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crazy times

Guest klit

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Guest klit

I've been in Haiti past couple of days so hadnt checked the board in a bit, but the changes look good. Don't get how come no other threads yet on the events that have been taking place lately though.

I don't know about you guys, but for the first time in my life I would buy into the whole terror threat. Not to say I didn't believe there was a threat before but I don't think it was ever bad as its gotta be now. Now more then ever you have the islam people united and calling for jihad. Al queta, the hamas group, and all the other muslim fundamentalists groups are outraged by the murder that took place yesterday and now I think will be working together more then ever in this holy war they have. Lets just hope I'm wrong and things don't take a turn for the worse, but what do you guys think of the recent events taking place in the middle east as of late.

What was israel wondering yesterday when they decided to do this? ::)

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Guest endymion

Nick and I have also been just shocked at the stupidity of that assasination. Israel killed a bunch of Israelis yesterday, it just hasn't happened yet.

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Guest endymion

This all apparently makes perfect sense to people who have world views that are entirely based on mythology about burning bushes and hot virgins waiting to suck you off in Heaven after you kill a bunch of infidels.

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This all apparently makes perfect sense to people who have world views that are entirely based on mythology about burning bushes and hot virgins waiting to suck you off in Heaven after you kill a bunch of infidels.

Mythology is the PERFECT word.

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Guest endymion

I don't mean to be offensive to people with religious convictions. It's just... I mean... COME ON PEOPLE!!

Teaching your kids that babies come from storks and that all life squeezed through Noah's ark when they are little and in the mood for purple dinosaurs and things like that is fine. Teaching them that the way to get into Heaven is by killing people who believe in different purple dinosaurs than you do is immoral. Religions that encourage this sort of behavior need to modernize. Urgently.

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Guest JMT

well Hamas is the reason for all the suicide bombers and the terrorism there, the Israelis believe. so this was a victory for them. the Palestinians will probably bomb 100s of women and children in retaliation, then Israel will kill some more militant leaders. but the reoccurring theme is that (and this is why i cant seem to feel any pity for the Palestinian side) bombing crowded teenage clubs or busy marketplaces is constructive to their cause. at least the Israelis actually have rational strategy.

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Guest endymion
...bombing crowded teenage clubs or busy marketplaces is constructive to their cause. at least the Israelis actually have rational strategy.

To play devil's advocate here, the Israelis are not much pickier about exactly who they kill during their tactical operations. Neither is the US. Maybe everybody should just take some time out from killing each other for a bit to see if there are other ways?

Sorry to sound like a Frenchie, but the killing thing obviously isn't working. Intelligent people would realize this and work to find new solutions.

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Guest klit

Well tj agree with you on this one, what sharon did was kill a bunch of israelis. more importantly though it united so many muslims together to declare jihad and that is what I think is the most frightening about this. I think its very important for the us to issue a statement as soon as it can saying that they condemn the action taken by israel. I fear that if they don't do this what israel did yesterday was not just kill tons of israelis but tons of americans as well. From what I've been told the burning of american and israel flags already started at the protests today. I don't know I just think that right now is a dangerous time for the opponents of the radical muslim people. I would not want to be in israel or pakistan right now.

One more thing though tj, I don't think that whole virgin thing u stated is correct though. These people are not willing to die because of the virgins and that whole story, it is because they are truly a people at war and ready to die for what they believe in. The whole reward thing at the moment of their death is more of a way to not make them feel as bad for killing people I think.

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Guest endymion
I fear that if they don't do this what israel did yesterday was not just kill tons of israelis but tons of americans as well.

That doesn't matter. To a radical Islamist militant the associations are already there between the US and Israel. We are one and the same and any statement won't matter. To them we are all just as equivalent as Afghan goat herders and Iraqi Sunnis are to American bigots.

Klit, they attack us because to them we are "infidels". It's all about religion. We can theorize that the underlying reasons are really classism or racism or sexual frustration, but the rallying cry is jihad. That jihad concept springs out of a bunch of old writings that were very relevant when the Arabs were fighting for their own survival in the time of Mohammed, but those writings are now what we would classify as mythology. People in the year 2004 base their entire world views on ancient mythology, that's the root of the problem.

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Guest klit

TJ, I don't think the reason they attack americans is because they consider them "infidels". I am a catholic myself and do believe in the bible so I guess in that way to you I believe in mythology as well. I don't think their "myths" is the root of the problem. What is going on here is the same old story, battle for the holy land. With this battle of course came many killings of innocent people and killings such as the one that took place recently wit yassin. The hate between the two grow because of these killings and violence increases. I wish some peace settlement had been made way before I was born with these two groups because honestly with a war that has been going on for so long I just think its impossible for the two sides to ever stop hating each other and getting along.

Anyhow back to the killing of yassin, just tragic that sharon did it. Yes it got rid of one terrorist leader, but its going to breed a lot more like him joining together against another terrorist in my view (sharon).

And JMT what makes killing people at a nightclub worse then armies coming into villages and killing many innocent civilians at their homes at night. Both sides are killing each other like savages, but thats what people at war do and unlike with most wars this one won't get solved with treaties or international aid in my opinion.

Check this article out on yasin and his death http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7995E32C-9686-40DA-97AD-2E0D5EABF6D1.htm

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what would you do?

We gave them 90% of what they wanted under clinton.. They turned it down..

Couple issues here

1. the avg Plastinien has no voice, no power, and will be killed if they oppose hamas and the other wack jobs

Do you really think the vast majority of that population wants their kids to blow them selves up and other people and then get their home bulldozed? I don't think so, but they have no say..

Why don't they have a say? Money, corruption and the fact that the middle east can't have peace, since every dictator would fall. Violence and hatred fuel the sadams and saudis etc.

Did you know in Syria, they have to now let the kids have protests about democracy? This is true, and Iran is going this way as well. Soon, democracy will be in the middle east, and humans by nature won't blow themselves up, when they have a shot at a decent life..

BTW i wouldn't worry about hamas here, they know what is up.. Bush will roll in with 100 A1 Abrams, and just draw his own border and kill every one of those sob's...The futher they stay from America, the better off they are.

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Guest LeVeL

YUp I gotta agre with Saleen on this one, Hamas is a terrorist organization that would be stupid if they messed with Us.

But my opinion is send an A-Bomb to Israel and all thes problems will go away. Peace between Israel and Palestinians will never exist. Its like mixing gas with fire when ever you bring the two together you will have a conflict. These people wont ever change.

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Guest endymion
BTW i wouldn't worry about hamas here, they know what is up.. Bush will roll in with 100 A1 Abrams, and just draw his own border and kill every one of those sob's...The futher they stay from America, the better off they are.

The problem with this strategy is that we don't know which ones to kill until it's way too late.

Yassin's assisination was as painful to the Palestinians as 9/11 was to us. Think about the stupid retaliatory shit that we did after 9/11. Think about what is coming now from the militant Islamist side of the world. We're in some really seriously deep shit now.

Bush is trying to tell us that he didn't authorize the assasination and that he didn't even know about it. I don't believe him personally, the man has zero credibility. If I don't believe him myself then there isn't a chance in hell that anybody in the world who speaks Arabic believes him. That's really really really bad because that means that we have just effectively committed a 9/11 and now we're going to pay for it.

Monthly suicide attacks in Russia. The Madrid bombing. Daily terrorist attacks in Iraq. Now this. This shit is getting worse, not better. Bush thinks he made the world a safer and more stable place. It's painfully obvious that he didn't.

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Guest JMT

Hamas is a self-described "TERRORIST organization"

i couldnt care less about this f-ing guy. good for Israel, show them you will hurt them back 10 fold. drop another one on Arafat if they retaliate.

and btw this attack was very strategic, only 4 people were killed total, 2 of them were Yassir's bodyguards. Thats precision of you ask me.

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Guest klit

I don't thnk bush authorized this tj, don't let your disapproval of him make you think that with every wrongdoing in the world bush is behind it.

Saleen your right in a normal situation a shot at a better life would stop most people from blowing themselves up but this is not a normal situation. Religion governs these people's lives and they feel their religion is at threat so they will go to great lengths to stop that. I'm religious but don't let my religion control my life, but imagine how it would feel to a real radical christian if the pope was blown up. Now I know there aint no hamas of our religion or any al queda but imagine if there were what there reaction would be. I too would protest against the killing, but thats as far as it goes for me but many people would want to retaliate themselves. And no not comparing the pope to this fucker, but to the islam people this guy did represent a lot to them and was a very big spiritual leader. Also another point, if you tihnk all the people that were protesting yesterday wre because they had no choice then you are wrong, I have lots of family in lebanon as originally family is from lebanon until grandparents moved to haiti long long time ago and even they wanted to go protest the killing, even though they are not muslim. Telling you this killing is gonna have very serious consequences in the world.

As far as the us being attacked, I agree with you though saleen its gonna be tough for them to do because of all the steps bush has taken. My fear is what happens when and if kerry wins. Sorry to sound partisan here, but I just would not feel as safe with kerry as president.

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Guest klit

Monthly suicide attacks in Russia. The Madrid bombing. Daily terrorist attacks in Iraq. Now this. This shit is getting worse, not better. Bush thinks he made the world a safer and more stable place. It's painfully obvious that he didn't.

Bush did not make the world a safer place, but I thnk he made the united states a safer place to live in following what took place sept. 11th. Yeah many more hate the us cause of him, but security level in the us is better I believe cause of bush.

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Monthly suicide attacks in Russia. The Madrid bombing. Daily terrorist attacks in Iraq. Now this. This shit is getting worse, not better. Bush thinks he made the world a safer and more stable place. It's painfully obvious that he didn't.

Bush did not make the world a safer place, but I thnk he made the united states a safer place to live in following what took place sept. 11th. Yeah many more hate the us cause of him, but security level in the us is better I believe cause of bush.

true dat, and true dat of what jmt said

that focker got owned in his wheel chair, and god will not have mersey on his sole.. Your actions in life, dictate the actions in the after life.. God is watching.

Isreal, had to make a touch decision, but i think they made a good one... arafat failed his people, and it's time for him to go...

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I just can't imagine that killing an old deaf, blind, quadripalegic dude in wheelchair does ANYTHING to interrupt any sort of terrorist infrastructure.

I don't see a net positive here. His martyrdom is going to drive people crazy over there.

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Guest JMT

I just can't imagine that killing an old deaf, blind, quadripalegic dude in wheelchair does ANYTHING to interrupt any sort of terrorist infrastructure.

I don't see a net positive here. His martyrdom is going to drive people crazy over there.

he was their founder and "spiritual leader" and probably still had a voice in their actions.

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Guest JMT

Yeah, but killing him is like stirring up a fire antfarm!!

Nothing positive will come out of that action.

that isnt a reason to not do it. we should still kill Bin Laden, even if some Arabs will become more pissed off.

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Guest bcnjunkie

Yeah, but killing him is like stirring up a fire antfarm!!

Nothing positive will come out of that action.

yup, it just creates another martyr !

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