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Costa Rica


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Guest JMT

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack......

Holy crap, Costa Rica is AMAZING. :o ;D 8)

Thats it? Thats all we get? Details!!!! ;)

yeah, no shit. :(

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Alright alright alright! First off, all of the details will have to remain in Costa Rica. :-X

Three nights is not long enough to be there. So much to see and do, next time will be much longer. The people there are incredible. Very welcoming, very laid-back. I think that comes from the fact that their entire economy is based on tourism, so they welcome visitors with open arms. I went with two friends of mine who know Spanish fluently, that helped a lot. I had thought most people there spoke English, but most don't. So having translators was cool. We had two full days (got there Thursday night, left Sunday morning), 1st day went to a volcano about 3 hours away from San Jose. It was pretty cool, I'd never seen a volcano before. 2nd day we went over to Jaco Beach, about 3 hours away also. We rented a fishing charter, and on the way out (about 3 miles offshore) the boat died. Our "captain" (loosely-fitting word) had no idea how to fix it. Apparently, he came to Costa Rica 20 years ago from Canada (eh?) on vacation, and never went back. Well, our captain didn't know how to fix his boat. The batteries died, and we were floating around, trying to call other boats in the area. The other boats thought this was funny, and no one wanted to come to our rescue. After about an hour, one of my friends told el capitan that he's going to fix the boat. And he did. Back to shore we went, fish-free. We got our money back, so that was cool. Driving from point A to point B was a big highlight. The roads twist and wind up and down mountains, really beautiful. Our nights were spent in San Jose. This past week was holy week, so no alcohol was allowed to be sold. Fortunately the mini-bar in our hotel rooms were stocked daily, so we were able to booze it up plenty. And since everything in the city was closed, there was nowhere to go, other than our hotel. It was cool, though, cause there was a bar/casino downstairs. Pretty funny sight, a bunch of people in a bar drinking bottled water and soda.

We had a great time, it's easy why people go there and never come back. "Pura vida" is some kind of national slogan, and it shows that everyone there embraces that.

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Guest trancelator

Glad to hear you had a good time, Ryan. Welcome back! I'm off to NYC this weekend but when I come back it's on for Fortier! ;D

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