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We found the WMD!!

Guest endymion

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Guest antonio

Yeah right Saleen, like everything in the world is about firepower and money (typical redneck Bull$#!%) That is the main reason people around the world are starting to hate us. And also, remember that U.S. might be no longer the most powerful nation with the rise of the euro.

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Guest bcnjunkie

all I know is techjunkie has rebutted everything intelligently with fact and preccision, Saleen sounds offensive and truly ignorant... goes to show show what war supporters are like !

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Guest endymion

Saleen, I'm not personally much of a Kerry fan so you won't get very far with that. I'll happily pick on him too, he seems to leave a lot of opportunities laying around. Maybe somebody here will support him. I'm voting for him simply because he's not Bush.

You have a strategic vision for how an imperialist country like the US should go about the business of world domination. Some of us here think that maybe the US shouldn't be in the business of imperialistic world domination in the first place.

Regardless, we still have a lot of people in charge who are using the Cold War model for fighting the war on terrorism. Take over countries with strategic value, bend them to your will, domino effect. Problem is we aren't fighting Hitler's armies or Stalin's missiles. We're fighting against a group of 20 guys who know how to walk into local retail stores anywhere in the world and walk out with a WMD capable of killing hundreds of people. Huge bombs are neat to watch when they explode but they are no defense against that threat. And that is the threat that we should be worried about right now, not Saddam and his vials of botulism toxin that don't exist.

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Guest bcnjunkie
Saleen, I'm not personally much of a Kerry fan so you won't get very far with that.  I'll happily pick on him too, he seems to leave a lot of opportunities laying around.  Maybe somebody here will support him.  I'm voting for him simply because he's not Bush.

You have a strategic vision for how an imperialist country like the US should go about the business of world domination.  Some of us here think that maybe the US shouldn't be in the business of imperialistic world domination in the first place.

Regardless, we still have a lot of people in charge who are using the Cold War model for fighting the war on terrorism.  Take over countries with strategic value, bend them to your will, domino effect.  Problem is we aren't fighting Hitler's armies or Stalin's missiles.  We're fighting against a group of 20 guys who know how to walk into local retail stores anywhere in the world and walk out with a WMD capable of killing hundreds of people.  Huge bombs are neat to watch when they explode but they are no defense against that threat.  And that is the threat that we should be worried about right now, not Saddam and his vials of botulism toxin that don't exist.

Very well said !

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when peoples lives and hopes are far better, they won't resort to this type of bs... How many americans blow them selves up here in america? NONE, why? no matter how bad you have it, you are still not that bad off.

Those people for years had no lives and lived under the veil of evil. The veil is gone, and they can begin to have real lives. You simply don't get it. For every baby born in iraq this day, their outlook on life is far supeior to what their parents were. In dude time, the world will change for the better based on this very notion. People who drive porsches and have real jobs and real educations DON'T BLOW THEM SELEVES UP, OR OTHERS..

The palastinies have no hope, thus why you see what you see, give them some hope, and a chance for a real life, and you'll see the next generation would never blow themseleves up.

Look at Blacks in this country. Just in 50 years, they have gone from no rights, to being a very productive part of the society. They now have hope, and in little time have caught whites in economics in the south, yet in the north they still lag behind, but for every black kid born in the last 20 years, they are far better off then their parents.

Give a kid a book, a real education, and a chance to make something out of his life, and he'll do great things.

Notice none of the top brass at al qeeeda blow themselves up, they are pussys who use people with no outlook on life to do their dirty work..

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Guest endymion

Your repeated mention of terrorists blowing themselves up leads me to point out that the WMD that the Islamists have been perfecting involves blowing us up by remote control. There were no suicide bombers in Madrid. They used cell phones to detonate the bombs remotely. That would work awfully well against targets in the US.

How many members of the paramilitary team that attacked the Madrid subway do you think are already in the US?

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Your repeated mention of terrorists blowing themselves up leads me to point out that the WMD that the Islamists have been perfecting involves blowing us up by remote control.  There were no suicide bombers in Madrid.  They used cell phones to detonate the bombs remotely.  That would work awfully well against targets in the US.

How many members of the paramilitary team that attacked the Madrid subway do you think are already in the US?

it's not too hard to protect against cell phone bombs.. a simple 5 cent piece of mesh can stop the signal thus no remote detonating. sure people might be pissed off, but on a train does it really matter if your cell doesn't work?

blowing yourself up or blowing others up, is the same thing. Give a kid a chance and see the good in people. You don't, you only see the bad...I see contries like Pakistan sticking their necks out for us, and doing the right thing. Be postive and understand the war on terror is just starting and we are doing a pretty good damm job on it..

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Guest endymion

Yeah? News to me. Wasn't much of a priority. I have seen Bush wave his arms and scare us endlessly with talk about an "imminent threat" and "weapons of mass destruction" in making a case for why we should depose the guy who threatened to kill his dad.

Can't recall him ever even uttering the word "AIDS" in a speech. He's more interested in preventing professional athletes from using steroids than he is in preventing HIV from entering African bodies.

I guess I should stop picking on him for lying to us about there being an "imminent threat" from "weapons of mass destruction". There really was an imminent WMD threat. In Morocco.

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Guest endymion
blowing yourself up or blowing others up, is the same thing.

So what is it that makes us better than the terrorists then?

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Guest JMT

some general once said:

"no man ever won a war by dying for his country, you win a war by making the other man die for his country."

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Guest endymion

Smart general. These reusable terrorist attack teams that don't die during the attack and that can learn from their experiences really do worry me a lot at this point. Serious WMD, man.

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