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Anyone following the Terry Schiavo case?


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courtesy of msn.com - 12/18/05

WASHINGTON - Working against the clock, House Republican leaders tried to prevent doctors in Florida from removing the feeding tube Friday from Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman at the center of a battle between her husband and her parents.

“This inquiry should give hope to Terri, her parents and friends and the millions of people throughout the world who are praying for her safety,†House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Government Reform Committee chairman Tom Davis said in a joint statement issued overnight. “This fight is not over.â€

In a two-pronged approach, the House committee was issuing congressional subpoenas to stop doctors from disconnecting the tube, saying the case is part of Congress' look at federal health care policy.

Separately, an attorney for Schiavo's parents will ask a federal judge in Tampa to block the removal and review the actions of state courts. Such habeas corpus appeals seek to require the government to justify its actions.

“We are going to ask him to issue a stay because in this case, state action would be used to end the life of an innocent, disabled woman,†said the attorney, David Gibbs.

Police in Pinellas Park, Fla., meanwhile, readied for the hundreds of protesters expected to show up outside Schiavo’s hospice as the hours slipped away before the scheduled 1 p.m. ET removal of her feeding tube.

The legislative effort came after lawmakers in both Washington and Tallahassee failed in attempts to pass legislation to keep her husband, Michael Schiavo, from having the tube pulled despite heavy lobbying by Schiavo’s parents.

The Florida House on Thursday passed a bill 78-37 to block the withholding of food and water from patients in a persistent vegetative state who did not leave specific instructions regarding their care. But hours later, the state Senate defeated a different measure 21-16, and one of the nine Republicans voting against indicated that any further votes would be futile.

In a last-ditch attempt to stop the court-ordered removal, the U.S. House Government Reform Committee decided early Friday to start an investigation into Schiavo’s case.

In their statement, the Republican leaders said the subpoenas will "require hospice administrators and attending physicians to preserve nutrition and hydration for Terri Schiavo to allow Congress to fully understand the procedures and practices that are keeping her alive."

The Senate will investigate as well, the statement said.

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Hmmmmm - I believe this woman is a vegetable and the tube should be removed..... But at the same time, i have my doubts. This is one of those "your damned if you, damned if you don't" situations.

This is why its so important to have a living will you guys. I have signed paperwork that clearly states that i do not want to be hooked up to anything for a long period of time. Plug me in until my family arrives to say good bye - then pull the plug on my ass and let me die peacefully.

Terry and her husband apparently didn't do this - and now look. She's been in a veggie state for years.. Sad... I feel for her and her family.. and even her husband.. He just wants to move on.

hmmm.... its sad its taken congress this long to "finally" investigate...

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Guest JMT

its not like a respirator. removing the tube causes her to slowly starve and deyhydrate to death. how wonderful. also her husband will profit from her death, thus i side with the family who has been her caretaker all this time. i also dont like the precedent it will set by allowing it to happen.

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its not like a respirator. removing the tube causes her to slowly starve and deyhydrate to death. how wonderful. also her husband will profit from her death, thus i side with the family who has been her caretaker all this time. i also dont like the precedent it will set by allowing it to happen.

Exactly.. thats just it though.. its not a respirator, however the feeding tube is keeping her alive. She cannot feed herself once they pull it; I know I wouldn't want to live that way.... With a respirator.. you don't get oxygen.. you choke, you can't breath, you die... it just takes longer with the feeding tube - and i highly doubt she would notice the difference as i'm sure they will make her comfortable with morphine.

Her husband will profit because of the life insurance policy.. well, my bro gets mine unless i get hitched...

I'm stuck.. this is a difficult decision for all parties involved..

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Guest JMT

its not like a respirator. removing the tube causes her to slowly starve and deyhydrate to death. how wonderful. also her husband will profit from her death, thus i side with the family who has been her caretaker all this time. i also dont like the precedent it will set by allowing it to happen.

Exactly.. thats just it though.. its not a respirator, however the feeding tube is keeping her alive. She cannot feed herself once they pull it; I know I wouldn't want to live that way.... With a respirator.. you don't get oxygen.. you choke, you can't breath, you die... it just takes longer with the feeding tube - and i highly doubt she would notice the difference as i'm sure they will make her comfortable with morphine.

Her husband will profit because of the life insurance policy.. well, my bro gets mine unless i get hitched...

I'm stuck.. this is a difficult decision for all parties involved..

after her illness, her husband won a lawsuit against the hospital and was awarded $1 million dollars based on his statement to the jury that he would use it to care for her the rest of her life. hes a prick.

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Guest DrFired

This is one of those issues that are divided. There are the family and then there's the Husband. Put yourself in his shoes, she's been like this for 16 years. I think he had suffered enough as a person to committed to his wife in the stage she's in for 16 years. In my culture..there's a saying "you follow who you married" then again there are the parents. It is a very difficult decision and I'm sure he thought about her parents feelings.

I have to agree with Lola. "Plug me in until my family arrives to say good bye - then pull the plug on my ass and let me die peacefully."

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oh yeah, the guy wants to re-marry.. but he can't divorce her cuz he doesn't get any of the money.. I agree the guy is a prick.

But at the same time, i can't justify her family having this woman be fed thru a tube for 16 years.. I just don't think thats the way any human should live..

Her parents are amazing - i give them that.. but i also think that sometimes you have to know when to say good bye..

Too bad Kevorkian is in a prison in Lapeer, Michigan....

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Guest JMT

she will die eventually, since all humans do. i just dont see the need to speed it up against the wishes of the people who love her most and care for her, especially without us having any idea of that she is really like in person and just reading it in the media. who knows, but i think a tie should go to the side of keeping her alive.


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she will die eventually, since all humans do. i just dont see the need to speed it up against the wishes of the people who love her most and care for her, especially without us having any idea of that she is really like in person and just reading it in the media. who knows, but i think a tie should go to the side of keeping her alive.

VERY WELL SAID JMT. I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly with your response. I guess there really is no reason to speed it up... I just know that if i was in that situation (either as a vegetable or a parent), I don't think i could keep someone alive like that (nor would i want to be kept alive like that). But hey to each their own I suppose.

btw, must say its been nice having a cival conversation about this eh? lol ;)

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Guest JMT

she will die eventually, since all humans do. i just dont see the need to speed it up against the wishes of the people who love her most and care for her, especially without us having any idea of that she is really like in person and just reading it in the media. who knows, but i think a tie should go to the side of keeping her alive.

btw, must say its been nice having a cival conversation about this eh? lol ;)

its a change of pace. ;D

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Guest coach

I have to say that I think that anyone who calls for a helpless person's death should immediately be removed from guardianship. I know that if MY girl were hooked up I would be kicking every doctor's ass I could find to do everything in their power to get her back up and running. No fucking question. Where there is life, there is hope. The human body is an amazing thing.

I'll tell you a story that focussed my beliefs about stuff like this. One of my family friends had a nephew who was in an accident and went into a coma. He was that way for 6 years. Eventually, the doctors convinced the family that he was not coming out, so they decided to pull the plug. Literally the DAY before they were going to pull it, he sat up in bed. Of course, he was not fully recovered, but he had come out of the coma and could start therapy. And the doctors had thought he was in a permanent vegetative state.

So, no, I do not believe that doctors have any clue what they are talking about. That is not an isolated story, and doctors are wrong *all* the time.

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Guest tres-b

Fox News is reporting that the tube has been removed.

This issue is tough. Her parents desperately want her alive but if her wishes were to be allowed to die then that is what should happen.

Pesonally, I would not want to continue on in the state she is in. Heaven is a much better spot than a hospital room where people are sitting around watching a tube feed me. God bless everyone involved in this.

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Guest web_norah

people have come out of comas after 20+ years before.

on what? Lifetime TV specials or the OC?

poor woman i feel sorry for her

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Guest coach

This issue is tough. Her parents desperately want her alive but if her wishes were to be allowed to die then that is what should happen.

The problem is, she did not put her wishes down in writing. All we have is her husband's word that she wants to die. And her parent's word that she doesn't.

Pesonally, I would not want to continue on in the state she is in. Heaven is a much better spot than a hospital room where people are sitting around watching a tube feed me.
Actually, you and the rest of us have no way of knowing what we would want in that situation. Maybe she in there struggling to get out. Maybe not. I wonder if they have talked to any other coma survivors to get their take on the situation.
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Guest shannon_coolj.

its not like a respirator. removing the tube causes her to slowly starve and deyhydrate to death. how wonderful. also her husband will profit from her death, thus i side with the family who has been her caretaker all this time. i also dont like the precedent it will set by allowing it to happen.

I was reading about what happens when it's removed today. She will dehydrate before she starves. When you dehydrate, apparently, you just lapse into a peaceful coma and die.

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