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Prince A$$hole

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest trancepriest

he is 20 yrs old.....he is supposed to be doing stupid things....most men and women his age do....

Norah... what the heck are you talking about? He's a member of the damn Royal Family... how many people in England lost their lives to Nazi agression... you write this off as a simple mistake? Come on. This shows a complete lack in consciousness. You mean he had no awareness of the significance of what he was doing... none at all... that is alarming.

I think you just crossed over to some soap opera womens mode... defending rich popular motherfuckers. Guyman saying fuck Tsunami aid is no different than Prince Harry wearing that uniform.... complete lack of sensitivity.

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Guest web_norah

i realize the implications but i think that because he is a kid and member of the royal family, people blew this out of proportion (and quite possibly, he is really embarrassed about it but cant do anything to change his actions). on one hand, he and his brother do a lot of charity work just like their mother and i dont think they're evil people............

ultimately, all humans make mistakes.

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Guest saintjohn
This is not some simple mistake. After so many people in England died in the war too.. what the fuck was he thinking?

Right on target, Marine.

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Guest JMT

he is 20, not 12. he is an educated young adult. no one is saying rack him in the tower of london, but this shows an inexcusable, colossal lack of judgement.

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Guest web_norah

i think the last point you made basically sums it up

it was dumb, senseless, etc etc etc etc

he apologized and will probably continue to redeem himself or otherwise...

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Guest trancepriest

At his age and way younger... military personnel were in Island hopping campaigns in the Pacific... constant battles... constant beach assaults... battles so fierce that Marines had to stack up the bodies of other dead marines to make a fighting position. They didn't have any breaks... it was battle on a island, back to the ship...and then towards another island. Alot of the ships didn't have fresh water... so they had to take showers with salt water.

At his age... young Americans... even some at the age of 15 and 16... were fighting and dying in Europe. Kids that wanted to fight against evil so badly that they joined the services illegally to do so.

I'm just a black Jamaican from a poor family background with a public school education level but I can still appreciate what these people did 65 years ago. I appreciate the sacrifices that they made. I appreciated it when i was a teenager... I appreciate it now. Stories of what those people went through in WW2... literrally make me cry... stories of honor and sacrifice... of love of nation.

Didn't Harry get these stories imparted to him... whjat kind of education did he receive... wasn't anyone at the party offended by his uniform. Heck i love Rommels military genius in North Africa... I also love how the British SAS and code breakers were very effective in fighting against him. I can respect Rommel from a military tactician point of view. What I can't understand is how a young man like Harry in that position... would completely disrespect the fighting men and women of his nation... the fighting men and women of all nations of the world who held back Nazi tyranny and especially saved england... who saved him even.... he had a lark at their expense.

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Guest pod

The other royals have their own gaffes too:

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My favorites are what Prince Philip has done:

On a trip to China in the 1980s, he warned British students: "You'll get slitty eyes if you stay too long."

In 1999, while on a tour of a company near Edinburgh, Scotland, he saw a poorly wired fuse box. "It looks as though it was put in by an Indian," he remarked.

While touring Australia in 2002, the prince asked an Aborigine whether they still threw spears at each other.

In 2001, Philip told a 13-year-old boy whose ambition was to go into space that he was too fat to be an astronaut.

During a visit to Oban in Scotland in 1995 he asked a driving instructor: "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the (driving) test?"

In 1993, Philip told a Briton he met in Hungary: "You can't have been here that long -- you haven't got a pot belly."

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Guest pod

Another Prince Philip line:

He told a blind girl with a seeing-eye dog that they also have eating dogs for anorexic people.

Benefits of inheriting your position I guess, you can get away with shit like that.

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Guest web_norah

hey noone said celebrity and upper cast nobility came without its trials and tribulations.

still, having empathy for him doesnt mean i dont think he screwed up this time.

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