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Real World/Road Rules Chicks gone WILD!!

Guest Ariel

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Guest aquabooty1078

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

And shes a lesbian that lives in Miami. I saw her and her gf on a flight back from NY once. They were making out the whole time. LOL!

She's still super hot! I have seen her out a few times..

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Guest Cosmigonon

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

Was she in Road Rules or Real World? what season?

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Guest Cosmigonon

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

Was she in Road Rules or Real World? what season?

Road Rules cant remember the season

Thanks, with this info it's easier to find out ;)

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Guest Clauds

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

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Guest klubveteran

like Pod said "heavy airbrush work in those photos, FHM-style"

lol at Flora (Louis Puig's old flame from RW Miami)

good memory!

in the laws of 6 degrees of sepration- or something like that

Flora is partly responsible for club space.

Louie hired her as a bartender to work for Bar 609 like in 96-97. he got a tip from a friend in Boston that this chick Flora was coming down and needed a bartending job. The catch was....she had an MTV camera crew coming with her as she was already casted as a contestant/personality on the real world show.

Bar 609 and its t shirts were plastered all over MTV. I was one of the guys on the door staff at the time. If i had a nickle for everytime some tourist would ask me (and locals too) that if that was the club from the real world. wow!

Revenue and popularity soared with that exposure.

and the point of my long, dull and boring story is....that momentum lead to club 609 grove. which later eventually lead to club space 1st one...and you know the rest.

crafty resourceful Lou at his best. ;)

sidenote: Flora never looked as good as she does in those pics. :-\

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Guest pod

My daytime employment, as it is, is to make those ugly girls look good. I get all sorts of models coming in that look banged up, and I make them look presentable.

Every magazine photo you see in the fashion world has been optimized and retouched. Even more so with the resolution of today's digital cameras.

sidebar: when I first went digital, the biggest complaint I got from people I shot was that the camera's resolving power was too good ;D

off-topic: Nelson, where are you gonna be tonight?

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Guest web_norah

the man knows what he is doing (i remember pretty damn well seeing 609 plastered all over the screen back then).

but Flora was a walking drama queen and he "dated" her (eeek).

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Guest guyman1966

the man knows what he is doing (i remember pretty damn well seeing 609 plastered all over the screen back then).

but Flora was a walking drama queen and he "dated" her (eeek).

If the sound you utter is "eeek" about a man dating her, what noise will we generate about a man being with you? Maybe "puke"???

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Guest klubveteran

My daytime employment, as it is, is to make those ugly girls look good. I get all sorts of models coming in that look banged up, and I make them look presentable.

Every magazine photo you see in the fashion world has been optimized and retouched. Even more so with the resolution of today's digital cameras.

sidebar: when I first went digital, the biggest complaint I got from people I shot was that the camera's resolving power was too good ;D

off-topic: Nelson, where are you gonna be tonight?


i saw this just now. New years i went to a house party full of hot corporate older babes. It was great in the sense it was very upscale yet sleazy at the the same time. Very sex and the city meets desperate housewives. 8)

as for the clubs i have been MIA for some time. Nothing really that makes my toes tingle these days. I do however have to go out one sat night and go check out Falcon @ Crobar then parade down washington over to Amika to see old pals Roland and Biz and Tony G.

then of course cant neglect Space can i? i like to go to Space on "normal" nights when i can shmooze with Guerra and Puig.

Ill see you about these days its very due sometime this month. Ill wait till Edgar gets back from South America so he can chaufffeur me ;D


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Guest Cosmigonon

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Well, thanks to you too. ;D

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Guest Clauds

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Well, thanks to you too. ;D


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Guest Cosmigonon

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Well, thanks to you too. ;D


Silly, you answered the question everybody was asking... ;)

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Guest Clauds

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Well, thanks to you too. ;D


Silly, you answered the question everybody was asking... ;)

Oh ok ... I just had a Jessica Simpson moment for a sec LOL!

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Guest Cosmigonon

Whats the name of the girl with the curly hair with veronice on the tub...Dam she is fucking hot as hell.

Rachel.. :P

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Well, thanks to you too. ;D


Silly, you answered the question everybody was asking... ;)

Oh ok ... I just had a Jessica Simpson moment for a sec LOL!

:P ;D

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Guest LeVeL

WRONG! That's not Rachel. The chick with curly hair is Jisela from Road Rules The Quest (Season 10). She just looks totally different with blonde hair.

Bingo.....thats the name of that slut.

Man she look good...I dont give 3 fucks if shes a lesbian or not.

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Guest durrtylexx

Veronica is aight, she looks like an average kendall girl..she's an 7 on my scale..Mary Beth thats hottnes, she's an 8. :P

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Guest Cosmigonon

Veronica is aight, she looks like an average kendall girl..she's an 7 on my scale..Mary Beth thats hottnes, she's an 8. :P

Well, I think in terms of TV and magazines, Mary Beth looks like a gazillion girls you've seen before on tv or Playboy. Veronica, in the other hand, is not your typical tv gal so she looks hotter to me.

But I see your point; if I had never ever seen them before and all of a sudden they were on the Patio, Mary Beth would look hotter, being gringa and everything ;)

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