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At last a new cool venue in Downtown Ft. Laud....


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Guest swirlundergrounder

Depends on where you go. Karma is pretty hip and has great music and a good crowd! Surprising because the club is surrounded by that big keg party that you're talking about. Plus the people that go there aren't as stuck up as some of those that hang out in SOBE (again depending where you go in SOBE)

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Guest coach

Yeah, I have to agree with Lisa on this one. Suburbs are too bland for me. I thrive on the insanity. Personally, I think that even South Beach has gotten too mundane, and downtown is even more so.

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Guest bcnjunkie

There's nothing cutting edge about south beach style. You need to go to London, NY or Barcelona to find true style. People's style in SoBe is wanna be. In the clubs is pathetic what they consider trendy, so long as you have shiny shoes and pressed pants or look like a mannequin from bal harbour you have "style". nothing original, so in the spectrum of things, If you show someone from London Miami and Ft.Lauderdale, they will probably consider them not oo far appart !.

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Guest FRESHMAN00000


An ARTBAR fuckin awesome!!!

Thank you so much for letting us know about this...will you be playing clasical music here?

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Guest DigitalBERK

Does anyone know what type of music will be played there and if it is dance music who can I talk to about bookings?


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Guest coach

There's nothing cutting edge about south beach style. You need to go to London, NY or Barcelona to find true style. People's style in SoBe is wanna be. In the clubs is pathetic what they consider trendy, so long as you have shiny shoes and pressed pants or look like a mannequin from bal harbour you have "style". nothing original, so in the spectrum of things, If you show someone from London Miami and Ft.Lauderdale, they will probably consider them not oo far appart !.

While I'm not disagreeing with you about the scene, the problem with those places is that the weather sucks so bad. I don't think it'd be worth it. That's why I think Miami is a good compromise, decent scene, maybe not the best, but decent, great weather, and the ocean. Sorry about the threadjack.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I think some of you guys are a little spoiled. I'm from the West Coast and the only decent scene out that way is in San Fransisco. For the U.S, Miami is pretty good. Where else in the U.S besides NY and maybe Chicago has a better scene?

I think some of you guys are just sick of the same old-same old stuff around here. But you'll get that opinion from people who live in other cities/scenes around the U.S

The thing that Miami has over 97% of the cities in the US is the influx of tourism that will keep the scene here relatively fresh. In other cities across the US, their city halls are trying to close down clubs and crack down on their scenes. So it's hard to get new venues open, up and running in other cities.

That will never happen here in South Florida. If Miami starts cracking down on the clubs here, the city is done.. Tourism go's down the tubes and what will you end up with? A scene that's like 97% of the other scenes here across the US....

What really needs to happen here is different music needs to be heard out in clubs. there needs to be more variety, etc...

I have much respect for Oscar G in regards to what Murk has done with the development of the 'Deep South Sound'. However as far as going to Space go's, forget about it.. It's not fresh enough week in and week out. A club like that as world reknowned as it is should have more variety of talent and more dimension in their venue... The venue looks the same week in and week out, the music is the same week in and week out and there needs to be more inspiration coming out of a club that's supposed to be one of the center pieces of the Miami scene...

I think that's what most of you are yearning for out there who frequent the Miami scene. You're missing that centerpice of your clubbing universe... You want your vibe, your style, your crowd and your music to belong somewhere but for now that place has gone missing for some of you.....

So get out there and talk to your local club managers and promoters and get your vibe back.. take some action otherwise the above entities will continue to be slaves of the dollar bills and unfortunately 'cheese' brings out the money when the scene is a little BLAH!!!!

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Guest LeVeL

Yeah we all gotta stop complaining about how bad the scene is here....and just forget about it and have our fun. No Matter where it is. Just have fun.

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i got an invite to the press funtion.. if i make it, i'll review it..

cool thing about art bar, they are gonna have those misters for those hot nights... but the city is being a dick about them..

What's the issue with the misters? Those things are great...had them in Ibiza somewhere we were - very refreshing...

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Guest durrtylexx

Saleen your talking SHIT, Oscar plays alot shit from Star 69 as far as Subliminal's stuff its OK.It can be a bit fucking gay.He played appreciate me wayyyy before it was popular and on 93.1.Dude your seem to be a frustrated wanna be DJ move back to NY.Haters!!!!And by the way the Yankees wont win the World Series again!!!FUck the Jets , Fuck the Giants, METS, RAngers, Islanders,Knicks!!Fuck all NY Teams and their BS fans...

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Guest coach

miami the home of

lazy jocks

jocks with no balls

jocks with no cofidence

jocks who need to shop at other stores, aka nyc stores or uk stores.

Yeah, and still better than 95% of the US. I gotta agree with Swirl, south Florida peeps really are spoiled, in so many ways. The scene here is better than most of the US and they complain about that. The weather is better than most of the US and they complain about that. The traffic is better than most other big cities and they complain about that. Etc, etc. Not saying it can't improve, but it doesn't suck!

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Guest bcnjunkie

The problem here is not the Jocks !, we get plenty from US and abroad !, the problem is that there's no support !

Coach: I know, the sun is great and the warm night make a perfect setting for good a good clubbing city. Need more original people !

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Guest durrtylexx

Saleen all you do is talk jazz about how bad everything is here,get over it Jersey sucks also!!!Your trying to promote a club called Eden in Davie that will suck.Go back to Jersey Vaffanculo a Lei, Lei e' un cafone stronzo. Vada via in culo! LOL....

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Guest LeVeL

The problem here is not the Jocks !, we get plenty from US and abroad !, the problem is that there's no support !

Coach: I know, the sun is great and the warm night make a perfect setting for good a good clubbing city. Need more original people !

Well I dont know about that Orinigal People comment BCN......anywhere you go you will find your fakers its just something you have to get use to. I know here in Miami there are a lot of hardcore dance music fans....and if the venue and promotion is done proper then the people will come.

I believe their are a lot of people who appreciate what we got going here in miami and also we appreciate the acts that come here also .

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Guest bcnjunkie

Levelistic I wish that was true, but every event that I've been to with Outstanding guest DJ's nobody goes. There are fakers everywhere but Miami seems to be leading the pack. People only go hear the marketed DJ's or well marketed clubs. Been to so many events that should have been packed but where empty.

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Guest LeVeL

Was the promotion good enough to bring those people in. Because you can have biggest house Dj in the world come down and if they dont promote the event right then the people wont show up. Yeah you will have your hardcore fans but the rest of the people wont ever know. Also BCN you have to stop worrying about the fakers and just worry about your core of friends who you know went out that night to enjoy themselves not to sip on some champagne and be on Vip just to look cool, when in reality they are not electronic music fans. Yeah I seen those kind of fakers but I careless about them. I do my thing and that is that, you cant open the mind of people like that, they are too stuck up to realize the truth.

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Guest FRESHMAN00000

Saleen ive been holding back...i think your a great guy!

But when it comes to music you have NO IDEA AT ALL of what your talking about!

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