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Michael Moore Raked in $50 Million on ‘Fahrenheit 9/11'

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest slamminshaun

Sept. 11th was a terrible disaster for America – and it hit America hard financially.

But one person who has benefited financially is filmmaker Michael Moore, who parlayed the disaster into a whopping $50 million for himself.

So reports Vanity Fair in its March profile of the liberal documentary maker and his odyssey with the film that trashed President Bush by placing him in a giant conspiracy involving the Saudis, the bin Laden family and Sept. 11th.

Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" – which cost $6 million to produce - was a worldwide hit, generating box office sales of more than $200 million.

VF says Moore stands to pocket about a quarter of that gross.

Not bad for a guy who had been collecting unemployment checks of $99 a week just a few years earlier!

After hitting the jackpot, it is no wonder Moore already has plans for another Fahrenheit-style movie for the 2008 election. But currently, his next attack film "Sicko" (a title which may also refer to Moore himself) will focus on the health care industry.

Moore continues to stick to his guns that his "Fahrenheit" helped the Democrats in 2004 and "prevented a Bush landslide."

But many Democrats disagree with that assessment.

Steve Grossman, a former DNC chairman, said Moore's film was "out-and-out propaganda" that appealed to a "deceptively small segment of the Democratic Party and base."

In the end, Grossman suggests, Moore's film may have fueled "the unprecedented turnout" for Bush because "the other side would not allow their president to be trashed by Michael Moore."

But simple greed may have blinded the brilliant filmmaker to good sense.

A former manager, Douglas Urbanski, tells VF that Moore was the "only client I ever fired."

Urbanski says the liberal Moore was obsessively focused on money. "He never had enough money," Urbanski recalled.

Arrogance may have also played a role in Moore's negative political impact with "Fahrenheit."

Urbanski described Moore as "exasperatingly rude."

"We walked out of restaurants because Michael found the service too slow," he remembered.

Moore apparently got caught by his own contradictions. He portrays himself as a likeable everyman, but he's not; he decries corporate greed but he himself is driven by money.

Pollster Frank Luntz summed up why "Fahrenheit" failed so miserable. "His message at the time was very powerful, but the messenger was fatally flawed," Luntz said.

Luntz noted Moore's 2003 comment to a British newspaper – widely reported by NewsMax.com and other web sites. Moore said Americans were "possibly the dumbest people on the planet."

"In this way Moore permanently undermined the message," Luntz concludes.

Among other items about Moore from the VF profile:

Moore once thought he could be the "the biggest star of a sitcom in America." He likened himself to the next Jackie Gleason. "I can be bigger than Jackie Gleason and I don't know why it's not happening ... I am a movie star," Moore said.

Moore secretly admired conservatives for their tactics. "They're stunned that anyone on the liberal side of the fence has the balls to go right at them. Although I am not a liberal," Moore says.

Moore is still angry with Mel Gibson, whose Icon productions backed out of producing "Fahrenheit." Moore claims Gibson backed out of Fahreheit after being threatened with no more invitations to the White House. Gibson's spokesman, Alan Nierob, told VF that Mel has not accepted any invitations from the White House, "so why would he be concerned about not getting one?"

Moore is also miffed with Gibson because TIME magazine wanted to feature both he and Gibson as possible co-Persons of the Year. But Gibson balked at the idea he would sit down with Moore for an interview with TIME.

As for Disney and its CEO Michael Eisner backing out of plans to back "Fahrenheit," Moore sees more conspiracies. He suggested to VF that a Saudi investment in Euro Disney caused Disney to bail on him. Previously, Moore has alleged that Eisner was worried Bush's brother, Fla. governor Jeb Bush, would pull tax breaks that benefits Disney's Florida theme park.

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i think he got carried away during the aftermath of this movie. but....will you watch his new movie "sicko" with an objective eye? i will. and i hope you do too. i think his motivation this whole time has been about trying to help. i remember his tv show (tv nation) years ago, and his recent films, i think he's doing what he feels is his role in this country . along the way i think he may have fallen into too many conspiracy theories. but the subject matter that he takes on are always strong institutions in this country, which always play out as a "david v goliath" kinda thing. which i think is true in some aspects.

my point is to see the other films that he's made. i thought bowling for columbine was an extremely thought-provoking movie, just for it's surface message: why is violence in america viewed so differently than any other country? i think in his making of "sicko" it will take a slant against the status quo, but that's good, it sparks debate.

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I plan to watch "sicko"' date=' but won't spend a nickel to see the sequel of 9/11.


well, as i'm sure you know, there will be some "common" elements in "sicko" such as the idea that all republicans are evil. just look through that, and maybe this fat bastard will make you think about health care in a different way.

as for the "sequel" to fahrenheit 9/11, i'm with you. i'll pass.

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Guest lyrik

Blasphemy...I'll never watch a minute of his crap or put a penny in his pocket.

I didn't realize you felt so strongly about him.

I'm not his biggest fan either...and I actually tried to sit down and watch 9/11 but with the tone Moore was using to talk through the film lit was like he was teaching a 3rd grade class - it just got under my skin way too fast.

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Guest AlanS

Blasphemy...I'll never watch a minute of his crap or put a penny in his pocket.

I didn't realize you felt so strongly about him.

Eh, I just think he's a moron and annoying. But hey, he's capitalizing on whatever it is he does, movie making I guess, and makes the big bucks so more power to him.

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Guest Seb

Blasphemy...I'll never watch a minute of his crap or put a penny in his pocket.

I didn't realize you felt so strongly about him.

I'm not his biggest fan either...and I actually tried to sit down and watch 9/11 but with the tone Moore was using to talk through the film lit was like he was teaching a 3rd grade class - it just got under my skin way too fast.

I think he uses that tone to present his ideas in a way that seems easy to understand and in a sense a no brainer. I guess he figured that it would be easier to sway opinions when you make them sound like the obvious answer. Most people either love him or hate him. My liking for the movie is probably fueled by my hate for George Bush so I guess I'm not too objective. :P

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Guest tres-b

Good for Micheal Moore, Farenheit 9/11 was a great flick and he deserves every penny. 8)

If you classify making up lies and using falsehoods for evidence as "Great" then you hit the nail on the head. The fat slob made a great flick.


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Guest Seb

Good for Micheal Moore, Farenheit 9/11 was a great flick and he deserves every penny. 8)

If you classify making up lies and using falsehoods for evidence as "Great" then you hit the nail on the head. The fat slob made a great flick.


What ever works to entertain me :P

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Guest maru37

I thought it was a good movie, but I don't know him as a person. It's tough to say someone does something unselfishly for the good over others when he makes millions of dollars doing it - without knowing him of course.

He is certainly fat though! And squirrely lookin'!

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Guest Devilicious

Good for Micheal Moore, Farenheit 9/11 was a great flick and he deserves every penny. 8)

If you classify making up lies and using falsehoods for evidence as "Great" then you hit the nail on the head. The fat slob made a great flick.


i didn't even see 9/11 but if he lied, used falsehoods and generally made stuff up, don't you think someone would be taking legal action against him? And yeah, he's fat and ugly, but some people in this world are. Who the fuck cares?

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Guest slamminshaun

That's easy to answer. He masks his movies in pure speculation, wrapped up in half-truths, so that one cannot call it a lie. He merely says things in his movie that aren't necessarily lies, but says them in a way or connects them to events that would lead you to believe they are connected. While its not "lying", its certainly misleading.

I mean come on, Disney wouldn't produce his movie because Jeb Bush would yank their special tax treatment in Florida? This guy is probably one of those idiots that thinks we never landed on the moon and that Neil Armstrong was videotaped in the desert. Everything is a right-wing conspiracy to this guy.

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Guest Devilicious

It was a rhetorical question which didn't need an answer ::)

Yeah, it's biased I'm sure of it, but so is every single thing you read or hear. You just don't like it because it's a leftist bias.

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People make movies and make $$$...who cares

Some fat dude talks "shit" and all these whinies cry about it...get over it and again who cares

If the man is giving false information let it be...and once again who the fuck cares

oh and the best of all time for some that may love it...go bush & fuck Moore..........

......not really...but hey! who the fuck cares

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