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Would you want to run a club?

Guest nickjunkie

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Guest swirlundergrounder

No way..There's so much BS involved with running a club. Maybe if I had the opportunity 5-7 years ago but not now for me...

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Guest Stogie

Honestly, no one goes to Level because Space and now Space 34 have it beat 10 to 1. Space 34 has the best DJs, the best sound system, best lighting array, and the best staff in town. "Serious" clubbers, and locals go to Space 34, Level is purely for tourists nowadays.

Level was once "the crown jewel of Miami nightlife", but now it's the brass rivet that fell on the floor. They used to book good DJs, now it is a hip-hop joint for all practical purposes.

The only thing Level has now is location and a nice building.

very true pod but they still avgs. around $1mil month in liquor sales. not too shabby..... ;D

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Guest jamu

I prefer to play at a club as a resident then to ever be the club owner. As for level, I don't think I would ever buy it. Its gone ghetto and to compete with Space Metropolis and Nocturnal would be suicide. But hey if you wanna book Daddy Yankee, Missy Elliot, or Elvis Crespo I am sure you would make a shit load of money.

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Guest teabag

In this day and age, I would not want to open a new venue on the Beach of crobar or Level size. Frankly, Space is the only megaclub Miami really needs. Not a big enough market here to support 3 megaclubs. 2 maybe, but not 3. Space could handle house, trance, etc...and Level could keep all the hip-hoppers penned up.


Your idea had a major flaw on my view Pod.... It has been proven that space is not the only sustainable superclub in Miami, in fact it can sustain many more than just three of them..... Luis Puig, Gerry Kelly and any owner in the market are not real big investors in Miami..... you have to ask people like Jorge Perez founder of the Related Group of Florida, who is right now investing close to 8 billion dollars in luxury multifamily and single condominiums in south florida (prices ranging from 400 grand to 15 million), he has close to 24 super projects going on right now in sofla alone.. and see is the market strong enough to hold such investments..... the answer is willing to use his own company cash reserves to finance construction if the fed continue raising points on lending. he is not the only investor that knows the possibilities of the south florida market in fact by all accounts aour economy is very underdevelop by many accounts the city and the county need those investments and the job force cannot wait to have more of them..... The reason clubs fail in Miami are the reason hotels and small casinos fell in vegas... bad marketing, poor management, terrible promotions and lack of cash to finance their business plan if they ever had one. Miami is a mecca of clubbing only because has the cultural diversityin their multimillion population, the median income to sustained and the influx of millions of tourists annually to feed its entertainment factor...named hotels, shopping, clubbing, cultural enlightment, etc.... anybody with the savy knowledge and the money to invest in a club could be a succes by all accounts, simply because the market can take it...... until the market is saturated and numbers show that is far from it...it's party time!

There is a direct co-relation with luxury housing projects and nightclubbing entertainment one factor relates to the other in their quality of life + entertining and lifestyle.

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Guest DonCornholeone
The reason clubs fail in Miami are the reason hotels and small casinos fell in vegas... bad marketing, poor management, terrible promotions and lack of cash to finance their business plan if they ever had one.

That's exactly right. To add to it, entertainment businesses, and especially hospitality ( resteraunts, casinos, clubs, hotels, etc. ) are difficult businesses. They're highly risky when they are capital intensive and have a high degree of uncertianty.

These business are cool, and they are big time status businesses; especially clubs & casinos. But the truth is that, unless you are an entertainment mastermind (which some people are) then there are far better ways to invest $5MM.

On that note, I'm curious to check out the books of some of the most successfull clubs, like Space. I wonder what kind of return on investmetn that operation generates for its owners?

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Guest slamminshaun

If I had that kind of money, I'd invest in cattle futures. In all seriousness, I would never want to be the owner....like Pod said, it might be cool to be part GM or something, but it would have to be a smaller-scale place for me.....

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Guest teabag

I made the statement you are quoting two years ago. Check the date.

Ok, 2003 as opposed to 2005; it does not make a difference even if you said it when groove jet opened in the early nineties; the conditions for the entertainment business in Miami had been established long before the past 2 decades to say the least (Turchin family renovating south beach hotels).... (let's not even talk about the cocaine economic bonanza of the early 80's that influenced clubbing and entertainment big time in this city of ours... everybody who is big in clubbing in this town knows money was spent in unheard amounts) in Miami.

I did not bring this thread back; I simply responded to it without checking for dates.... I guess I'll check dates from now on... if is relative to the topic.

There is a history to Miami, that has made this city special for many reasons.... the good news is that more people are catching on to it.

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Guest becha

That was my choice 2 years ago...now I'd go for either that, a Rane, or the DJM-1000.

I use the Rane XP2016 and the MP2016 in my home studio...

and I love it.. I really like the sound of Rane's master busses..

Quality is in the details...


I was in NYC last week and went to a lounge that had the most incredible sounding system.

It was a simple set up.... just a square room with the dance floor right in the middle...

I believe they had a funktion one system.. but for sure it was the best sounding system I've ever heard... fine tuned everywhere it seemed..

The place is called "Cielo"............. house music done proper

;D That's what I would do..... if I could here in Miami


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Guest djtroko

I still dream of running a club but def in the small to mid size. Dont think I can handle de mega club drama. I am gonna try to upload somehow the images for a club I designed for my thesis which I actually think was pretty cool. It was an intervention into an existing theater in Puerto Rico and I dream of this happening but I dont think PR can handle that club. This would fall into the mega club category and Puerto Rico simply does not strive that much on nightlife and nightclubs like miami and new york do. Still it lies in a strip avenue where theaters, cinemas and nightclubs have opened and closed for years... Lets see what happens...

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Guest djtroko

here are some of the renderings I did for my club...


This is the existing Theater/Cinema as it exists today abandoned. I actually went as a little kid a few times to the cinema and I recall the last movie I saw there was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... COWABONGA DUDE!!!


This is the exterior as I proposed it. I pretty much opened the original windows and stuck out a few spaces that were part of the "parasitical intervention" of my design proposal. The idea was that the club in itself would act as the theatrical piece and the people that habited the club were the performers.


Rendering of the club with its immediate context.


Inside perspective of the main floor and the theater seat area. The interior was completely demolished and designed from scratch. Its a very open format by the way.


Section rendering. My favorite part of the design are the Floating VIP islands in the back part. They float above the bathroom which is unisex and visible from above.


Main bar


Main Floor


Second Floor bar/Lounge


Main Bathroom Space as seen from above


View of the Screening area from Mezzanine


Third Floor VIP Lounge


One of the VIP Floating Islands


One of the VIP Floating Islands


Main Bathroom

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Guest jamu

I think I know that theater building in Puerto Rico. Its in Santulce,,, right?? Near Edos and the Old Club Asylum??

As for your design it looks amazing, but a nightmare to wire and provide descent acoustics. I can also see where you are talking about this falling into the mega club category. You could probably pull something off like Metropolis if you plan it right, and definately throw Pier 10 and some of the other clubs a major curve ball. Plaza Las Americas de Discotecas 8)

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Guest djtroko


but where will you get the $20 million bucks for this ???

Thats definately why its a Thesis cause I thought about how much this would cost and its beyond rediculous. Anyways its just a dream. Maybe a similiar project but half the size would be possible.

Yes this is the Paramount Theater in Ponce de Leon Avenue in Santurce near Eros and the Old Asylum....

Thanx for the comments

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Guest teabag

Trukz, life is a journey and you never know where it will take you, just keep at it positively..... your investor could be reading your idea right now or around a corner..... I must say is impresive and the interpretation of the idea and the space is by all means a great project.... awesome man!!

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Guest defunes

If I had the cash I would invest in maybe some 10% in futures ranging from crude to steel and some gold. Get a options huy from chicago on it..then maybe some 20% Cash and money market stuff..hopefully those interest rates won;t be too affected my katrina and rita. You have to think about who is replacing Greenspan.

15 - 20% on real estate, not only Miami though, probably mostly in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona since a lot of retirees are probably going to head that way because everyone is scared of Hurricane Alley. Since grwoth is my game then, 30-35% in growth. Annuities, biotech, some technology. Another 10% in Corporate bonds and treasury notes, there's an awesoem 4.5% 5 year note with Citibank...it's also principal guaranteed so you're covered there. Say I leave a cool 5% or so to invest in businesses in SF, I'd go in a Restaurant/Lounge before I get into a Big CLub but who knows...It is nice to Dream!!!

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Guest pod

Wow, Truks, you outdid even me!

You should check out Martin Show Designer so you can do true lighting plots with your renderings.

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Guest jamu


but where will you get the $20 million bucks for this ???

Thats definately why its a Thesis cause I thought about how much this would cost and its beyond rediculous. Anyways its just a dream. Maybe a similiar project but half the size would be possible.

Yes this is the Paramount Theater in Ponce de Leon Avenue in Santurce near Eros and the Old Asylum....

Thanx for the comments

God I love my island and I love seeing pictures of it. I hope someone does put a nice mega club that does well on the island.

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