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Guest trancelator

Monk hit it to a T. Living in Miami presents more options than the same old shit every week.


Yeah, but you can't get absolutely trashed for $20 in Miami either. There is a different hot spot in college towns every night of the week as well not to mention all the greek functions. I'd relive the years I spent in college in a nanosecond. Hot chicks, partying, great football team...how can one go wrong??? ;D

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Monk hit it to a T. Living in Miami presents more options than the same old shit every week.


Yeah, but you can't get absolutely trashed for $20 in Miami either. There is a different hot spot in college towns every night of the week as well not to mention all the greek functions. I'd relive the years I spent in college in a nanosecond. Hot chicks, partying, great football team...how can one go wrong??? ;D

you were in a frat? oh jeez.

there were tons of things to do there at fsu, house parties every day of the week, but there were some great clubs varying in size/type of music. and the hole-in-the-wall bars, plenty of those. 70% of fsu is from miami.

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Guest pod

There's places in Miami you can get trashed on 20 bucks.

Tobacco Road

The Playwright


Ted's Hideaway

The Deuce

open bar at any club

any gas station or supermarket

I wouldn't trade the Miami experience for a mediocre existence in a mediocre college town any day of the week.

Greek functions? Whatever. I know real Greeks and they are mightily offended by the co-opting of their racial descriptor by an organization of rich white kids who think black folk having cable TV is 'uppity'.

That is what makes a big city nice. You can get trashed on 20 bucks or less, and still go out to a real club if you want. Plus you don't have to deal with podunk locals.

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Guest dino

1). State University of New York at Albany

2) Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia

3) University of Wisconsin-Madison

4) West Virginia University, Morgantown

5) Ohio University, Athens

6) Florida State University, Tallahassee

7) University of Texas-Austin

8) University of Georgia, Athens

9) University of Colorado

10) University of Mississippi

only one school was ever called "professional party school" by playboy..

www.ecu.edu ;)

Back when JMT and I were there, Florida State was #1.

Now, I'm not saying there is a connection, but the facts speak for themselves.

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Guest JMT

i think it was 2 years while we were there. then the school received millions to combat the rampant drinking.

but like i said, if this isnt by Princeton Review, then it doesnt count.

your college has to be the main thing in a town or city to really qualify. hence the term, "college town." miami is far from it.

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Guest trancelator

Monk hit it to a T. Living in Miami presents more options than the same old shit every week.


Yeah, but you can't get absolutely trashed for $20 in Miami either. There is a different hot spot in college towns every night of the week as well not to mention all the greek functions. I'd relive the years I spent in college in a nanosecond. Hot chicks, partying, great football team...how can one go wrong??? ;D

you were in a frat? oh jeez.

Yes but not in a Greek fraternity.

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Guest trancelator

There's places in Miami you can get trashed on 20 bucks.

Tobacco Road

The Playwright


Ted's Hideaway

The Deuce

open bar at any club

any gas station or supermarket

I wouldn't trade the Miami experience for a mediocre existence in a mediocre college town any day of the week.

Greek functions? Whatever. I know real Greeks and they are mightily offended by the co-opting of their racial descriptor by an organization of rich white kids who think black folk having cable TV is 'uppity'.

That is what makes a big city nice. You can get trashed on 20 bucks or less, and still go out to a real club if you want. Plus you don't have to deal with podunk locals.

I agree with JMT. Your college has to be the main thing in the town in order for it to be considered a college town. Despite not being in a Greek fraternity, stupid white kids thinking black folk having cable tv is "uppity" has nothing to do with the conversation.

The reason why college towns are great is because everything is geared around the college. Everything from drink specials to apartment prices is geared toward the college student. I feel sorry for college kids down here. Everything is so damn expensive. You can't get nearly the value for your money that you get in a college town. I look at kids that go to schools such as Lynn, Miami, FIU, Nova and FAU and think that it must suck big time.

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Guest pod

Hell no.

The area around those various schools have "specials" geared towards the student population. From stuff like showing your student ID for discounts, to cheaper apartments and drink specials at a nearby bar. The only expensive things are commodities like parking and gas for your car. Downside is that you have to stay close to school to take advantage of the discounts. Sucks if you want to move elsewhere while in school.

Having a total community which revolves around a school is very detrimental in the long run. Typically students come out with a rather vague and distorted idea of the world.

The kids from urban schools like UM, FIU, USC (Cali), UCLA, NYU, etc tend to have a more diverse education, and realize that the world doesn't revolve around having a number one football team, or being a brother in Alpha Beta. Even though UM has a number one football team and all.

But still, I would not want to be in a 'college town'. There's more to life than school, even while you are in it, and being isolated from the rest of the world is a bad thing.

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to each his own, i guess.

my 5 1/2 years in college was the best time of my life.

i think the point you're missing is that the entire 30,000+ student population comes from elsewhere. they're not locals in the college. state school populations are about 90% in-state, so the diversity is representative of the state as a whole. the florida state university system is pretty diverse, everyone that goes to these schools are from miami, orlando, tampa, etc. what you say might hold true for other states, but we're pretty diverse.

and i didn't come out with a rather vague and distorted idea of the world, quite the opposite. my view of the world is a combination of things, not just where i went to school. i've experienced small town america, and big city america, so at least i can say i've seen them both, and understand what makes each tick. i think that's a better view of the world than most have.

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Guest trancelator

Very true, Ryan. It's up to the individual to get well rounded. FSU had a lot of different cultures being represented there. It was the best part of the whole experience. I met so many different types of people, it was great. One has to get out and see the world. The people I get along with the most are the ones that are willing to explore new ideas and cultures. I agree, life is more than the football team and the fraternity/sorority. But it is fun to take part in those things while in school. You only have a few years to enjoy that aspect of your life.

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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days.

> Eventually, Michael the archangel found him, resting on the seventh

> day. He inquired of God. "Where have you been?"


> God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards

> through the clouds, 'Look, Michael. Look what I've made."


> Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"


> "It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to

> call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."


> "Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.


> God explained, pointing to different parts of earth. "For example,

> northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth but

> cold and harsh while southern Europe is going to be poor but sunny and

> pleasant. I have made some lands abundant in water and other lands

> parched deserts. This one will be extremely hot and while this one

> will be very cold and covered in ice."


> The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land mass

> and said, "What's that one?"


> "Ah," said God. "That's Tallahassee -- the most glorious place on


> There are streams, hills, forests -- and the Florida State University.

> The people who attend this school in Tallahassee are going to be

> handsome, modest, intelligent and humorous and they are going to be

> found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable,

> hardworking and high achieving, and they will be known throughout the

> world as diplomats and carriers of peace."


> Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What

> about balance, God? You said there would be balance!"


> God replied wisely, "Wait until you see the idiots I put in


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Guest pod

You guys might be the lone exceptions. Most people I've met from "college towns" are borderline Klan members.

Again, to each his own, but give me an urban school any day of the week. To me, going to school was half of it. The other half was being in a city with more diversity in a square mile than the entire state college system of Florida, with the entertainment and cultural options offered therein.

I had a conversation last night with this girl I know on this very topic. The general consensus was that being in a college town gets boring real quick. The frat parties and football games are fun the first time around, but it is old hat very quickly. The magic of going to school in a big city is that when the "school fun" gets old, there is so much more to do.

I got sick of the pep rallies and frat parties about 2 weeks into my career at UM. Soon after I wandered off to the beach and the rest is history.

Oh, and having 30,000 students in a school is not a good thing. Talk about being reduced to a number in the system.

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