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So i'm watching 60 mins last night

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Guest JMT

Think what you will but I'm speaking to you but what I see and and from sentiments from friends abroad.  I think our sense of National pride sometimes overpowers our sensible side.  If you look at international news reports, they seem less one-sided. In a country like the netherlands, if they feel the goverment has acted out outrageously, they will report it as such and based on facts.  Here, it's almost forbidden to say anything negative about govermental decisions because it's "unamerican" regardless wether it's true or not.  Reporting here is overly biased.

apparently, youve been away too long, like several decades. the liberal press jumps on anything they can. like i said, this is laughable.

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Guest JMT

and if the press seems less liberal these days its BC the american people got sick of it and started switching the channel, thus liberal CNN was surpassed in ratings by "fair and balanced" foxnews.

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Guest bcnjunkie

apparently, youve been away too long, like several decades.  the liberal press jumps on anything they can. like i said, this is laughable.

I live here !, I think you haven't been out enough !. There's no liberal press in this country, thyere's right and extreme right.

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Guest JMT

I live here !, I think you haven't been out enough !.  There's no liberal press in this country, thyere's right and extreme right.  

ok man, you are officially on ignore now. you just won the award for most retarded comment ive seen on CJ so far.

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Guest bcnjunkie

ok man, you are officially on ignore now.  you just won the award for most retarded comment ive seen on CJ so far.  

and now I know you haven't been out in the world much. And you support your opinions by insult rather then fact

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Guest endymion

Whether the media in the US is liberally or conservatively biased is something that we could argue about endlessly. It's so subjective that nothing can come of that but bitterness.

I think that Fox News is a thinly-veiled propaganda outlet for the Bush Administration. JMT thinks that Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are bleeding heart liberal conspiracy nuts like me. It's those little differences in opinion that make conversations interesting.

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Guest JMT

i wouldnt say Stewart's show is liberal per say, he would make fun of whatever administation is in office equally.

Maher is almost as left as you can get. but actually mellowing a bit i think. ive watched a good amount of his old show and the new one.

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I've been a fan of Bill Maher's for about 5 years now, watched both his old and new shows religiously. He's not so much liberal, as he is libertarian. He really wants common sense to prevail, which, of course, it never will. I value him and John Stewart because they give perspectives we don't see on network news. I (and everyone, for that matter) NEED to hear several perspectives, conservative, liberal, and everything inbetween. That's the only way the truth can be revealed. Having only one train of thought will get you nowhere.

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Guest endymion


I even watch Fox News whenever I can. Have to see the picture through as many filters as possible if you're forced to look through a filter.

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Guest JMT

im actually much more moderate then i come off as on here, i mean this is a clubbing/nightlife site in the first place. sometimes i get put in a corner and riled up easy.

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Guest endymion
im actually much more moderate then i come off as on here, i mean this is a clubbing/nightlife site in the first place.  sometimes i get put in a corner and riled up easy.

I know, I get you. I'm registered as a Republican believe it or not. Seemed like a good idea at the time...

This is a nightlife web site that I am using partly as a way to uncover intelligent, open-minded people among the nightlife crowd on a global level. After finding people like you guys here, Carisa, and some of our new friends in NYC, San Juan, Atlanta, and other places, I'm convinced that it's working.

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Guest bcnjunkie

I think Bill Maher's show is neither liberal or conservative. It is supposed to inspire polemic controversy. I've seen it lean towards either side and I think the show has more entertainment value than anything. :-/

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Guest endymion

Maher really enjoys putting conservatives in tough positions, I've always seen him and his show as being heavily liberally slanted. As much as I won't shut up about the evils of death and destruction, he won't shut up about supporting gay marriage and legalizing soft drugs. I agree with just about everything he says, is why I see him as so left-wing. If I like him then he must be a pansy bleeding heart liberal.

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Guest bcnjunkie
Maher really enjoys putting conservatives in tough positions, I've always seen him and his show as being heavily liberally slanted.  As much as I won't shut up about the evils of death and destruction, he won't shut up about supporting gay marriage and legalizing soft drugs.  I agree with just about everything he says, is why I see him as so left-wing.  If I like him then he must be a pansy bleeding heart liberal.

LOL (about the pansy bleeding heart liberal), I don't know I didn't get that. I think more than anything he tries to push the buttons of either side, A civilized Jerry Springer if you will ! but hey that's my opinion and if pansy bleeding heart is your cup o' tea, then by all means tune in, I respect everybody's opinion (except saleen's)

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Guest antonio

Guys, you have to admit that everything that goes through CNN is thoroughly filtered. CNN is just a media propaganda for the current administration's disaster in the world.

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Guest bcnjunkie
Guys, you have to admit that everything that goes through CNN is thoroughly filtered.  CNN is just a media propaganda for the current administration's disaster in the world.

yup !

hey antonio: It was nice to meet ya at pearl, hope to see you in PR

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Guest bcnjunkie
Yup, if you come, we'll hang out

Dude, Puerto Ricans know how to get down !, The chicks... WOW !!! I would really like to see the more underground part of it !

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no, thats more true of FOXNews.  CNN has been blatantly liberally slanted for a decade.  maybe in the recent year they have changed their slant a bit, dune to ratings decline.

that's the f*cked up thing, man, ratings rule. :'(


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