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The State of the Union is.....

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest web_norah

random observation:

why are the arabs and the jews still fighting?

and who created that? was it Europe too? ::)

i am not defending anything here but as far as i know, Palestine and Israel will continue to fight for ever and ever, everyone tries to intervene and the US will continue to support an ending to their conflict ...but ......good luck trying to get out of that predicament

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Palestine and Israel will continue to fight for ever and ever,

It's a hotbed of animosity in the middle east. Maybe it's not supposed to ever work out there? For all our sakes I can only hope that it does or we are all screwed...I have to think that if they continue blowing each other up, it's going to somehow mean more spillover terror in N.A.

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Guest guyman1966

random observation:

why are the arabs and the jews still fighting?

and who created that? was it Europe too? ::)

i am not defending anything here but as far as i know, Palestine and Israel will continue to fight for ever and ever, everyone tries to intervene and the US will continue to support an ending to their conflict ...but ......good luck trying to get out of that predicament

Here's what you are missing - it was France and England who drew the lines that created nation states in the Middle East. So yes, to a degree it is Englands fault.

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Guest tres-b

random observation:

why are the arabs and the jews still fighting?

and who created that? was it Europe too? ::)

i am not defending anything here but as far as i know, Palestine and Israel will continue to fight for ever and ever, everyone tries to intervene and the US will continue to support an ending to their conflict ...but ......good luck trying to get out of that predicament

The reason they continue fighting is because Palestinians extremist scum hate the Jews breathing, much less having a homeland. If the stinking extremist scum could live next to Israel in seperate land, things would work out. Unfortunately, the voices of reasonable Palestinians are often drowned out by the actions of the extremists.

Both nations have a place in the world, whether the Palestinian extremists see that or not.

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Guest trancepriest

The reason they continue fighting is because Palestinians extremist scum hate the Jews breathing, much less having a homeland. If the stinking extremist scum could live next to Israel in seperate land, things would work out. Unfortunately, the voices of reasonable Palestinians are often drowned out by the actions of the extremists.

Both nations have a place in the world, whether the Palestinian extremists see that or not.

LOL... what about orthodox jew extremist scum... settling on Palestinian land and believing that all Israel is their divine right?

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The reason they continue fighting is because Palestinians extremist scum hate the Jews breathing, much less having a homeland. If the stinking extremist scum could live next to Israel in seperate land, things would work out. Unfortunately, the voices of reasonable Palestinians are often drowned out by the actions of the extremists.

Both nations have a place in the world, whether the Palestinian extremists see that or not.

LOL... what about orthodox jew extremist scum... settling on Palestinian land?

Isn't there just one "holy" piece of land that neither can agree who "owns"?

It's funny...the world began there in the garden of eden and it end there...

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Guest guyman1966

The reason they continue fighting is because Palestinians extremist scum hate the Jews breathing, much less having a homeland. If the stinking extremist scum could live next to Israel in seperate land, things would work out. Unfortunately, the voices of reasonable Palestinians are often drowned out by the actions of the extremists.

Both nations have a place in the world, whether the Palestinian extremists see that or not.

LOL... what about orthodox jew extremist scum... settling on Palestinian land and believing that all Israel is their devine right?

The difference is that Israel is willing to keep them in line and pull them out of those areas... now what about Palestinians who live inside of Isreal? Should they be forced out like the Jewish Settelers in the west bank?

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Guest trancepriest

The difference is that Israel is willing to keep them in line and pull them out of those areas... now what about Palestinians who live inside of Isreal? Should they be forced out like the Jewish Settelers in the west bank?

Settlements on Palestinian land are state sponsored Israeli policies. If they decide to remove a few settlements with a few othodox jewish outposts... it still doesn't hide their policies of building massive settlements on Palestinian land.

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Guest tres-b

The difference is that Israel is willing to keep them in line and pull them out of those areas... now what about Palestinians who live inside of Isreal? Should they be forced out like the Jewish Settelers in the west bank?

Settlements on Palestinian land are state sponsored Israeli policies. If they decide to remove a few settlements with a few othodox jewish outposts... it still doesn't hide their policies of building massive settlements on Palestinian land.

If the Muslim neighbors had not tried to gang up on Israel, they wouldnt have settled on "Palestinian" land. When you win battles in war that extend your territory, should you give the land back to aggressors?

Regardless, Israel is on the verge of giving this land back. Hopefully the Palestinians(and all other Muslim nations) wont forget who the strongest military in the region belongs too again.

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Guest trancepriest

Hopefully the Palestinians(and all other Muslim nations) wont forget who the strongest military in the region belongs too again.

O' they won't forget.. thats why their trying to get a nuclear bomb. Lets hope thats Jews in Israel remember the holocaust and what the German state did to them.. when they think of Palestinians. Seems to me Israelis love talking about human rights and the holocaust.. but yet still they build walls around Palestinian communities and intern everyone. Seems like a gestapo state to me.

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Guest mursa

Mursa - they like to think that they are culturally superior, but that is one of the reasons I hate them so much... cause they are not. If they really had all that sophistication, then why are they the root cause of almost every political problem in modern times? WWI, WWII, The Holocaust, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Anti-Semitism????? Just because they can look at a painting and cry - doesn’t make them great human beings. I would expect people of culture to be able to live at peace.

Don't generalize Europe in such a manner that it's absurd !

WW1 = due to "pacts" between countries Russia& Serbia vs Austro-hungry & Germany.....this was before the UN ...such a war won't happen in europe in these times .

WW2 / holocaust = Germany ( y u implying all of europe in this )

Asia = what problems has europe cause Asia ???? ???

Africa = See Asia

Anti-semitism =- If it wasn't for Europe , especially eastern european countries , the Jewish culture/religion would've been whipped out along time ago , as the Arabs would've def. done so .

.............. so being a lil grateful would't hurt at all .

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Guest mursa


..don't forget that Socially and Culturally speaking ...Europe is light years ahead of your all mighty US .

By who's yardstick?

Culturally or not, I'd rather live over here than in the joke that is the European Union. It's not gonna work guys. You all hate each other and you know it. Get back to fighting already, but don't ask the US to bail you out.

pod ,

Travel a little bit , and leave the continental US every now and then ....you views are biased as have no merit when it comes to this issue .

thanx ,

common sense ;D

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Guest trancepriest

Well its no lack of knowledge that Europeans have largely been a murderous lot of people (historically). So I don't know what cultural sophistication your talking about. Was it the cultural sophistication of Christopher Colombus, Hitler, Mussolini and the British colonial empires? If cultural sophistication is robbing people for their lands, global slave trade industry, disease spreading, and global wars... then I see your point.

With that said.. lets hope the EU works. And personally I've loved my travels through europe and liked the people in general. But that doesn't wipe out my knowledge of all the millions of perished souls and that some of the greatest evils in the world have come from your continent.

Being of African heritage... from 1945-1970 (if I was alive during that time)... I would have much preferred to be living on the European continent. ;D Europe in the last 60 years has not been that bad compared to Americas internal human rights problems in the same time span.

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Guest pod

Travel a little bit , and leave the continental US every now and then ....you views are biased as have no merit when it comes to this issue .

Pay for my plane fare, per diem, and hotel fees then. After buying equipment, paying rent, transport fees, and other expenses, travelling is low on my priority list right now.

I would like to travel though.

That being said, I merely ask, by whose measurement is Europe culturally superior to the United States? I'm not saying we're superior, I'm asking what makes European culture superior? If you mean by age, yes, but by that same yardstick, African, Native American, and Middle Eastern culture trump the whole lot of us. The city of Ur in present-day Iraq of all places was a thriving metropolis while your ancestors in the Iberian penninsula were still clubbing women over the head as a mating ritual.

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Guest mursa

Was it the cultural sophistication of Christopher Colombus, Hitler, Mussolini and the British colonial empires?

Out of nearly 2,000 yrs of European Identity ,,,, is that all of the negative faults you can find ?? ...

..here i'll even give you one more


.. Stalin , which was probably the worst of em all .

The US which doesn't have 300 yrs of identity by far hasn't been a Blood-less society ...


... the American colonist where actually one of the first to perfect the technique of Guerilla warfare (against the red coats) ..America Revolution

- American Civil War , where millions died fighting EACHOTHER

- Multiple wars against Britain & Spain

- Expulsion and wars against the Native Americans

-War against the Mexicans to gain much of what is now the american west . (imperialistic behaviour isn't it ?)


- Cold War

- Korean War

- Vietnam

_Gulf War

- Afghanistan

- Bush's BS war of Iraq

For 300 yrs of existence , we sure have the habit of being Blood-less and non-violent Dont we ? ;)

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Guest trancepriest

Pay for my plane fare, per diem, and hotel fees then. After buying equipment, paying rent, transport fees, and other expenses, travelling is low on my priority list right now.

I would like to travel though.

That being said, I merely ask, by whose measurement is Europe culturally superior to the United States? I'm not saying we're superior, I'm asking what makes European culture superior? If you mean by age, yes, but by that same yardstick, African, Native American, and Middle Eastern culture trump the whole lot of us. The city of Ur in present-day Iraq of all places was a thriving metropolis while your ancestors in the Iberian penninsula were still clubbing women over the head as a mating ritual.

On a interesting note (geez I like adding interesting notes). When the spaniards came to the Americas.. they were so amazed by the cities and the engineering that they said the cities were thriving and were more splendid than any european city. At the time I think Seville was the largest city in europe wth about 100,000 inhabitants. The Mayan and Aztec cities are told to have at least ten times that much people. With better city planning and architecture. Too bad these people weren't masters of war technology like the europeans.

Also lets not forget the long history of the Chinese civilization.

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American Civil War , where millions died fighting EACHOTHER

For 300 yrs of existence , we sure have the habit of being Blood-less and non-violent Dont we ?

thousands died in the Civil war, not millions...and ur going to tell me in all of Europe's combined wars and conquests they have less blood on their hands? America was a mirror image of blood shed just like the Europeans.... :P

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Guest pod

Millions in the Civil War? Not quite. 620,000 or so. A million at most.

You're forgetting on the European side....the Crusades, and the countless civil wars as well. Hundred Years War, Thirty Years War, etc....Europe hasn't quite been that bloodless. Total up all the little brush fires and internal conflicts, and the death count is huge.

We're not perfect, and neither are the Europeans. If the fiction of unity wasn't constantly being rammed down their throats by the so-called government in Brussels, I'm sure the distant rumble would be someone's tanks plowing across someone else's borders...again, deep down inside, they all still distrust each other.

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..don't forget that Socially and Culturally speaking ...Europe is light years ahead of your all mighty US .

By who's yardstick?

Culturally or not, I'd rather live over here than in the joke that is the European Union. It's not gonna work guys. You all hate each other and you know it. Get back to fighting already, but don't ask the US to bail you out.

what a load of shit man... the only people europeans hate are americans...

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Guest trancepriest

PEOPLE PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE, this is getting ridiculous!!!!

No one is going to win this arguement!!!!


Don't you know we love our political arguments by now? Heck its not even about winning anymore.. its about getting our 2 cents in... at the most the only pleasure we get is to see how long the other person takes to google up responses to our argument. LOL. ;D

I'm still playing to win though... hopefully I can change at least one persons mind on Iraq. Without political arguments.. this forum... junkie chat.. would be pretty dead. I don't like attacking people that are new to the thread.. such as that lady from the UK with the great looking icon.. but O' well.. let her defend herself. Heck i've defended minorities on this board against racist comments from day one. More people should stand up for themselves instead of living like sheeps.

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Guest mursa
American Civil War , where millions died fighting EACHOTHER

For 300 yrs of existence , we sure have the habit of being Blood-less and non-violent Dont we ?

thousands died in the Civil war, not millions...and ur going to tell me in all of Europe's combined wars and conquests they have less blood on their hands? America was a mirror image of blood shed just like the Europeans.... :P

Im pretty sure it ran into the millions , but thats besides the point ..

...Europe has been violent and bloody .... just look at the Inquisition for example , im not denying that .... but im just responding to some who "don't look at their shit and yet claim the other guys shit stinks " ya know .

I find it funny on some are even arguing over which is Bloodier

2,000 yr old vs 300 yr old .... cmon now ! lol


......... if things persist with this country as it has over the last 300 yrs in terms of warfare , im pretty sure the US will surpase europes "killed" count before they reach 700 .

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Guest trancepriest

Out of nearly 2,000 yrs of European Identity ,,,, is that all of the negative faults you can find ?? ...

..here i'll even give you one more


.. Stalin , which was probably the worst of em all .

The US which doesn't have 300 yrs of identity by far hasn't been a Blood-less society ...


... the American colonist where actually one of the first to perfect the technique of Guerilla warfare (against the red coats) ..America Revolution

- American Civil War , where millions died fighting EACHOTHER

- Multiple wars against Britain & Spain

- Expulsion and wars against the Native Americans

-War against the Mexicans to gain much of what is now the american west . (imperialistic behaviour isn't it ?)


- Cold War

- Korean War

- Vietnam

_Gulf War

- Afghanistan

- Bush's BS war of Iraq

For 300 yrs of existence , we sure have the habit of being Blood-less and non-violent Dont we ? ;)

Heck I just spent time detailing the genocide of the American indians. I know that America has done alot of wrongs.. heck I post extensively about the effects of our foreign policy. I don't support the Iraq war. But I definitely take fault with you promoting the sophistication and superiority of european culture. Post WW2 Pax Europa has been largely brought forth by American effort. We are the dominant force that created stability on your continent.

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Guest mursa

Out of nearly 2,000 yrs of European Identity ,,,, is that all of the negative faults you can find ?? ...

..here i'll even give you one more


.. Stalin , which was probably the worst of em all .

The US which doesn't have 300 yrs of identity by far hasn't been a Blood-less society ...


... the American colonist where actually one of the first to perfect the technique of Guerilla warfare (against the red coats) ..America Revolution

- American Civil War , where millions died fighting EACHOTHER

- Multiple wars against Britain & Spain

- Expulsion and wars against the Native Americans

-War against the Mexicans to gain much of what is now the american west . (imperialistic behaviour isn't it ?)


- Cold War

- Korean War

- Vietnam

_Gulf War

- Afghanistan

- Bush's BS war of Iraq

For 300 yrs of existence , we sure have the habit of being Blood-less and non-violent Dont we ? ;)

. But I definitely take fault with you promoting the sophistication and superiority of european culture.

When one society is nearly 2,000 versus 300 yrs of age , im sorry to say , but that is the case , its just Common Sense ..

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