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Is Nerve closed/closing???

Guest trancelator

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Guest coach

I see the future, and it is Downtown Miami. I was in the area today, and you'd be shocked at how many clubs are going up.

Last count, I factor in four or five within the Entertainment District, and a few lounges in the Design District going up.

Anyone looking to open a club, better do it downtown.

Yep...You're right on about that one. Downtown and the Design District will be jumping really soon.....Personally I hope to see this happen soon. The "Tour-ons" and the cheese balls seem to be all over the place up late. Especially down in SOBE...

Blah, blah, blah. One club does not a "district" make. Can you honestly tell me that being in downtown has *anything* to do with LP's success? The man spends an assload on marketing, an assload on big-name DJs, and the people show up. Big surprise. Really, the *only* benefit that Space has reaped from being downtown is the low rent, compared to SoBe, that allows them to spend more money, percentage-wise, on advertising and performers. This is a good thing for LP. However, if the speculators move in, as it appears that they are, and the prices go up, then that advantage will be lost for future ventures.

Can you honestly tell me that if LP brought Space to the island and used the same formula, massive advertising, big names, and well-produced events, that he would do poorly? Pshah!!!!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I see the future, and it is Downtown Miami. I was in the area today, and you'd be shocked at how many clubs are going up.

Last count, I factor in four or five within the Entertainment District, and a few lounges in the Design District going up.

Anyone looking to open a club, better do it downtown.

Yep...You're right on about that one. Downtown and the Design District will be jumping really soon.....Personally I hope to see this happen soon. The "Tour-ons" and the cheese balls seem to be all over the place up late. Especially down in SOBE...

Blah, blah, blah. One club does not a "district" make. Can you honestly tell me that being in downtown has *anything* to do with LP's success? The man spends an assload on marketing, an assload on big-name DJs, and the people show up. Big surprise. Really, the *only* benefit that Space has reaped from being downtown is the low rent, compared to SoBe, that allows them to spend more money, percentage-wise, on advertising and performers. This is a good thing for LP. However, if the speculators move in, as it appears that they are, and the prices go up, then that advantage will be lost for future ventures.

Can you honestly tell me that if LP brought Space to the island and used the same formula, massive advertising, big names, and well-produced events, that he would do poorly? Pshah!!!!

Do pooly as far as the quaility of the crowd that would be in stumbling to Space if "Hypothetically" the exact same formula including venue was used on the island? Yes....You know how many cheesy tourist would end up there? they would of course still make money. The only reason a lot of toursit don't go downtown is becuz it's to far from the hotels.... Are you telling me that Space would get the same results with a bunch of straglers wandering in if the exact same venue where located on the island?

You can see the quality of people who come here from out of town to hang in SOBE has gone down hill ever since the "E" channel started doing features on it a few years ago...

I haven't lived here in South Florida very long and I've even noticed the declining trend to the point where I don't want to go down there anymore with exception to some of the smaller clubs such as Nerve!

And Space having low rent? Low rent my ass! What about the chunk of change the city reaps from clubs located in downtown? Are you telling me that the clubs downtown especially Space aren't digging deep into their bank account to pay the City of Miami taxes so that they could even exist downtown? Do you think that chunk of change is a cheap amount?

Low rent? Maybe...? High Taxes to the city of Miami? You bet yah!

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Guest pod

the old Space was rented...the new one is a purchase, LP owns every brick, wire, circuit, and piece of wood in the new Space. The most he pays is city taxes, which are comparatively low since there is a huge tax break if you develop downtown.

Space's formula would not work on the Beach. They tried it once, it was called Spin. Same DJs, same formats, only lasted a year.

People are used to the Space formula...big club, superb sound and lighting, and the DJs play for long hours. You could not have 2 headlining DJs like Josh Wink and Danny Howells at a Beach club in one night, and get a sensible set...a 2 hour DH or Josh set isn't doing either of them justice.

Space is the cohesion of location, marketing, DJs, staff, sound, visuals, and crowd.

A different and perhaps inferior formula would be needed for a beach venue.

I still stand by my words, the future of nightlife down here is Downtown. The Beach is going to be relegated to hotels, tourist-trap clubs, and maybe one or two good venues. Even the good venues have investments proceeding downtown...

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Guest coach

Yes, having the 24 hour liquor license is certainly an advantage, I will give you that. However, I totally disagree with the Spin comparison. The difference in size and advertising budget makes it a completely unrelated comparison. Like the old apples & oranges thing.

I still think it all hinges on the management ability and the financing of any given venue as to whether it does well or not. We'll see if enough of that shows up in downtown to make it work. Personally, my main concern is that we'll see a bunch of wannabes who think they are so smart show up to try to duplicate LP's success without his ability and we will just end up with a bunch of short-lived failures. But it has such a long way to go.

The other issue is this. I don't see any evidence that the EDM scene is large enough to currently support a larger number of electronic music clubs. Space is killing all the others by drawing the majority of the fans. Why do you think so many of the other clubs have mostly switched formats? Because there are not enough EDM fans to fill Space AND Opium AND State AND Mansion all on the same night. This will be true whether they are on or off the island. So, we may get more successful clubs in downtown, but the likelihood is that they will be hip-hop, top 40, or rock, not EDM.

Or maybe I'm just too tired from a 3-day weekend of partying.

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Guest pod

I didn't specifically say dance music clubs downtown. I/O alone is proof that people realize that. They do drum n bass, alterna-whine rock, etc and manage to do good off of it.

Nocturnal will be multi-format with a dedicated hip-hop night with DMC champ Craze, and will have drum n bass and breaks DJs doing sets, in addition to house and trance. Dade's smart enough to realize how to work that neighborhood.

Metropolis apparently will be very Latin oriented from the rumours.

Aside from Saturday mornings, Envy seems to be a largely gay club, with a gay Saturday night, and a gay Monday morning.

Variety is definitely the way to do business down there. Space has the lock on most of the decent dance music DJs...the rest will go to Nocturnal, and crobar undoubtedly.

If clubs continue to remain on the beach in any sort of numbers, I see the beach scene shifting again, possibly ending up like Lauderdale, where the touristy places are on the beach, and the "serious" clubs are all inland.

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Guest djjoncowan

Jon is no longer associated with the club but there are 2 other owners and no plans to close. Lets just hope they can get a better marketing team.

not that its really anyones business but i hate when people post something as fact that isn't true. when did nerve get a third partner? news to me and its funny as i am still one of the TWO owners. Its true that i have stepped away under my own free will. I am in the scene for the music and trying to keep a dying scene alive with top notch talent. Nerves majority owner wants to go in a different direction and I want no part in that. there was also no money to market events correctly therefore - no people - the club biz isn't rocket science - people can only come to what they are aware of. As for the future of nerve - it will be an interesting few weeks.. there are lots of internal things going on and the future is yet to be written in stone but its on shakey ground.

as for bliss - we will continue to bring you top talent as we have for the past 10+ yrs. we have a couple of events planned for aug and one for sept. some will be at crobar others at venues to be determined. I am also still working with the x-sess guys and once the slow summer has passed we will be back with a monthly event. its not my way to air out any dirty laundry or talk anything bad about anyone on a public forum but i just don't like when people post things as fact that they have no clue of. there will be an anouncement of a major bliss event this week so be sure to stay tuned for more info! you will all be happy Junkies ;)

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Guest djjoncowan

Sorry Jon, but I thought was what you posted on the other site and I was apparently mistaken about the third owner. My bad!

This sundays party at Nerve was more packed than ever!!! They even stopped letting people in at one point!!! Gotta love Sundays at Nerve!!! ;D

no big deal.. just wanted to clarify... i am sure sunday was slammed considering it was a holiday weekend.. did everyone have a good 4th of july weekend??? . hey carissa - RETURN A CALL - lol - anyways, stay tuned for the big bliss anouncement... huge event you will all be excited about... :P

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