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So what's everyone think of the new CoolJunkie site?

Guest djdimaggio

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I think you guys have done a very good job at laying the groundwork for what is a wicked site could be an amazing site. I do, however, think that there are a few areas that can be improved upon though. (this is my meaningless $0.02, so feel free to discard at will!)

1. Stickiness: The site needs something that will attract the average person, not necessarily the big clubbers, and give them a reason to check the site regularily. I still think a detailed calendar of events for each region would accomplish this. If it became common knowledge that CJ was THE source for what's going on every night in NYC and Miami (and elsewhere) - people of all tastes would check it out and (more importantly) be referring others to come check it out. I've said this before, but I can't count the number of times people have asked me "what's going on in the city this weekend" and I didn't really have a great source to tell them all that's happening. I'm no web-guru, but I think there has to be some cool java calendar app that could accomplish this. Maybe there is a scenario where bars/clubs pay a nominal monthly fee for access to the site to post their weeks' events/parties. (which they could do manually - obviously with limited access and some sort of content-checking mechanism)

2. Front page organization. I've seen some comments about this before, which I agree with. It's so busy, with so much text. I guess the trade-off is showing people enough to keep them interested, versus showing too much that inundates people with information. Right now, I think it's the latter. Would it be possible to have the front page show links to newer articles, or most-clicked articles, but then have the main category buttons link to new pages that have more of the archived information, etc.? (I agree with Evan, I like the subway map on the front page and do't think that one extra click is a bad idea...I also loved the subway in Spain - so much better than NYC...)

3. Introduction/Greeting cards. I mentioned something like this earlier to Nick...basically something that would allow current members to send a card, or invite, to someone to join the site. I have found myself telling people to sign up and giving them a brief description about the site and the forum banter...it would be great if there were some sort of recommendation card that you could send to your friends that sends a cool email describing the site or something like that and has a direct link for them to sign up. I know it's not hard to just send someone a link, just an idea...(i envison someone receiving an email card that tells people how to sign up, shows them the week's/month's events in a city that the sender can designate, and maybe highlights one or two new articles from the site.)

4. Mailing list. Something that people can tailor to their needs/locations - maybe every wednesday night it sends out a listing of the weekend's events and news... Sell ad space on these mailings for events that people want to add extra logos to or have preferential listing...

5. Content. Last but clearly not least, and likely the biggest way to attract the most number of people to come and stay on the site. I think Evan's new column on the NYC site will be a great read, and if more people contribute the site could gain a lot. This is where I am at a loss for suggestions (Tim, you dumbass, everyone knows that good content is key).

I'm not going anywhere. Love the site. Will continue to refer people to check it out. I think it's great that everyone involved is so ready to hear suggestions and discuss ways the site can improve. And Nick, you're right...give things time to evolve before making dramatic changes...we're all going to stay loyal, it's just a matter of spreading the word.

End of diatriabe.

(actually one more thing...is there some way to show that you are MSN or AIM enabled without having to post your email address? i.e. people could send you a message to your hotmail or AOL account to ask you to allow them onto your messenging service, but until they do that they can't see your email address?)

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Guest nickjunkie

:) It's really cool that you guys care so much about the site to make all of these suggestions.

These are all great ideas and in some ways it's frustrating because we do have some of them planned, we just wanted to actually launch the site and then work on extra features behind the scenes (such as very detailed event listings Tim :))

We're taking note of all of your responses and we'll come back and post more when we've had a chance to add the new features that are still in the workshop 8) Thanks again for all the feedback!


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No worries.

***Another funny idea...have pictures of people around the world holding the CJ logo/banner in famous places, like at the Eiffel tower, on the great wall of china, in famous clubs, etc... Like a "CJ-round-the-world type" thing. (of course this would beg the question of wtf kind of logo/banner are you talking about, but hey, I'm just spouting ideas here... Either way, the next time I go somewhere fun, we'll figure it out...***

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Guest LeVeL

We need more NY junkies doing reviews of special events, we need pictures from the other cooljunkie websites in other states.

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We need more NY junkies doing reviews of special events, we need pictures from the other cooljunkie websites in other states.

im starting a column next week that will do just that. It will have action shots from the events. But we'll need more as well, i agree!

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