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So i'm watching 60 mins last night

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and some wackos in North Korea were comparing Bush to Hilter using the Ann Frank Book. 60mins and mike wallace along with the people they interviwed including dutch tv reporters, laughed off the comparison and called it "nuts"...

but tech junkie is right....lollllllllll ::)

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Guest endymion

There are plenty of people who get so distracted by hot button buzzwords like "Hitler", "Bush" and "fascism" that they can't move onward and accomplish abstract thought.

People prone to these distractions are easy to spot. It's just nice to know who they are.

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wow, talk about spin... any comparison to hitler is unjustified, ignorant and just plain wacky!

tech you are a wacko... comparing anyone to hitler who killed 12 million people for the heck of it... What will you wackos come up with next? Clinton is like Stalin? lollllllllllllllllll

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Guest endymion

The point was that the thin justification that Stalin and Hitler and Milosovic had for killing all of those people isn't much thinner than our justification for some of the killing that we are doing. And also that it's a bad precedent to set because it only gets worse from here.

I wouldn't have expected you to have grasped that point. All is normal, go about your business. A Dutchman chuckled at a North Korean, you have your smoking gun. You win.

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wow, talk about spin... any comparison to hitler is unjustified, ignorant and just plain wacky!

tech you are a wacko... comparing anyone to hitler who killed 12 million people for the heck of it... What will you wackos come up with next? Clinton is like Stalin? lollllllllllllllllll

nick I recommend you stay away from 60 minutes...it's a bit out of your league...

Try the Cartoon or Food Networks. Bugs Bunny or Emeril should be able to entertain you plenty...it may be a bit difficult to follow, but pay close attention...YOU can DO IT!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest antonio

Bush, Hitler, Stalin, Milosevic, Hussein........................ what's up with these comparisons?

The one thing they have in common is that they are responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people

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Guest JMT

you know i dont even know what i believe anymore, or who i might even vote for, but the one thing for sure is that when i see such dumb shit from the far left it annoys the hell out of and im forced to take a position.

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Guest endymion

Dumb shit from the left consists of annoying bleeding heart whining.

Dumb shit from the right results in countries being invaded. Thousands dead. Whole world pissed off at us.

My empirical analysis says that dumb nationalist shit is way more dangerous than dumb liberal shit.

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Guest antonio
actually, the ranking would go like this:

Stalin, Hitler, Milosevic, Hussein, Bush.  

thats all you liberals do is name call.  get an eduction please.

What's an eduction???

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Guest antonio

Thanx JMT for the correction, it was just funny how you were talking about education and misspelled the most important word.

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Guest JMT

i figured based on the quote under your name you saw that my response was simillar to the another line from the same movie. ah forget it....

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Guest bcnjunkie
actually, the ranking would go like this:

Stalin, Hitler, Milosevic, Hussein, Bush.  

thats all you liberals do is name call.  get an eduction please.

I assure you, I'm very well educated. Converseley, I can think on my own and make proper inferences unlike your robot style "believe everything you're told" attitude. I base y opinions on facts and my view of the world comes from traveling and experiencing other countries, not by poor reporting swayed by a borderline fascist Bush sentiment

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Guest bcnjunkie

who was talking to you?  conspiracy theories dont make fact.

I never mentioned any conspiracies !

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Guest JMT

'...reporting swayed by the bush sentiment?'

thats a funny one.

bro, youre probably a pretty cool guy, but youre going to be on ignore for being too silly.

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Guest bcnjunkie
'...reporting swayed by the bush sentiment?'

thats a funny one.

bro, youre probably a pretty cool guy, but youre going to be on ignore for being too silly.

Think what you will but I'm speaking to you but what I see and and from sentiments from friends abroad. I think our sense of National pride sometimes overpowers our sensible side. If you look at international news reports, they seem less one-sided. In a country like the netherlands, if they feel the goverment has acted out outrageously, they will report it as such and based on facts. Here, it's almost forbidden to say anything negative about govermental decisions because it's "unamerican" regardless wether it's true or not. Reporting here is overly biased.

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Guest endymion

Reporting here was biased during the war especially because the Pentagon would just dump any 'embedded reporter' who didn't toe the line. Same thing still happens in White House press briefings.

That's standard practice for any government that wants to bully the press. It worries me that our government is starting to treat the press a lot more like an authoritarian bully government treats media than like a government founded on the principle of free speech and free thinking.

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