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I can't believe the new Walmart commercial

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm sorry. I like to save money just like the next guy but I can't stand Walmart especially what they said in their new commercial.

They said and I qoute "Having a Walmart is good for small businesses in a community because tens of thousands of people drive by all the small businesses on the way to Walmart".....

How f*cked up is that? Being an entrepenuer is part of the American dream and Walmart ruins that for a lot of business owners.

They're making a new Super Walmart at the 163rd mall about 3 miles from where I live and there's a bunch of small businesses there. Not only is having a Super Walmart there going to cause major traffic problems for 163rd but its going to shut down all of those small business that surronund the area that the Walmart is going into. The small businesses there thrive on the shoppers from the surrounding community and now Walmart is coming to shut their doors...

I've been on a Walmart Boycot for more than 3 years and this add of theirs isn't making me want to go back there anytime soon....

burn Walmart...BURN................

>:( >:(

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Have you ever seen the South Park episode of Wall-Mart?...lol :D

No I haven't. I missed that one. Is it new or old?
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Guest slamminshaun

Since when have you liberals cared about small business owners? I realize your hatred for corporations runs deeper, but libs in government have never gone to bat for small business owners. Liberal tax policies have run more small business owners out of business then Walmart has.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Since when have you liberals cared about small business owners? I realize your hatred for corporations runs deeper' date=' but libs in government have never gone to bat for small business owners. Liberal tax policies have run more small business owners out of business then Walmart has.

[/quote']I don't hate all corporations. But you have to admit that companies like Walmart and Starbucks are a little out of control when it comes to trying to eliminate smaller mom and pop shops.

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Guest JMT

walmart employs hundreds of workers. i cant count how many times i have needed a one stop shop that was open 24/7. i like walmart.

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Guest slamminshaun

Absolutely agree. They possess economies of scale that smaller business don't have, which (its debatable), leaves an unfair disadvantage to mom and pop. Pretty soon, the only small business you'll be able to open is a lawn maintenance company.

I'm a firm believer in tax cuts and incentives for small business owners to counteract competition from corporations. Funny, these are often the tax cuts for the "rich" you hear about from the opposition. I say, its just leveling the playing field somewhat.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

walmart employs hundreds of workers. i cant count how many times i have needed a one stop shop that was open 24/7. i like walmart.

They employ hundreds of workers who make close to nothing and they even have been known to illegally employ people who are not supposed to be working in the United States for less than the Federal minimum wage. Dateline broke the story back in August of last year.....
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Guest slamminshaun

When its all said and done, those workers CHOOSE to work at Walmart. Last time I checked, slavery was abolished almost 150 years ago.

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Guest JMT

walmart employs hundreds of workers. i cant count how many times i have needed a one stop shop that was open 24/7. i like walmart.

They employ hundreds of workers who make close to nothing and they even have been known to illegally employ people who are not supposed to be working in the United States for less than the Federal minimum wage. Dateline broke the story back in August of last year.....

do you realize how dumb that sounds? would you choose to work somewhere for "less than nothing"? tell me, how much more do the mom and pop employees make?

as far as aliens working, yesterday's news.

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Guest slamminshaun

I remember when Kathy Lee Gifford got "busted" for her clothing line being made in "sweat shops". People were fighting mad about the small paychecks these people were making, not to mention, the underage employees they had working there. The sweat shops were immediately closed down and everyone was "free to go".

The reason I remember this is because a follow-up story done one year later showed that most of the employees of that sweat shop had NOT worked at all since it was shut down. Some of the families who had their kids working there were now homeless because the little money those kids were bringing in was enough to keep a roof over their heads. Nobody thought about the ripple effect this would have. Either way, Kathy Lee Gifford is still rich. The only problem is those families aren't even poor anymore....they're beyond poor because those "sweat shops" were important to the local economy.

So who's worse? Kathy Lee or the jerkoffs that petitioned to have the factories closed and caused people to become homeless?

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Guest JMT

if i remember correctly, the "aliens" in the walmart investigation were contracted cleaning service companies. they performed such glorious duties as mopping the bathroom floor and bowl scrubbing.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I remember when Kathy Lee Gifford got "busted" for her clothing line being made in "sweat shops". People were fighting mad about the small paychecks these people were making' date=' not to mention, the underage employees they had working there. The sweat shops were immediately closed down and everyone was "free to go".

The reason I remember this is because a follow-up story done one year later showed that most of the employees of that sweat shop had NOT worked at all since it was shut down. Some of the families who had their kids working there were now homeless because the little money those kids were bringing in was enough to keep a roof over their heads. Nobody thought about the ripple effect this would have. Either way, Kathy Lee Gifford is still rich. The only problem is those families aren't even poor anymore....they're beyond poor because those "sweat shops" were important to the local economy.

[/quote']Your response is absolutely correct but at the same time it's also wrong to exploit people and make them work long hours for close to nothing when a company can afford to pay these workers a little more and provide them with better conditions to work in. Plus it takes jobs away from our counrty as well....

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Guest JMT

walmart isnt doing anything different than companies have been doing since the industrial revolution. what about Sears/Roebuck and their revolutionary mail order catalog? they dont even make anymore it today.

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Guest JMT

walmart isnt doing anything different than companies have been doing since the industrial revolution. what about Sears/Roebuck and their revolutionary mail order catalog? they dont even make anymore it today.

So you don't think if we face a mass manufacturing exodus to Asia/Latin America.. then it will adversely affect our economy?

unless walmart physically closes their stores and goes online like amazon, how is that possible?

i agree that outsourcing hurts the U.S. economy. i favor tax breaks for companies that dont, or penalties for companies that do.

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Guest JMT

unless walmart physically closes their stores and goes online like amazon, how is that possible?

i agree that outsourcing hurts the U.S. economy. i favor tax breaks for companies that dont, or penalties for companies that do.

I said manufacturing exodus... not retail exodus.

i specifically mentioned Walmart in my post.

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Guest slamminshaun

The average American debt is like $20,000.

If you're referring to credit cards, that's their own damn fault. I have ZERO debt, but am in no way affluent.

American culture is materialistic. It's the materialism that has caused the likes of WalMart to succeed. Nobody is content with having one TV in their house. Now, you have to have three or four. Walmart's prices satisfy American materialism by allowing us to buy more for less. Walmart simply provides what Americans want. Before Walmart will change, our culture would have to change

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Guest JMT

i specifically mentioned Walmart in my post.

What does Walmart manufacture in America?

you tell me. i started every post with the word Walmart. and you replied to me. you mentioned "business models like walmart" then lumped that in with outsourcing.

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Guest JMT

you tell me. i started every post with the word Walmart. and you replied to me. you mentioned "business models like walmart" then lumped that in with outsourcing.

Perhaps we're having a miscommunication or maybe perhaps you don't know what manufacturing means?

well if youre gonna be like that, perhaps you cant read.

count the posts i included the word walmart in (bonus for the ones you replied to), which also happens to be the thread topic.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

The average American debt is like $20' date='000. [/quote']

If you're referring to credit cards, that's their own damn fault. I have ZERO debt, but am in no way affluent.

American culture is materialistic. It's the materialism that has caused the likes of WalMart to succeed. Nobody is content with having one TV in their house. Now, you have to have three or four. Walmart's prices satisfy American materialism by allowing us to buy more for less. Walmart simply provides what Americans want. Before Walmart will change, our culture would have to change

I have zero debt as well but am no way affluent...you making a good point about America needing a culture shift with the false need to accumulate mass quanities of nothing....I'mn to drunk right now to contribute half a brain to this converstion..I'll check in later....
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Guest trancepriest

debt doesnt really indicate anything. if you know how to finance things, you are fine.

I think your wrong on that my friend. Debt indicates alot of things. Reduction in investment capital is one of them. On a national level its bad when our average household don't have the dollars to compete with investment money say for example coming in from Asia. If say in Asia that the investors pull out their investment dollars in America (they have higher savings).. then that could severely hurt our economy. This would affect alot of things.. especially housing.

Economist lately have been concerned with the falling American dollar... Asian investors maybe very concerned.

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Guest JMT

an individual who knows how to invest, how to finance and manage debt will not have issues with it. how much "debt" do you think trump carries? a snapshot figure labelled "debt" is no indication of anything.

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