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So what do you think??

Guest demo909

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Guest joeygk
whats everyone think??? 8)

I don't think you should eva order a Venti Red Eye from Starbux after chugging a Red Bull on your way to work......I can barely type I'm shaking so hard. CAFFEINE RULZ!

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Guest pod

Craig, pick up a book called 'Altered Carbon'...there's some interesting ideas in it related to this thread. ;D

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Guest web_norah

interesting issues, i must say :)

esp the leave the window open thing. what the hell .. :P

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Guest bcnjunkie

you missed the following choices:

( ) I strongly agress with all of the above

( ) I strongly disagree with all of the above

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Guest demo909

you missed the following choices:

( ) I strongly agress with all of the above

( ) I strongly disagree with all of the above

there were only so many choices I could add. I'll be doing another poll on monday :)

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Guest JMT

religious extremists DO cause a lot of serious problems all over this world, but i also know there are countless religious groups that do a lot of good globally for the less fortuntate. i doubt many lazy fucks on here do anything remotely related to community service.

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Guest pod

Religious groups doing crazy stuff:


- most murders per capita in it's name for the past 2,000 years...think the crusades, various intra-European wars, the silent permitting of the Holocaust, early "missionary" work in the Americas (convert or die!), slavery...

Protestants (most varieties)

- The Schism, Northern Ireland, various intra-European wars, Puritans, the KKK, Native American "relocation", slavery..


- the current "bad" religion. From the time Mohammed ordered his rivals off, to today's sucide bombers, this one is giving Catholicism a run for it's money.


- Sure, they've been on everyone's shitlist, but from the prosecution of early Christians, to today's nuts gunning down entire mosques, they're no angels either.


- Anti-Islamic violence in India, persecution of Bhuddists in the same land, karma's a bitch for these people.


- Anti - Christian violence in feudal Japan in the name of the fat dude. Certain sects also believe in beating the shit out of you during meditation.

Various animist religions

- got a few days?


- Believe in a deity? Tough shit if you were in a Communist country.

Don't get me started on the "new wave" religions like Scientology, the Mormons, Falun Gong, and Aum.

Basically, pretty much every religious belief system in town has had violence committed in it's name....none of them are clean. Sadly, most of these acts were with the endorsement or tacit compliance of the heads of these systems, in other words, not the activity of isolated cults. The Popes ordered the Crusades, the preachers, vicars, and so forth ordered lynchings, burnings, wars, and more. Mullahs and imams order bombings and mass murders. Rabbis stand by idly while their flocks go out and kill...

Don't get me wrong, good things come from the major religions...


- Red Cross, the religious hospitals, etc...


- same deal as the Catholics


- Red Crescent, the Five Pillars


- The ADL


- general policy of goodwill towards your neighbors by most of them


- general nature of acceptance these days

But my point is, no major belief system is clean. At some point, murders and worse have been committed in their names. This is the result of blind obedience to these faiths, the general tendency of people to fall into being sheep, and various other things. Faith is all fine and dandy, if it's your thing, more power to ya, but don't go into it with a blind eye on the past transgressions of the faith.

Go into it 100% too. What pisses me off a lot is the "convenient religion" syndrome. I've seen it before, people take a minor religious holiday off for the sake of taking the day off, or they drag their faith out of the closet when there's nothing else to be offended over. Hell, in high school I saw kids who break most of the Ten Commandments, get all up in arms over a death metal concert just because they weren't "in" that year...

OK my rant is over. And if you find my statements intriguing, I'm soliciting donations at this point. Please give generously, the Church of Pod needs your help. We need to continue to support my penchant for high-priced European "escort" girls, fine wines, fast motorcycles, and the world's top house DJs playing in my backyard week in and week out. 8)

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Guest coach

If you want all of this....Move to Canada....

All of the girls in Canada are bi-sexual?!?!?!!?!?!?! Must be to keep warm.

(Actually, that was the reason I moved to MB.)

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Guest bcnjunkie

more religous groups doing crazy stuff than good !

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ::)

dude you need to do some research !!!! you obviously don't know much about what organized religions do around the world ! I'll give you a brief exmaple of the best one I know, the catholic church (which ps I was brought up hard core catholic)

* first think about all that was stolen from latin america during the spanish conquest. Ships would be filled to capacity with gold, silver and gemstones. Brazil was shipping enormous amounts of Emeralds. That wealth went directly to the crown of the respective countries who inturn gave a good portion (somtimes half of what was brought, as was the case of Spain and Potugal) to the catholic church. Image 200 + years of constant shipments of wealth of which up to 50% went to the catholic church, from each country. Think about the amount of wealth acquired ? I can't even picture it.

* Every Catholic church in the world pays duties to the Vatican in rome (as a percentage of the money they collect). Every month, the bank of the vatican recieves duties from every single catholic church in the world. How many catholic churches are there in the world ? each sending their money religiously (no pun intended) every month

* the catholic church is sectioned into many different divisions, you have the maristas, roman (the most proliferated), carmelites, etc. and amongst those you have one of the most controversial the jesuits whose preachings are based on the belief that Jesus was the first, sort of speak, communist. They harbored leftist groups in Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras helping to hide subservient groups and terrorists, all with support of the vatican. I've heard their sermons in small towns of latin america (Nicaragua, el Salvador and Guatemala). You wouldn't believe what they say !!! they incorporate leftist ideals into their sermons.

* In WWII not only did they silently lean favorably toward the holocaust but they were complete supporters of the faschist movement. They loved Mussolini (Hitler's buddy), This is not me making up anything this is actual history that you can look up (I can back up my stuff not use ignorant comments that say nothing like riiiiiight). Why do you think catholicism is not looked upon nicely in Spain.

* Do you know the bank of the Vatican is the richest bank in the world ? How do you think they got that way if they are not a business ? now compare everything the Catholic church does to help and it's vast resource of wealth and it doesn't add up. The catholic church is a business. One of my most dissapointing trips was my first trip to Rome. I didn't feel welcomed but instead looked down upon by the church that I had been faithful to for years, It was after that trip that I finally realized what that scam was all about.

* finally remember this, The holy books of religions were meant to be understood by an enlightened few. There were written in way that they were not meant to be understood by the general population, is for that reason that most religions are easily subjected to interpretation and manipulation and therefore easily accepted by the masses. I'll give you a great example. the concept on holy war in Islam doesn't refer to crazy bloodshed that we see now on behalf of the self-proclaimed holy warriors. Jihad refers to a sort of internal war in which you must "fight or wage war" on our natural desires to subject to the unpure or sin.

Organized religions don't work, they induce elitism and elistism goes agains the core principles of religion itself !

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Guest JMT

no you need to wake the fuck up. you are exactly the kind person im referring to that doesnt really give a shit about anyone else or do anything but worry about yourself, not adding one redeeming iota of value to society or the less fortunate. all you do is bitch and complain about how things are so fucked up in the world and you claim to care, but actually doing something is another story. the catholic church i belong to sponsors countless programs like Meals on wheels (which i volunteer for during the holidays), habitat for humanity, child mentoring, senior citizen aids, food drives, clothing drives, ect.... all year round! you have NO clue wtf you're talking about. its the grassroots religious that make differences that help society. its the people you dont hear about that are doing good.

but just worry about YOURSELF man and where your next good time will be, that probably takes all of your free energy.

(if i sound a but aggressive it bc i feel strongly about what these kinds of people do bc i have seen it myself.)

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