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Guest thehammer


1. I never said Stephan and Co. rule Amika

2. I never said I had a problem how the membership is here

3. I never mentioned any parties that arent being talked about in these posts.

French Fried Saturdays at Space, Sundays at Amika, Aquabooty events?????..are these abstract parties that no one is going to but me?

I don't think so. The root of the problem is how people love to bash and judge DJ's/parties based on nothing. The bashing that I do is based on reality. It seems lots of people on these posts have the same feelings I do about this. It's also funny how you mentioned "the owner-as-god concept"...hmmm....

I commend you on your knowledge of the history mr. pod

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Guest pod

Can you blame a club owner for well, being a club owner? If I spent $5,000,000 on a project, you bet your ass I would be on top of the DJs playing in my venue. Hell, even if I spent $50,000 on the place I would be on top of it. If he starts being 'abstract' and empties my building, I'll be pissed.

I used to be like you, overly concered about the state of the crowd in Miami. I'm not out at night to get educated, I'm out to have a great time doing what I do, boff a few girls, take a photo or ten, and wake up the next day feeling like a mong. If I want education, I'll pull up the Wikipedia.

My logic is that as long as their having fun, why bother them?

I like to hear new things as much as the next guy, but I'm not gonna stomp about and cry if a DJ plays something from six months ago.

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Can you blame a club owner for well, being a club owner? If I spent $5,000,000 on a project, you bet your ass I would be on top of the DJs playing in my venue. Hell, even if I spent $50,000 on the place I would be on top of it. If he starts being 'abstract' and empties my building, I'll be pissed.

I used to be like you, overly concered about the state of the crowd in Miami. I'm not out at night to get educated, I'm out to have a great time doing what I do, boff a few girls, take a photo or ten, and wake up the next day feeling like a mong. If I want education, I'll pull up the Wikipedia.

My logic is that as long as their having fun, why bother them?

I like to hear new things as much as the next guy, but I'm not gonna stomp about and cry if a DJ plays something from six months ago.

Amen to that

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Guest vaughan
Or even worse, trainwrecking and listening to static is passed off as "innovation" .

IT WAS ONLY ONCE... And I had a rough night at Delux the night before... Blame it on... ummm... Diego? Better yet... MIllsie & Irene!!! ;D

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Guest thehammer

I'm all for the commercial stuff if its being played well. If the vibe is there and the DJ is destroying the place with music I dont really care for, I would probably stick around just to see why people are freaking out.

Dont think you're getting my point...im not stompin or crying about hearing a 6 month old tune. The irritating part is, the crowd that does like to hear type of stuff all night, will bash everything else without even knowing about it.

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My quote stated that MOST of the people dont have a clue. I guess you feel that you fall into that group. This is what I try to accomplish when heading out into clubland:

1. Try not to spend your time listening to DJ's playin' the same tired ass records week in and week out. A little tough to do in Miami, but it can be done.

2. Avoid venues where you are treated like they're doing you the favor by letting you in. Especially the ones where you feel like you're gonna get shaken down at any second by some agro-security loser who thinks he owns the place.

3. Try and find cool parties and listen to sets so that when you get home you feel like you gained something...Listening to 93.1 all day (which is by far THE WORST radio station I ever heard).. and then going to listen to one of these clowns playing the same crap! ...i would rather stick needles in my eyes.

Showing up for the Saturday night cattle call is for sure one way you will not gain anything. I read an email where LP was banning anyone who went to crobar, or went to see cue play anywhere!...hilarious. Is that supposed to put a scare in people?? Is LP doing me a favor by letting me into his meatgrinder? I think not. I would much rather hang out at a club where the staff/owners are appriciative of me coming, and spending my hard earned $$$ in there place. I want to go to a party where the DJ is running shit. Cedric stopped his party at Amika cause LP was gonna pull the plug on his Saturday.. If Cedric had his shit together and was a confident DJ, he would have told LP to go fuck off. I guess not. Does he also tell Cedric what records to play?...Stupid ass Saleen wrote "things change in NY so fast you wouldn't believe it" The reason for this is, in NY there is a community where lots of promoters/DJ's are supporting each other and the music they are playing. . It's because lots of DJ's up there are playing cutting edge music. Trying to be ahead of the curve. Something Miami is lacking. Most people down here just want to hear the latest Tiesto masterpiece. So Lola, I hope you got something out of this. Don't go to parties because there's a flyer with someone that looks like Tiesto on it. There are lots of DJ's down here that have amazing talent that, unfortunately dont get the exposure they deserve.

Actually no, I don't fall into any group - clueless or clue-full. I just wanted to hear WHY you felt most people on here were clueless.

For the record hammer, I don't listen to 93.1 or go to the same parties every week. I have been clubbing for a while and honestly, I don't go out that much anymore as i have other things that i do besides party. I go out to hear a DJ and to dance. It doesn't matter about the location or club name - its about hearing a set of music from a DJ that i enjoy. If the security guard wants to frisk me and the owner wants to be a douchebag, then thats their problem. I just wanna pay cover and go in. Sure, I've had a problem or two when going out.. i've vented on CP - and the promoter got on-line and explained the situation in a classy way. I respect that.

Try to find cool parties? LMAO!! Are you kidding me....wtf....

I appreciate you taking the time to give your answer... but just like everyone else here, you're just another schmuck that goes out and finally had the urge to post an opinion. Thats what the rest of us are doing. So before calling people on here clueless; perhaps you should stop ghost reading and actually post YOUR opinion when you go out. I'm quite sure many other ghost readers and regular posters will find YOUR opinion to be clueless.

So keep on postin'. I'm sure others would like to hear your take on things.... thats why we are here ;D

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"I have been reading these cooljunkie posts from time to time for a couple of years now. Maybe a little more often lately because all of the changes that have been taking place on the beach and downtown. I had never registered, not sure why, but I couldn't take it anymore!!...I would like to start by saying that most of the people on these boards DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!!...about anything regarding Music/Clubs/DJ's or anything else that has to do with this industry. "

According to your quote taken from the og thread, we on CJ, "DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!!...."

Can YOU fill us in then? What are we missing? Can we sign up for a class on HOW to gain a clue from thehammer???? Any insight is appreciated.

Thanks! Oh, and welcome to CJ ;)


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Guest ddg
Or even worse, trainwrecking and listening to static is passed off as "innovation" .

IT WAS ONLY ONCE... And I had a rough night at Delux the night before... Blame it on... ummm... Diego? Better yet... MIllsie & Irene!!! ;D

why do i get blamed for everything that happens bad at the d.... ??? ??? :P

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