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City installing coin-operated breath test machines


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Guest antonio

Seen them before.

Let's be honest though, the idiots who kill people drunk driving are likely not even thinking about finding a couple of quarters to breath into a machine...

But all in all, anything helps I guess.

You're right Tim, I guess they couldn't even be able to operate the damn machine. But.........it is still a good idea

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Guest endymion

At the very least it's marketing for the concept that maybe driving drunk is irresponsible.

Surprised that nobody has attacked the idea yet on the same grounds that people use to object to DanceSafe or to clean needle or condom distribution programs. Doesn't this actually encourage people with 0.07 BAC levels to go out and drive home? Those people really shouldn't be driving either.

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At the very least it's marketing for the concept that maybe driving drunk is irresponsible.

Surprised that nobody has attacked the idea yet on the same grounds that people use to object to DanceSafe or to clean needle or condom distribution programs. Doesn't this actually encourage people with 0.07 BAC levels to go out and drive home? Those people really shouldn't be driving either.

I worked on a great profile on DanceSafe a few years ago for 20/20---did anyone see that? It was really a great piece, more about Ecstacy and how they test pills' efficacy and potency for people before they take them. Im actually suprised as well that i havent seen threads on dancesafe here.

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Guest endymion

Oh cool! Yes, I saw that! In fact some of my friends passed around a video tape of that for a while after that aired. That segment had low-light hidden-cam shots of kids doing whippets from huge balloons that some guy was selling at some massive in California or something? A girl who had a pill that tested negative at the DanceSafe table but she ate the pill anyway? Is that the one I'm thinking of? I think that there was a similar segment on Dateline, I might be thinking of that one.

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At the very least it's marketing for the concept that maybe driving drunk is irresponsible.

Surprised that nobody has attacked the idea yet on the same grounds that people use to object to DanceSafe or to clean needle or condom distribution programs. Doesn't this actually encourage people with 0.07 BAC levels to go out and drive home? Those people really shouldn't be driving either.

Actually, I could be mistake here, but I don't think it's hard at all to hit the 0.08 BAC level. It's a number that has purposely been set very low.

As for Dancesafe, never had heard about it before. Interesting idea. Where did they set up the booths, in clubs?

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Oh cool! Yes, I saw that! In fact some of my friends passed around a video tape of that for a while after that aired. That segment had low-light hidden-cam shots of kids doing whippets from huge balloons that some guy was selling at some massive in California or something? A girl who had a pill that tested negative at the DanceSafe table but she ate the pill anyway? Is that the one I'm thinking of? I think that there was a similar segment on Dateline, I might be thinking of that one.

yes that was the one :D I did a lot of research on pills for that and learned alot (albeit speculative) when it comes to the science and effects of pills. I worked with a very talented producer named David Perozzi, we still keep in touch and he does some of the best work I see on the news-mag.

The whip its part was intense.

dancesafe was not very happy with the piece, especially with some comments Elizabeth Vargas made. This is usually the outcome after a controversial piece...your characters will never be happy with the way they are portrayed.

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Guest endymion

Well that was an extremely cool segment Evan, I'm proud of you. I might even still have that video tape.

And Tim, 0.08 is about two drinks. For me, at least, I have given myself a lot of blood tests.

I once gave myself a blood test the morning after a party at about 10:00 AM and I was still at 0.12 after sleeping all night. Not saying I'm proud.

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Guest nickjunkie

Well that was an extremely cool segment Evan, I'm proud of you. I might even still have that video tape.

And Tim, 0.08 is about two drinks. For me, at least, I have given myself a lot of blood tests.

I once gave myself a blood test the morning after a party at about 10:00 AM and I was still at 0.12 after sleeping all night. Not saying I'm proud.

You have been reported to the moderator of this forum for excessive drinking. Our members are worried about you techjunkie... 8)

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Guest endymion

Hey whatever, it was college. Football weekend. Southern university. Had to be done. The group-think, mob-mentality, binge-drinking thing while rooting for the home team with 100,000 other Gator fans is something that I do not regret in any way.

Of course now that I'm not there any more I don't even watch the games on television. To me it was just a big party.

That town has a solution to the drunk driving issue that seems to work pretty well. The entire town basically becomes a pedestrian-only zone during games. Severely hammered people falling down drunk everywhere you look, but they are mostly all safe and the local cops look after them. There is indeed some unwise driving after the games but the massive traffic jams keep it pretty slow and safe.

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Well that was an extremely cool segment Evan, I'm proud of you. I might even still have that video tape.

And Tim, 0.08 is about two drinks. For me, at least, I have given myself a lot of blood tests.

I once gave myself a blood test the morning after a party at about 10:00 AM and I was still at 0.12 after sleeping all night. Not saying I'm proud.

You have been reported to the moderator of this forum for excessive drinking. Our members are worried about you techjunkie... 8)


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Hey whatever, it was college. Football weekend. Southern university. Had to be done. The group-think, mob-mentality, binge-drinking thing while rooting for the home team with 100,000 other Gator fans is something that I do not regret in any way.

Of course now that I'm not there any more I don't even watch the games on television. To me it was just a big party.

That town has a solution to the drunk driving issue that seems to work pretty well. The entire town basically becomes a pedestrian-only zone during games. Severely hammered people falling down drunk everywhere you look, but they are mostly all safe and the local cops look after them. There is indeed some unwise driving after the games but the massive traffic jams keep it pretty slow and safe.

ugh. i had some pretty horrible experiences w/ drunks in gainesville. a couple of fights, and a purse-snatching incident that led to another fight! tallahassee is soooooooooo much better. :P 8)

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Guest JMT

Hey whatever, it was college. Football weekend. Southern university. Had to be done. The group-think, mob-mentality, binge-drinking thing while rooting for the home team with 100,000 other Gator fans is something that I do not regret in any way.

Of course now that I'm not there any more I don't even watch the games on television. To me it was just a big party.

That town has a solution to the drunk driving issue that seems to work pretty well. The entire town basically becomes a pedestrian-only zone during games. Severely hammered people falling down drunk everywhere you look, but they are mostly all safe and the local cops look after them. There is indeed some unwise driving after the games but the massive traffic jams keep it pretty slow and safe.

ugh. i had some pretty horrible experiences w/ drunks in gainesville. a couple of fights, and a purse-snatching incident that led to another fight! tallahassee is soooooooooo much better. :P 8)

same here, but later i learned to enjoy gainesville once my buddy went to law school there. the graduate crowd was much cooler.

i hiked over there for 2 or 3 FSU-UF games, once some fat guy at the swamp stomped on my scorecard at the Swamp after the game, yada yada yada, we both got ejected. anyway, theres a million more stories from that time.....

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Hey whatever, it was college. Football weekend. Southern university. Had to be done. The group-think, mob-mentality, binge-drinking thing while rooting for the home team with 100,000 other Gator fans is something that I do not regret in any way.

Of course now that I'm not there any more I don't even watch the games on television. To me it was just a big party.

That town has a solution to the drunk driving issue that seems to work pretty well. The entire town basically becomes a pedestrian-only zone during games. Severely hammered people falling down drunk everywhere you look, but they are mostly all safe and the local cops look after them. There is indeed some unwise driving after the games but the massive traffic jams keep it pretty slow and safe.

ugh. i had some pretty horrible experiences w/ drunks in gainesville. a couple of fights, and a purse-snatching incident that led to another fight! tallahassee is soooooooooo much better. :P 8)

i hiked over there for 2 or 3 FSU-UF games, once some fat guy at the swamp stomped on my scorecard at the Swamp after the game, yada yada yada, we both got ejected. anyway, theres a million more stories from that time.....

there's nothing like beating the gators in the swamp!!!!! ;D :P

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Guest endymion
same here, but later i learned to enjoy gainesville once my buddy went to law school there. the graduate crowd was much cooler.

Wow, yeah? I just spent a few years hanging out with the UF law students. Some of those people really do know how to party.

My undergrad senior year at UF was the year that we went to the Sugar Bowl and pasted you guys all over the field and won the national championship. I made the trip to New Orleans that year with two hot bi girlfriends and tickets to the game. It's true that the Gators suck now but those were good times man.

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Guest JMT

just 2 years ago some gators must have ratted on me and a couple buddies of mine drinking in the stands, got arrested in the second quarter.

but i went to this past years game and it made up for that.

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