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Stryke on tour...

Guest trancepriest

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Guest trancepriest




"It's been great to see fans at shows ask me more about my Alienware machine than anything else, there's no mistaking the design once I pull it out of its case. It's a beautiful machine and I've even been using it in the recording studio, here in Munich (which is Mac based). Already two audio engineers that saw what it can do are already thinking of switching from Mac to Alienware in the studio!"


Come on Stryke don't go over to the dark side and don't lie. Mac Pro users switching over to an Alienware box.. that will be the day hell freezes over. But with that said.. I love the man and wish him success. He truely is a great musician... IMHO the best EDM artist SoFla has to offer. Plus that setup looks wicked.. minus the Alienware of course.

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Guest pod

Hehehe. You're just pissed cause your hometown boy doesn't use a Mac.

Bear in mind that Greg is undoubtedly using FS under Linux. 8)

PC doesn't automatically mean Windows, or even Intel for that matter!

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Guest pod

Alienware is a local firm, some friends of mine work there. Given the choice of free AW hardware or free Apple hardware, I'd go for the AW gear since it is quite fantastic, and I'm supporting a local business.

However, if AW genuinely sucked, I'd go with the Apple. My kindliness to local businesses doesn't extend to promoting shit products and services ;D

That and I'd probably try to screw Apple out of free shit anyway. They'd cringe at somebody un-hip like me using their products.

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Guest pod

Well, my beef with Apple is the fact that they seem to want to tell you what is best in their systems. Like I said, I'd be happy as hell if I could wander down to the stores by the airport, spec out the parts I want, and toss OS X onto it. OS X...............wait for it.........wait for it.........see the four horsemen coming?.............swarms of locusts!!!!!!!!!!..........is a really nice piece of work. TJ showed me these nifty little enhancements once that really took the cake.

I'm an eternal tinkerer though....I just would love to see a "hardware scene" sprout around Apple as it has on the Intel/AMD side of things...I said in another thread that it would be nice to run OS X on my choice of hardware...do I think I could integrate a better system than Apple? I might be able to...however I'll never find out cause I can't run OS X on anything but Apple-approved hardware...

As far as fashionistas in me? Not quite. Though I was inside a little fashionista once and she had a good time. Fashionista? Oh, I thought you said Latina. Nevermind...8)

As for that Apple notebook, can I get it with a black kevlar shell?

Seriously, that's what I'm looking for...from the ground up customization...that and something that I can take to Iraq if needed.

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Guest pod

Now that I can dig. At least someone's taking some initiative and customizing it somehow...to the limits currently possible anyway.

Wonder if that could take a 7.62mm round and keep on tickin'? ;D

Still, wouldn't you agree that it would be nice to see if you could out Mac Apple? i.e. build a system that runs OS X that shreds anything our trippin' buddy has to offer?

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Guest pod

And that's why I'm not a total Mac-head. Apple has too much of a lock on the hardware end. On the AMD/Intel front you've got a shitload of hardware vendors...hell, there's like hundreds of firms that make motherboards even!

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Guest barstar diana

alien ware is a good brand, but str8 up im a MAC girl i personally think apple is way better than any windows machine...but alien ware comes close :o

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