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MoveOn.org ::: Censure Bush

Guest LunaSea

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if Iraq was 90 miles away, im sure we would have seen just as many refugees.  Maybe some day we will get video tapes of Castro throwing people off buildings, or hear about his sons raping women at their leisure..

u should try searching for Cuban Prisons on google...i went to an "expo" done by ex-political prisoners in Cuba...not good...really not good...and i am NOT talking about conditions...about methods, killings, etc...

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Guest web_norah

my choice either way will be a man that wants to get the USA out of that war and focus on this country and all of its labor and education problems

* i still hope Dean makes it

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Guest endymion
last time i checked, the war was over.  its reconstruction now.

Our soldiers are blowing up foreigners in their country with high explosives and getting killed left and right in the process.

That's a war.

Remember how they called Vietnam a "police action" for a decade? History recorded that as "The Vietnam War". The Bush campaign staff can call it a 'reconstruction' if they want, but it's still a war.

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Guest endymion

Convenient how Bush says that his decisions need to be interpreted in the context of a "wartime president", while at the same time telling us that it's not a war, it's a reconstruction.

Call me an idiot and then ask me to vote for you. Yeah, that will work.

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Guest web_norah

if reconstruction means "killing" innocent civilians and war..then i am seriously questioning GWB's intentions from this point fwd

it makes me sick

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Guest endymion
the US isnt killing innocents, they are being killed by militants.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have lost loved ones disagree with that statement.

The concept of "enemy" is really subjective. Al Qaeda considered all of those people on 9/11 valid targets. McVeigh considered all of those federal workers and their children valid targets. Chechen rebels consider any Russian to be a valid target. The Bush Administration and Israel both consider you a target if your skin is brown.

The story in Vietnam was that we only shot at the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army, remember? Didn't really work out that way. In a war, all kinds of people get killed on both sides. News flash: that's why a lot of people oppose wars in the first place.

Iraq is a "war", not a "reconstruction". Bush is running for reelection as a "wartime president". Lots of us opposed the war in the first place and still oppose it now.

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Guest web_norah

the US isnt killing anyone? you've got to be joking JMT? do you read alternative press and see what foreign newspapers have to say about US antics in this so-called reconstruction?

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Guest JMT

yeah, we are killing those who try to kill us, barring a few accidents during the war. and I read indepedent news sites. The US press is liberal enough to want to make a story out of anything negative. wereas Rueters and such will blow things out of proportion to make us look bad. "foreign press?" the same countries who vowed never to agree with any proposals the US ever made on Iraq, no matter what they were? 99.9% of all the killing is done by extremists. i dont see how any rational, intelligent adult can see things otherwise.

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99.9% of all the killing is done by extremists.

i think that's a great point that we don't see too often in our news. these extremists are killing everyone, they're trying to cause anarchy. the images fed to us make us think that it's every iraqi trying to kill every u.s. soldier.

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Guest JMT
i have nothing to discuss with you, esp if you believe that it was ok to do war with Iraq...

let me ask you one last thing.... you feel no sympathy or compassion or happiness knowing that the US libertated a nation of people from a sadistic leader, who tourtured people who spoke against him, murdered around 300,000 people, used nerve gass on people of different ethnicity, and allowed his sons and supposters to rape and sodomize and women they saw walking down the street? surely in your "foreign" news reading you saw the multiple unearthed mass graves where tens of thousands of innocent civillians were found by their families after years of being missing. or the video tapes of saddam's soldiers beating, stabbing, and throwing bound and gagged prisoners off of roof tops?

so you dont feel any sympathy at all huh?

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Guest JMT

i think that's a great point that we don't see too often in our news.  these extremists are killing everyone, they're trying to cause anarchy.  the images fed to us make us think that it's every iraqi trying to kill every u.s. soldier.

its so true. these are extremist suicide bombers. they representative the iraqi people about as well as Scott Peterson represents American husbands.

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Guest web_norah
It's always wise to learn about both sides.

From this part of the world everything looks great, but if you were in 'another' part of the world you will question the actions of the US.

thats why i always dont believe everything i read in the news here - it is all coveted......

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