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The State of the Union is.....

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

...Is a bunch of bullshit... I can't stand to watch anymore of it. President Bush talking about advancing hydrogen cars and cleaning up the enviornment. Since when does he give a crap about the environment??? What a joke!!!!

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how many times is he going to mention terror? israel and palestine? friends? wtf... stand up and clap everybody!

look at cheney in the background.. fucking crook

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i like the fact that cheney, whose daughter is gay, didn't give the president a standing ovation when bush was talking about "preserving the institution of marriage."

whatever...bush sucks. i don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

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my neighbor died 4 years ago. My friends all barely escaped... mabe you idiots forgot about that...?????

They are still actively trying to kill you and me, but you are worried about alias and other political none sense...

so sad.... to forget so soon.....

A peaceful middle east = a safer world...

thats not right wing views it's just common sense..

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Thought it was a very strong speech. Hit the 2 main points he wanted to hit.

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

The next 4 years are going to be critical to the future of the country and the world. I believe this president will lead the way.

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Thought it was a very strong speech. Hit the 2 main points he wanted to hit.

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

The next 4 years are going to be critical to the future of the country and the world. I believe this president will lead the way.

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

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Guest mursa

Only could stand to watch 5 minutes or so .....total BS especially on the topic of the environment and the "freedom blah blah " rhetoric that reeks of Superiority complex ..


...quickly changed the channel to the Food Network and watched Foodnation with Boddy Flay ! :D

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Thought it was a very strong speech. Hit the 2 main points he wanted to hit.

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

The next 4 years are going to be critical to the future of the country and the world. I believe this president will lead the way.

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

If you don't think a free world means a safer world for everyone, then that's your perogative.

The Iraqi lady they had there, Safia Taleb al-Suhail, seemed pretty happy about it. I am sure the Iraqis loved living under a harsh murderous dictator, right?

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Guest saintjohn

Sorry I didn't post this before:

State of the Union Drinking Game

“The state of our union is strong" - 1

"Mandate" - 1

"Iraq" - small 1

"Terror" - small 1

"Iyad Allawi" - 1

"Democracy" - 2

"Elections" - 1 (+1 if referring to his own)

"Freedom" - 1

"Saddam Hussein" or "Saddam" - 1

The name of another prominent Baathist - 3

"Nukular" - 1

"Bring it on" - Arm-wrestle the person next to you; loser drinks

The rest of the rules:


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Guest shellspeare

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

Do other countries hate America..... hmmm, i'd say no (being British) but we do wonder about your choice of president. What does/has he actually done for the people of America?

I'm for the war on terror and a fan of Tony Blair but i'm getting bored of Bush's repetitive spew about it, he's like a puppet, who's pulling his strings? Time for some new policies please, and time to concentrate on your main job Mr President and that is helping your own people.

As for your comment about the Iraq people, most of them have expressed positive opinions on their situation and are beginning to feel liberated, but they can't be fully liberated until iraq is truely their's again and i can't see this happening in the near future but imo they have stepped a huge step forward.

My main concern is the Bush administration is rumoured to have some Nazi policies that they plan to put forward in the next four years, does anyone know about this? Admittingly, it's only a few articles i have read online, but they did send a few cold shivers done my spine.

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Guest trancepriest

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

Sunni group challenges vote

Iraq's leading Sunni Muslim political group said Wednesday that the country's new government will lack the legitimacy to draft a constitution because many Sunnis boycotted Sunday's elections.

The Association of Muslim Scholars, which is considered Iraq's highest Sunni authority, boycotted the vote.

"These elections lack legitimacy because a large part of the people representing various important spectrums -- parties and movements of heavy political weight in Iraq -- have boycotted these elections," said Mohammed Bashar al-Feidhi, a spokesman for the Sunni group.

"Therefore, the National Assembly and the government that will emerge from these elections won't have the legitimacy to write the next constitution."

Al-Feidhi said his group won't be involved in writing the constitution.

"We cannot participate in the drafting of a constitution written under occupation," he said.

In a statement, the Association of Muslim Scholars warned the United Nations and international community not to give the next Iraqi government legitimacy "as this will open the door wide for evil which the international community and United Nations will bear its consequences."

Another influential Sunni group, the Iraqi Islamic Party, also boycotted the election.


This is what you call success? Sunni's have boycoted this election and in the future this will lead to civil war. The infrastructure of the country is broken. The media is scared to leave the green zone and alot of international foreign aid workers have pulled out of Iraq. What great success are you referring to? Perhaps you were referring to the 12 Iraqi soldiers that got gunned down one by one today or the other 2 Iraqi soldiers that were gunned down in their neighborhood today and 2 more that were critically wounded... or the politician that was assassinated today.. is this your idea of a great success?

Other developments

Two U.S. Marines were killed in action Wednesday in Iraq's expansive al-Anbar province, a U.S. military statement said. Both were assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) and died while conducting security and stability operations. No other details were provided. Since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 1,439 U.S. forces have died in Iraq.

Insurgents in northern Iraq on Wednesday used an improvised explosive device to blow up a section of oil pipeline near Baiji, a police official told CNN. According to police, the attack took place around 9 a.m. (1 a.m. ET) in the al-Fatha district, about four miles (7 km) east of the city. The pipeline runs between the Tikrit and Kirkuk oil fields.

U.S. troops held a memorial Wednesday for 31 service members killed in the crash of a transport helicopter during a swirling sandstorm in Iraq's vast western desert -- the U.S. military's single biggest lost of life here since the March 2003 invasion. (Full story)

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Guest web_norah

the Bush fans believe in him, no matter what they will listen to his repetitive tired rant and nod everytime he basically says anything patriotic or terrorist berating....i am all for the greater benefit of this country - but after two years of Iraq (and all the deaths of soldiers, let alone civilian casualties), i am more convinced it was a mistake and its connection has zero to do with the 9/11 attacks......

republicans and conservatives: you can continue cheering Bush on, time will only tell....Iraq is so hard to control -it will be just a matter of time before it turns into el Salvador. if anyone cares to remember what happened in that country and the bloodshed. go ahead and look it up.

ps. notice the number of people saying this was BS. ask people on the street..and see how they feel.

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Guest ramon

Boooooooring. I really don't care what he has to say. ::)

I'm just pissed that I can't watch Alias tonight. >:(

damnit thats why it didn't record!


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It worked for Japan

It worked for Germany

Look what freedom has done for those countries.

We have only been in iraq for 2 years, you cant rebuild a country and put in a democracy in 2 years. For the little time it has been, there has been peaks and valleys, but over all they are moving in the right direction.

Even in Egypt people are trying to protest about lack of elections, and Bush capitalized on it in his speech.

People in the middle east now see that Afganistan, Palestine and Iraq are democracys. The tide is turning. The glass is half full..

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Guest slamminshaun

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

The recent elections DID ask the Iraqis. They had the CHOICE to brave death and vote, or stay home in protest out of us being there. Their choice? Let's put it this way....They had a BIGGER turnout then the United States for voting. I'd say they didn't brave death for the hell of it. These people wanted democracy. How else can you explain the turnout in their elections? Unless you watch the news media here, and they paint a different picture....I wonder why.

The State of the Union is NOT B.S. by any means. The Federal Rerserve raised interest rates again (6th time in a row), proving the economy is strong and steady.

Someone else on this thread said they don't believe a word coming out of his mouth. See, that has been the problem with Democrats and liberals all along. You think this guy just says what he says for the hell of it like most other Presidents have done. We actually have a President that means what he says, and says what he means...whether you agree with him or not, you always know where he stands on an issue. While he is, indeed, a polarizing figure, he has my respect for not being afraid to take on the tough issues that other politicians won't touch. The Democrats have been like "gee, this guy campaigned on Social Security reform, but we didn't actually think he'd do it when he got elected...." I don't always agree with him either, but at least he stirs the pot to get the debate started as opposed to just keeping everything status quo.

I can't wait for him to give me the choice of using personal accounts for my retirement. Maybe some of you will stay with the same ol' government plan because you don't believe in personal accounts. That's fine (again, Bush is merely giving you the choice...after all, I thought liberals were Pro-Choice), but for me, I'd like the choice to invest in something better then a 2% investment that doesn't keep up with inflation.

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iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

I can't wait for him to give me the choice of using personal accounts for my retirement. Maybe some of you will stay with the same ol' government plan because you don't believe in personal accounts. That's fine (again' date=' Bush is merely giving you the choice...after all, I thought liberals were Pro-Choice), but for me, I'd like the choice to invest in something better then a 2% investment that doesn't keep up with inflation.


I couldn't agree with you more on this one...you don't have to have to be a savvy stock-guru to outperform a government pool of investments!

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iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

Unless you watch the news media here' date=' and they paint a different picture....I wonder why.


what they show on cnn and all the other bullshit news channels here isnt the truth... its what u and all the other dumbass people want to hear....

as for iraq? u guys destroyed families' lifes and homes.. for what? Weapons of mass d.? well let me ask you something.... where the Fu*& are they?

There is so much hate for this country its unreal.. people throughout the world have had enough.. really.. and thats why there is so much hate. but of course americans aren't the slightest bit worried about what others think..

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