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The State of the Union is.....

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest trancepriest

"If you give up your liberty for security... soon you'll lose both your liberty and security." --- Ben Franklin

Alot of you conservatives are hoping that Bush will bring you all a utopian state. A state which is protected from terrorism, economic prosperity and constantly secured. Like Tim on this board you twist reality to conform it to your vision... "Iraq is a great success." Now lets look at this twisting of reality which is caused by believing in the utopian myth. Step by step lets look at Iraq.

1. No WMD.

2. Massive Looting.

3. Massive loss of life... both American and Iraqi.

4. Sunni Boycotted elections.

5. U.N. pull out of Iraq.

6. International foreign aid pull out of Iraq.

7. Growing terrorism hotspot.

8. Infrastructure destroyed.

9. No rebuilding of infrastructure due to ongoing violence.

10. Civilian reconstruction agencies are pulling out of Iraq.

What success are you talking about Tim? Is Bush your Jesus Christ? He'll bring you peace? People like you back in Germany Pre/during WW2 would have been Nazi's.

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"If you give up your liberty for security... soon you'll lose both your liberty and security." --- Ben Franklin

Alot of you conservatives are hoping that Bush will bring you all a utopian state. A state which is protected from terrorism, economic prosperity and constantly secured. Like Tim on this board you twist reality to conform it to your vision... "Iraq is a great success." Now lets look at this twisting of reality which is caused by believing in the utopian myth. Step by step lets look at Iraq.

1. No WMD.

2. Massive Looting.

3. Massive loss of life... both American and Iraqi.

4. Sunni Boycotted elections.

5. U.N. pull out of Iraq.

6. International foreign aid pull out of Iraq.

7. Growing terrorism hotspot.

8. Infrastructure destroyed.

9. No rebuilding of infrastructure due to ongoing violence.

10. Civilian reconstruction agencies are pulling out of Iraq.

What success are you talking about Tim? Is Bush your Jesus Christ? He'll bring you peace? People like you back in Germany Pre/during WW2 would have been Nazi's.

In brief, I believe if people are free and have something to look forward to, they will be less inclined to somehow be convinced that strapping on a bomb and blowing themselves up is a good idea. Should we be so lucky to have that sentiment spread in the middle east, I think we will all likve in a safer world.

The "success" is that there was a democratic election in Iraq, where people who previously lived in fear, have taken the first step into electing representatives. It is still early in this whole thing, something like this cannot be measured in weeks or months.

I believe that the Iraqi people will continue to rise up and reclaim their country from fear and with the world's help, build security of their own.

Is Bush my Jesus Christ? No. But I do think he says what he means, and does what he says and I respect that.

Am I a Nazi? No...and that's offensive.

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Guest slamminshaun

There are no WMD's in Iraq. Everyone knows that now, but most of the civilized world believed it was there prior to the liberation of Iraq. That's a tired debate that we've done at length here on the boards, and quite frankly, not worth discussing.

If someone can explain to me why there was a record voting turnout in Iraq, please do so. If not, I'm going to stick to the conclusion that the Iraqis wanted a democracy. Interesting how they are now protesting in Egypt for open elections isn't it? Bush has started a tidal wave of democracy in a part of the world that nobody thought it possible.

It's also interesting that the only political argument liberals hang onto anymore is "No WMD's". If that's all you have in your arsenal, the GOP will be in power for a long, long time. There were several things discussed last night, not the least of which anyone has decided to comment on (other then Terry who pointed out the environmental part of Bush's speech, so kudos to you for talking about something other then Iraq).

State of the Union summary: The economy is STRONG, homeownership is at an all-time high, millions of jobs created last year, Social Security needs a face-lift, we need to rely on other sources of energy other then foreign, we should have choices in our medical care, and most importantly, freedom is an inalienable human right.

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Guest tres-b

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

Sunni group challenges vote

The Sunni leaders called for a boycott. As a result Sunnis didnt vote. Now they have challenged the election. :P Tough luck guys. Try to encourage your herd to vote next time around.

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Guest trancepriest

The Sunni leaders called for a boycott. As a result Sunnis didnt vote. Now they have challenged the election. :P Tough luck guys. Try to encourage your herd to vote next time around.

Perhaps I'm just foolish to think that if over 20% of Iraqi's believe that the election is illegitimate.. the same 20% that were part of the ruling class... this could be a big problem later on in Iraq. If an invading Army came into America and made the Blacks (Kurds) and the Spanish (Shiites).. the new ruling class.. then the whites (Sunni's) that had all the power before... would just sit back and let everything ride.

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Guest tres-b

The Sunni leaders called for a boycott. As a result Sunnis didnt vote. Now they have challenged the election. :P Tough luck guys. Try to encourage your herd to vote next time around.

Perhaps I'm just foolish to think that if over 20% of Iraqi's believe that the election is illegitimate.. the same 20% that were part of the ruling class... this could be a big problem later on in Iraq. If an invading Army came into America and made the Blacks (Kurds) and the Spanish (Shiites).. the new ruling class.. then the whites (Sunni's) that had all the power before... would just sit back and let everything ride.

Are you really going down this path? The ruling class in Iraq? There was no class, just one brutal dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents.

As for the 20% of the country that is Sunni, they had the opportunity to get involved in the democratic process. They chose not to take part. Hopefully the new leaders will treat them better then the Sunni dictator treated those not in power.

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Guest trancepriest

Are you really going down this path? The ruling class in Iraq? There was no class, just one brutal dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents.

As for the 20% of the country that is Sunni, they had the opportunity to get involved in the democratic process. They chose not to take part. Hopefully the new leaders will treat them better then the Sunni dictator treated those not in power.

Wow! I didn't know he did that all by himself. How did he manage to do that all by himself. My god he must be a super human... can he run faster than a speeding bullet?

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Guest tres-b

Are you really going down this path? The ruling class in Iraq? There was no class, just one brutal dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocents.

As for the 20% of the country that is Sunni, they had the opportunity to get involved in the democratic process. They chose not to take part. Hopefully the new leaders will treat them better then the Sunni dictator treated those not in power.

Wow! I didn't know he did that all by himself. How did he manage to do that all by himself. My god he must be a super human... can he run faster than a speeding bullet?

You know what I am saying... ::)

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Guest Seb

Hasn't this topic been beat over the head enough :P

Theres no point in arguing with republicans and conservatives over Iraq. They know what they know and take things for face value. Yes Iraq was a mistake and ya Bush is cock sucking redneck idiot. Some people will never get that, so be it! :-X

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Guest tres-b

Thought it was a very strong speech. Hit the 2 main points he wanted to hit.

Iraq has been a huge success and now it's time to start looking at fixing the impending problems with social security.

The next 4 years are going to be critical to the future of the country and the world. I believe this president will lead the way.

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

1-The rest of the world will be there when they need America. Until then, they can hate all they want. France is a 3rd rate nation w/ 0 in the way of military might and lots of scandalous news on the horizon as the Oil for Food fiasco is untangled. Should we worry about what the French have to say? The country in nearly socialist and have no real power-similiar to WWII when German soldiers marched into Paris.

2-This remark is so childish. The man has morals, conviction, and strength that John Kerry dreams of having as he windsurfs off the coast of Mass.

3-Quit reading moveon.org and take a look at the footage of Iraqi citizens dancing in the streets. Even CommunistNewsNetwork had these kind of scenes playing, not just Fox. The elections went as smoothly as possible considering the situation. More and more Iraqiis are going to get on our side. They have tasted freedom and we all know it is something to hold on to and defend.

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Hasn't this topic been beat over the head enough :P

Theres no point in arguing with republicans and conservatives over Iraq. They know what they know and take things for face value. Yes Iraq was a mistake and ya Bush is cock sucking redneck idiot. Some people will never get that, so be it! :-X

Beat to death, rubbed salt in, kicked the horse while it’s down, should I continue? You would think that people came hear to talk about politics instead of music. I come to this message board to forget about the fucked up things that are going on in the world. I wish we could ban politics on CJ. Besides we are never going to convince each other who is right and who is wrong.

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Guest slamminshaun

Mirza hit that nail on the head. But it's still fun to go at it. It's not like any of us are professional politicians. We just like pretending to be...haha....Nowhere else can I find a group of EDM lovers that challenge each others' politics and rip each others' hearts out, then come Friday night, enjoy a shot of Patron together at the D. I love Cool Junkie!! :P

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Mirza hit that nail on the head. But it's still fun to go at it. It's not like any of us are professional politicians. We just like pretending to be...haha....Nowhere else can I find a group of EDM lovers that challenge each others' politics and rip each others' hearts out' date=' then come Friday night, enjoy a shot of Patron together at the D. I love Cool Junkie!! :P


When are you going to come back down? We need to do some shot's and not talk politics lol :P

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Guest Seb

Mirza hit that nail on the head. But it's still fun to go at it. It's not like any of us are professional politicians. We just like pretending to be...haha....Nowhere else can I find a group of EDM lovers that challenge each others' politics and rip each others' hearts out' date=' then come Friday night, enjoy a shot of Patron together at the D. I love Cool Junkie!! :P


I enjoy a good argument as much as the next guy. I just get a little tired the "partison hackery". It gets old. Markus did hit it right on the nail, lets get back to talking about music. Its all about the music. :)

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Guest trancepriest

The way I look at it there is a Music Junkie forum and a Miami Junkie forum.. where people talk about music/DJ's/clubbin events extensively. If ya'll only want that type of stuff... stick to those forums or don't read threads that look political.. pretty simple.

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Guest guyman1966

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

Do other countries hate America..... hmmm, i'd say no (being British) but we do wonder about your choice of president. What does/has he actually done for the people of America?

Thats all I had to read. Yet another anti-Bush comment from a EuroTrash piece of garbage. MY grandfather was getting sexual favors from your grandma and her friends after WWII in exchange for Hershey bars. We rebuilt your continent and now we are looking to help those poor bastards in Iraq. And our orders are not to bag 'em for food, but to respect their culture. But all Europe does is bitch about it 'cause they are jealous fucks.

And to those of you who are against Social Security reform, please tell me what the Democratic plan or solution is? Please tell me? I'm still waiting.... Bush quoted many famous Democrats to try and bridge the gap on this issue. Bush will work with BOTH parties to find a solution. IMO - "W" is the best President we have had in our lifetimes.

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Guest slamminshaun

Mirza hit that nail on the head. But it's still fun to go at it. It's not like any of us are professional politicians. We just like pretending to be...haha....Nowhere else can I find a group of EDM lovers that challenge each others' politics and rip each others' hearts out, then come Friday night, enjoy a shot of Patron together at the D. I love Cool Junkie!! :P

When are you going to come back down? We need to do some shot's and not talk politics lol :P

Tomorrow night at the D....rain or shine....first shot's on me. ;D

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Boooooooring. I really don't care what he has to say. ::)

I'm just pissed that I can't watch Alias tonight. >:(

Yeah I have to Tivo all of season 4 because I just starting watching Alias a couple of months ago. I bought all three previous seasons and I'm only in the middle of season 2. I'm kind of glad that Alias wasn't on last night so that it buys me another 2 weeks b4 I have to tivo episode 5 of season 4. By then hopefully I'll be starting on season 3.....great show...
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Guest lulamishka

Boooooooring. I really don't care what he has to say. ::)

I'm just pissed that I can't watch Alias tonight. >:(

Yeah I have to Tivo all of season 4 because I just starting watching Alias a couple of months ago. I bought all three previous seasons and I'm only in the middle of season 2. I'm kind of glad that Alias wasn't on last night so that it buys me another 2 weeks b4 I have to tivo episode 5 of season 4. By then hopefully I'll be starting on season 3.....great show...

Haha, well, if you have any questions feel free to ask me. :)

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Guest mursa

world? u mean the next 4 years are critical for the other countries to stop hating america..

bush worried about the world? yeah right.. arrogant prick..

iraq great success? ask iraqies... they dont think so... and they bloody live there...

Do other countries hate America..... hmmm, i'd say no (being British) but we do wonder about your choice of president. What does/has he actually done for the people of America?

Thats all I had to read. Yet another anti-Bush comment from a EuroTrash piece of garbage. MY grandfather was getting sexual favors from your grandma and her friends after WWII in exchange for Hershey bars. We rebuilt your continent and now we are looking to help those poor bastards in Iraq. And our orders are not to bag 'em for food, but to respect their culture. But all Europe does is bitch about it 'cause they are jealous fucks.

Im pretty sure Europe doesn't care much about Egotistical/American patriots like yourself , who think the US is god's gift to the Universe .

While the US might have more materialistic/capistalistic wealth ..


..don't forget that Socially and Culturally speaking ...Europe is light years ahead of your all mighty US .

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Guest guyman1966

Mursa - they like to think that they are culturally superior, but that is one of the reasons I hate them so much... cause they are not. If they really had all that sophistication, then why are they the root cause of almost every political problem in modern times? WWI, WWII, The Holocaust, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Anti-Semitism????? Just because they can look at a painting and cry - doesn’t make them great human beings. I would expect people of culture to be able to live at peace.

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Guest pod


..don't forget that Socially and Culturally speaking ...Europe is light years ahead of your all mighty US .

By who's yardstick?

Culturally or not, I'd rather live over here than in the joke that is the European Union. It's not gonna work guys. You all hate each other and you know it. Get back to fighting already, but don't ask the US to bail you out.

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