genre', check out Merly B, local drum & bass DJ. http://www.merlyb.com Listen to that online demo, you'll understand. She's a pretty, feminine woman who throws down some massive bass.

I personally think that it's a sexy combination.

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Guest pod

I know her! Met her last year. She comes down to Miami once in awhile to deflate Ivano Bellini's ego. They're good friends from what she told me, so I guess it's alright ;D

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Guest fredda

Oh! sorry for joining this very intersting talk kind of late (considering you are talking about GAT)... but I was a bit busy!

Anyways, what I want to say is: Sarah's column ROCKS...like everything she does. She is one of my best friends and that implies a huge admiration for everything she is... Everything she does, she does it just right!

And, How about Shannon? Have any of you read the things she has written? yeah...I bet you have since she is the official CJ' s interviewer... but she also writes for other music's sites...she is FANTASTIC! She also edits my reviews! She is all that VinylJunkie (wadoop!) has said...and even more: I tell you because she is one of my best friends too. She is one of the smartest girls I've ever known and that's why I admire her very much.

I am soooo lucky to have them both to learn as much as I do...Even being 3000 miles away, I still do learn from them everyday!

However, I want to add that even when this topic was started to talk about Women who rock ( as those had been mentioned) I need to say: I am very happy to notice also there are a bounch of guys who really appretiate and respect women' s brightness!!!

Wow... as a womam, that is really reconforting...good for all of you guys too! ;)

ps: Thanks VinylJunkie! :D

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