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Forum modification?

Guest endymion

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Guest endymion

I'm posting this here because I'm not sure where else to put it and because it affects all of the forums. I'm getting more and more annoyed with how this forum software only allows 32x32 pixel avatar images. You have to be a Microsoft pixel artist to make anything look decent at 32x32.

Does anybody mind if I hack the software to use larger images? I'm thinking about setting it to something more reasonable, like maybe 50x50 or 75x75 or something. I'll have to get Nick to give me an official ruling on whether or not to do it and what size he wants.

The reason why I ask is because if I change the size, some of you who already have 32x32 avatars will end up with stretched-out, ugly images that will need to be repaired. Even that would look better than the ones that we have now though.

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Guest pod

I don't have one, so it's fine by me. Other boards use 100 x 100, why not go for that? 8)

BTW, kids, endymion is the guy behind the curtain that makes this board work!

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Guest endymion

Okay, two votes for 100x100 then. I'll wait for official word from Nick and then hack it maybe this weekend.

I didn't write the software, I just propped it up.

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Guest sarahcj

That sounds cool, but no naked girl pics after your messages anyone please like that other board - yak puts me off my typing.... especially the one of the girl's ass.... terrible

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Guest pod

That actually makes things difficult at my day job...when I send a print run, I like to check in here and at the other place. Now, since I'm the admin and all, it's not against policy (i wrote it after all), but it is mildly inconveniencing since a) there's people nearby that may be offended, and B) it's a waste of bandwidth really...a 10 post thread takes up so much real estate because these twats have huge ass photos in their sigs.

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Guest sarahcj

Well Rob you can always go check that board out!!

Seriously it's a major pain when you have to scroll down forever and some people might get hassle if they are surfing at work.

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Guest endymion

Cool deal, Nick set the avatars to 70x70 with a config change, I thought that I was going to have to hack it.

I can't stand people sticking nudie pics in their sigs either, and that keeps people from being able to read the forums from their jobs in a lot of cases. I'm going to disable the use of images in signatures entirely. I have to go in and hack it but I should have that set up soon. You guys know that I'm all about photos of naked girls, but seriously, that's just stupid on a music forum.

One thing that I want to find out from everybody: do you guys think that I should just hack the "img" tag out of this forum's special codes entirely? I'm not sure that there are any legitimate reasons for people to be posting images to the forums anyway. I can create a special tag that is password-protected or something so that the Powers That Be can hand out passwords that let people post images of party flyers or whatever if they have permission, but otherwise people in general are not trusted to be able to behave themselves with posting photographs.

Owners agree? Users care?

We have personalization capabilities through the avatars already, that should be enough. I'm working on fixing the default avatars for lazy people to use, maybe we can supply a handful of CoolJunkie-themed ones ourselves?

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Guest nickjunkie

Nice aqua-ness on the logo :)

I'd actually like to leave the option if IMG tags in, because I think it can be fun for people to post shots of nights they went to. We can just trust our users' judgement, and leave it to the moderators to control.

Definitely not in the sigs though...

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