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So what do you think??

Guest demo909

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What Jorge and I are getting at is that most organized religions have a lot of blood on their hands. Meals on Wheels, etc, are wonderful programs, but it's hardly atonement for past transgressions. Giving old people food isn't gonna placate the relatives of millions of dead.

However, I did mention the good things that Catholicism and many other of the world's religions have done. We're in an age now where there's extremists and moderates.

Unfortunately, the media exposes the extremists first. Suicide bombing Muslims, anti-technological Protestants, abortion clinic demolishing Catholics, stupid celebrity Buddhists, corrupt Hindu politicians in India, and so on and so forth.

You're right in one respect, no one hears about the good things. It is not good news. Hell, our own nightlife scene is a victim of that. The media ignores the fun and goes for the drug overdoses and killings.

My advice is to not blind yourself to what these human institutions have done...again, all organized religions are guilty of some pretty bad things...

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Guest shannon_coolj.


just to clarify two points: those are zen buddhists that whack you with a stick. and they DON'T beat the shit out of you. In fact, you won't get hit with the "Zen stick" unless you ask the master to hit you. AND -- most people like getting hit with it because relieves muscle tension from meditating.

And, as one guy said in an online article on buddhism (the author's girfriend is a devout buddhist):

As far as I know, no war has ever been waged in the name of Buddhism. This is not to say that Buddhists haven't shed blood, or prayed to the Buddha during wartime to steel their resolve or protect them from harm. Soldiers commonly wear Buddha amulets for the same reason. But Buddhism has no equivalent to "jihad" or "crusade", to "nonbelievers" or "heathen". Buddhists do not evangelize. In matters religious as in matters in general, they live and let live.

I asked the expert, my girlfriend, why this was. "Buddhists don't believe in God," she said. "So there's no 'my-God-is-better-than-your-God' stuff. The teachings of Buddha did not come from God - they came from Buddha, who is only a man."

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Like I said, it was isolated incidents. I shoulda clarified the degree as opposed to throwing everyone in the same pot.

Out of all the belief systems, those who follow the Buddhist faith tend to be the least violent of them all...outside of Rastafarians whom are usually too stoned 8)

Then again, a lot of faiths preach peace and tolerance. It takes the will of man to twist it around for their own good. Hence the Crusades, Jihads, Scientology murders, Protestants getting all worked up about cloning and the digitizing of the human soul (wait twenty years, that one will really piss them off! ;D ) ...all of that and more is the will of man, thinking he is doing the work of his chosen deity....either that or they're just using religion as a cover for their own ends.

That's why I like my belief system, it consists of jack shit and there's no way nothing can be twisted around 8)

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Guest shannon_coolj.

no you need to wake the fuck up. you are exactly the kind person im referring to that doesnt really give a shit about anyone else or do anything but worry about yourself, not adding one redeeming iota of value to society or the less fortunate. all you do is bitch and complain about how things are so fucked up in the world and you claim to care, but actually doing something is another story. the catholic church i belong to sponsors countless programs like Meals on wheels (which i volunteer for during the holidays), habitat for humanity, child mentoring, senior citizen aids, food drives, clothing drives, ect.... all year round! you have NO clue wtf you're talking about. its the grassroots religious that make differences that help society. its the people you dont hear about that are doing good.

but just worry about YOURSELF man and where your next good time will be, that probably takes all of your free energy.

(if i sound a but aggressive it bc i feel strongly about what these kinds of people do bc i have seen it myself.)

you're right...a lot of religious organizations do good stuff---at the grassroots level.

i think what bcn junkie was speaking of is the fact that so many religious shed blood in the name of God--which is just wrong because if God is, in fact, real...would he want all this?

bcn junkie was not attacking people who do good stuff in the name of religion and it was really kind of nasty of you to say that he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself... where the hell did you get that from??


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Guest bcnjunkie

no you need to wake the fuck up. you are exactly the kind person im referring to that doesnt really give a shit about anyone else or do anything but worry about yourself, not adding one redeeming iota of value to society or the less fortunate. all you do is bitch and complain about how things are so fucked up in the world and you claim to care, but actually doing something is another story. the catholic church i belong to sponsors countless programs like Meals on wheels (which i volunteer for during the holidays), habitat for humanity, child mentoring, senior citizen aids, food drives, clothing drives, ect.... all year round! you have NO clue wtf you're talking about. its the grassroots religious that make differences that help society. its the people you dont hear about that are doing good.

but just worry about YOURSELF man and where your next good time will be, that probably takes all of your free energy.

(if i sound a but aggressive it bc i feel strongly about what these kinds of people do bc i have seen it myself.)

My parents were very charitable, when we had it, my parents gave money time and effort. My Mom was involved in programs with rehabilitating women in prisons, My dad always gave to the church and I was brought up heavily tied to the church. Our church would use our house to store items that they used in procesions and what not.

As far as me, You can ask anybody that knows me and I assure you that I will never be qualified as selfish and whenever someone needs a hand I'm always there.

Maybe the church you belong to is fine but most people that go to church don't practice what they preach. What I printed above is the truth, the good things the church does do not outweigh the bad. You're small mind is talking about a congregation in a community. I'm talking to you about large organized religion and it's effects. Catholic church is one of the mosy hypocrite there is. You community church is feeding and giving away clothes you were going to throw away anyways whilst in El salvador Jesuists were hiding weapons for leftist groups funded by Cuba. This isn't some concocted story, this is truth but here in the US you hardly hear it because alot of world news isn't reported here. Remember the American Nuns that were killed in El Salvador, why do you think that was ?. The one that is truly ignorant is you, you need to get out more and see what really goes on in the world. The church is kind to few but remember in the 80's when gays were excluded from the church when they were dying from aids !, yeah, very kind and benevolent of the church !!! abd the programs for feedeing the hungry, ofcourse they have to do it otherwise they can't run their business scam ! And the sex offenders, what has the church done, NOTHING !!!!! big SCAM !!! very profitable business though

also all you people who are supposed religious you always fail to practice two things Jesus taught, give the other cheek and Jesus said that you should preach but never impose the word of God, somehow those values are always forgotten. It's amazing how little they know about their religion.

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Guest JMT

i agree that the Vatican has a screwed up mentality. however decent people like the ones in my community are all over this country and all over the world. helping others simply bc they feel like it.

for anyone to knock general "religion", which is the basis for the good that people do, is just plain fucking ignorant. thats why i posed the question.... what they hell does anyone do for fellow man besides talk meaningless shit?

and to answer your question Interview Junkie, any person who would demean others bc of their beliefs that they might simply keep to themselves and use as a foundation to do charitable good in the world deserves it. "if the shoe fits..... "

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Guest JMT

no you need to wake the fuck up. you are exactly the kind person im referring to that doesnt really give a shit about anyone else or do anything but worry about yourself, not adding one redeeming iota of value to society or the less fortunate. all you do is bitch and complain about how things are so fucked up in the world and you claim to care, but actually doing something is another story. the catholic church i belong to sponsors countless programs like Meals on wheels (which i volunteer for during the holidays), habitat for humanity, child mentoring, senior citizen aids, food drives, clothing drives, ect.... all year round! you have NO clue wtf you're talking about. its the grassroots religious that make differences that help society. its the people you dont hear about that are doing good.

but just worry about YOURSELF man and where your next good time will be, that probably takes all of your free energy.

(if i sound a but aggressive it bc i feel strongly about what these kinds of people do bc i have seen it myself.)

you're right...a lot of religious organizations do good stuff---at the grassroots level.

i think what bcn junkie was speaking of is the fact that so many religious shed blood in the name of God--which is just wrong because if God is, in fact, real...would he want all this?

bcn junkie was not attacking people who do good stuff in the name of religion and it was really kind of nasty of you to say that he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself... where the hell did you get that from??


um yeah, he directly attacked my point that a lot of good is done by religious groups.

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Guest bcnjunkie

I never attacked your point of view that some religions do good. Yes some do and some people really do care. Plus I was refering to organized religions as a whole not community congregations. Pus there are religious figures that are to be admired like mother Theresa, The Pope, Dali Lama who are above all spiritual leaders. They truly set the example ! And yes interview junkie was right about my point, the bloodshed caused directly or indirectly by the church outweighs any good things they do and it is not what is taught by any religion. Plus we're talking about two different things, selfless acts of kindness and the church. Also I'm not against religion, but when religions are too structured their teachings can be molded to fit specific interests (in order to influence masses) as has happened in catholicism and islam (by the way Islam is not this violent religion that people think). At the peak of the golden age of Islam it actually was one of the most tolerant progressive religions and one of the most civilized cultures around and look to what it's turned into !

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Guest demo909

erm demo909 ...can you say 'can of worms'!!!

I know I know....The poll was going fine and then the religion thing took over......crazy.

No matter what religion people believe is right or wrong......the peole are all wrong with trying to enforce their views on others......thats the major problem today with organized religion..."we are right you are wrong so burn in hell"......such BS!! Embrace and except other ideas and beliefs even if they are not your own ;)

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Guest demo909

Ok folks thats it......to quote the iron chef......"this battle is Ova!!"

New poll today to keep you happy

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Guest XxGrOoVeERICxX

So what do I think?

I think you are getting this poll idea from another website... ::)

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