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Bravo Ireland.........

V. Barbarino

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Ireland Launches World's Toughest Smoking Ban

Monday, March 29, 2004

DUBLIN, Ireland — Ireland (search) outlawed smoking in workplaces Monday, imposing the strictest anti-tobacco measure ever adopted by any country on earth — and one certain to change the atmosphere in the country's national institution, the pub.

"I guess I'll be staying home a lot more. It'll be the only place I can have a smoke with my drink," said Sean Hogan, a 46-year-old construction worker, who lit a final melancholy cigarette as the barman at the Brian Boru pub in north Dublin (search) called for last orders Sunday night.

The ban took effect at midnight, shortly after the nation's 10,000 pubs closed.

As of Monday morning, smoking sections in offices, hospitals, universities and restaurants were all closing down. By government order, "no smoking" signs were erected in pubs on their front doors, behind the bars and outside the restrooms — along with warnings that violators could face up to a $4,000 fine.

The only workplaces exempt from the ban are those that double as residences: hotel rooms, prison cells, psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes. Home-offices, company cars and truckers' cabs are also supposed to become no-smoking zones (search), although the government has conceded that the law won't be enforceable in such private areas.

Prime Minister Bertie Ahern (search), a nonsmoker and regular pubgoer, said he envisioned an Ireland where "future generations, thankfully, will never know what it was like to work in an enclosed, smoke-filled environment."

Health Minister Micheal Martin, who spearheaded the initiative, said he expected it would "take six weeks to two months for the ban to settle down." His target, he said, was for more than 90 percent compliance within the year.

Several opinion polls in the past year have indicated most Irish adults — about 30 percent of whom smoke — support the government crusade against tobacco.

"It will be marvelous to have a night out, then not wake up in the morning with your hair and clothes stinking of smoke," said homemaker Eileen Kennedy, who generally smokes a few cigarettes a week — when she goes out for a drink with her husband.

Martin's anti-smoking campaign — which involves graphic billboards and TV ads showing the damage cigarettes can do to the lungs, heart and brain — has inspired thousands to try to break the habit, seeking advice on nicotine-replacement therapy through a government-run helpline.

"I think, at the end of the day, a person can't argue with the logic of it because we all know cigarettes are bad for us," said cabbie Shay Kearney, a smoker who's thinking of quitting now. "And if it actually encourages people to give up, in the long term, maybe it's a good thing — obviously it's a good thing."

Owners of pubs and hotels warn the ban will alienate many European tourists and force away loyal customers. One pro-smoking pressure group predicts up to 65,000 job losses as pubs and hotels in rural areas are forced to close. But the two major publicans' associations backed off threats to block the ban in court.

Oliver Hughes, who owns a pub in Dublin's Temple Bar tourist quarter, said he expected European visitors "may find it hard to understand that they can't have a cigarette in Dublin, but if they go to Amsterdam they can have a joint."

But the government's Office of Tobacco Control cites its own polls indicating twice as many people think they will go to the pub more often after the ban than will stay away because of it.

Some pubs plan are developing chic new smoking areas outdoors, using canopies and outdoor gas fires to keep smoking customers comfortable and within the law. Others, particularly in poorly policed rural areas, say they will try to let their smoking regulars keep going and hope that the handful of Dublin-based inspectors enforcing the ban will pass them by.

But most pubs say they simply will order smokers outside onto the sidewalk if they want to light up.

Smokers on Sunday soberly pondered a chilly, windy, wet future trying to keep their cigarettes lit long enough to smoke them.

"The cancer rate might be going down, but bejesus, death by hypothermia will be going up," joked Eamon Clarke, a retired plumber. "I'll have to wear my long johns and two pairs of socks if I want a pint from now on."

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pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee bring this to florida asap!!!!!!!!!

i hate you freaking smokers...

soon your time will come and no more smoking in clubs...

europe is changing so no more euro excuse down here with the toursits...

from a NYer perspective, and as a smoker, I definitely concur that smoking should be done outside...smoking indoors PERIOD is disgusting. My clothes from the conference, I had to put them in a big gross bag and bring them to my dry cleaner...seriously, every bar and club should just have an outside area to smoke in. People say it interrupts the groove they are in....please, no one should be smoking on the dancefloor....how many times have you been dancing and suddenly felt a hot cherry of a cig burning your arm?

Especially in Florida...I mean, it isnt even cold when you go outside.

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AGREE 100%....

When I was in Boston at the Avalon, we had to go outside to smoke... granted it was like -20 degrees, but it was so awesome to not have that nasty smell on my clothes when I left. I only smoke when I drink anyway, so I see nothing wrong with going outside.

Ban that shit yo!

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hear hear - it was great to be in smoke-free clubs this weekend in NYC - feels so much cleaner

aside from the cigs I was lighting up. :-X I hope that my post here didnt seem too hypocritical to you Nick and Ryan...

it's insignificant compared to if the entire place was lighting up... ;)

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Guest durrtylexx

I dont agree!! I'm not a smoker, but I do enjoy a nice cigg especially after a few drinks.I like the fact that we can no longer smoke in establishments where food is being served, but in a nightclub HELL NO, ciggs and drinks go hand in hand like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!!!

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I dont agree!! I'm not a smoker, but I do enjoy a nice cigg especially after a few drinks.I like the fact that we can no longer smoke in establishments where food is being served, but in a nightclub HELL NO, ciggs and drinks go hand in hand like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!!!

This is south florida - its warm outside... why not smoke while drinking on a patio? ;)

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Guest Cosmigonon

I dont agree!! I'm not a smoker, but I do enjoy a nice cigg especially after a few drinks.I like the fact that we can no longer smoke in establishments where food is being served, but in a nightclub HELL NO, ciggs and drinks go hand in hand like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!!!

I agree with you. I'm not a smoker but ocasionally enojoy a cig or two. Besides, how are we suppossed to smoke our cigaweeds if they ban smoking altogether ;D ;D

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Guest coach

Actually, the Florida voters DID pass a referendum banning all public indoor smoking a few years ago by a margin of about 70% to 30%. Then it got to the legislature and they completely caved to the smoking company's lobby and basically negated it with the stupid 10% BS.

The only problem that I have is that when we go out to eat we eat outside like 90% of the time. That's the whole point of living in south Florida, right? So, the law doesn't really do us any good for that. But, some would be better than none.

I *really* think that it could engender a huge change in the nightlife and entertainment industries in Florida. And I don't even mean just the electronic music nightclubs. There are SO many people that I know that do not go out as much as they might because they hate and/or are allergic to smoke. Actually, we go out pretty regular, but we would go out more if we didn't have to deal with the smoke.

But, the clubs, bars, and other venues could appeal to a wider demographic. I think it could encourage a lot more "after work" hangouts, where people might go to relax for an hour or so right after work before dinner. I still can't figure out why the businesses have not figured out that LESS than 25% of people smoke. Why cater to that minority?

I am currently trying to get one of the nightclubs on SoBe to do a "Clean" night, where one night a week they have a No Smoking party. We'll see how that goes. If I can convince them to do it, and if it goes well, then hopefully more places will follow suit.

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Guest LeVeL

Andrew your Colombian so you ont smoke cigarettes you smoke something else. But I agree smoking should be banned and only be allowed in outside rooms. Ban the cigarrettes dam it.!!!..whos with me ;D

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i'm up for banning smoking in clubs

i hardly smoke anymore...and if they banned it in clubs, i'd probably quit all the way!


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Guest pod

I'd be cool with it. I've been hit before by flying cigs and it's not fun. Well, one time it was, this cute little girl from France burned a hole in my shirt in Space once, and felt real bad about it.

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Guest LeVeL

I smoke @ Bars and Clubs when I drink too but I hate the fact of going home smelling like I have been smoking all night, when actually I didn't smoke that much at all. I believe Space being a warehouse and all is probably the worst place of all the clubs I have been to when it comes down to reeking like cigarettes.

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Guest web_norah

so if you hate the smell then dont leave your house or better yet, dont smoke......i really cant add much more than that, but if people hate the way their clothes smell after a night out (due to cigarrettes), then i dont know what else to say......other than it is nice to smoke when you are having a drink.

i, too, hate it when people step on me, stain my clothes with their drinks, bump into me when they are all sweaty but hell, those are the risks of going out to clubs and bars, right?

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