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Control Room (Shaun Must Check This Out!)

Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah

saw this flick last night on Sundance channel, good view of two sides of the story Iraq-war related, Al Jazeera, news reporting, journalism, people's perceptions and what you get to see and don't on the news...from the trenches in the middle east and not a cushy chair back in DC.


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Guest JMT

ah, Al Jizzeera, the voice of Osama Bin Laden. i remember when this movie first came out. here's a review i came across:

Unlike most people here, who have only seen movie-length edited propaganda crap, I have watched this news station for years and if you were to ask 99% of Iraqis what they think of that channel, their reply would probably include an expletive. As a matter of fact, Jazeera crew have been beaten up in the streets of Iraq for their attempts at inciting unnecessary hatred in my country. The other 1% are probably Saddam's street-kid relatives who have no form of income but are paid by this station to say "Saddam is great and down with America" in their never ending phone-ins.

Jazeera was the biggest Baathist organisation outside Iraq when Saddam was in power. Even the people who were part of Uday and Qusay's little rape/murder/torture friends are presenting the sports on this poor excuse of a channel! As an Iraqi, I absolutely despised the coverage of the war on this station, the amount of lies it spewed just to generate Arabic hatred towards America was unreal!

Another form of hatred they have randomly incited is the one of the different sects in Iraq. Prior to Al Jazeera's existence most Iraqis got on well, now Sunnis can't stand Shias, Shias can't stand Turkmen and everyone hates the Kurds.

So as an Iraqi, who has been directly affected by the arab neo-nationalist agenda this station portray, I can safely say that this channel has blinded the viewing public and is possibly transmitting news that is the furthest away from the truth.

Basel Ali Mohammed

Baghdad, Iraq

the idea that you dont see a lot of stuff on the news is right, and that goes for the bad AND the good. i received periodic emails from a college buddy who was in iraq and he would include some photos of the people and children who embraced them wherever they went, and stories of how the US military hospitals took care of the injured, even when they were fighting for the other side.

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Guest web_norah

if you havent seen the film ...you have no room to talk....i dont cut, copy and paste a film synopsis and then give a judgement based on what someone else is saying.......i see it, and then i talk.

someone sounds like a complete tool here...........

turn off the OC and rent this for a change.

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Guest JMT

if you havent seen the film ...you have no room to talk....i dont cut, copy and paste a film synopsis and then give a judgement based on what someone else is saying.......i see it, and then i talk.

someone sounds like a complete tool here...........

turn off the OC and rent this for a change.

you dont have to get so upset just because you get duped easily.

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Guest web_norah

duped? you get duped everyday watching the OC ......and now you look dumb and still have the balls to talk about a film you havent even seen.... who's dumber?

and your buddy in Iraq is risking his life and telling you how great it is, maybe you should enlist and check it out...since it is so hearwrenching

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Guest tres-b

not for nothing, but the film was on Sundance. Sundance is a Robert Redford venture. Redford is about as liberal as you can get.

Look deeper than the surface young Jedi.

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Guest web_norah

you obviously dont watch the Sundance channel enough

they show all types of independent films.

switching the channel dial doesnt hurt, i watch Fox and see for myself......

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Guest klit

This is really a good documentary. It's not about them making politics as much as it is about the inner workings of the station. Why they air certain pieces, their reactions to different events durint the time they were making the documentary, and it shows how plenty of middle eastern people hate the station as much as americans for the complete opposite reasons. The station also admits in the movie that it is a bit biased, but no more so then any of our news stations.

I was behind bush this election and still am just as much after seeing this movie, so this isn't going to affect your politics and is really a documentary not just some propaganda piece like fahrenheit 9/11. When it comes to middle eastern news, I read both extremes: foxnews and al jazeera and get a better idea of what is really going on.

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Guest web_norah

**taking this from someone who listens to kiddie trance and watches Fox news.......hmmmm


talk about a movie you've never seen.......dumber and dumbest

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Guest JMT

**taking this from someone who listens to kiddie trance and watches Fox news.......hmmmm


talk about a movie you've never seen.......dumber and dumbest

what are you even babbling about? does someone need to have cancer to know something about it? try learning to think outside the box.

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Guest trancepriest

what are you even babbling about? does someone need to have cancer to know something about it? try learning to think outside the box.

Cancer... lol... the growing consensus is that your an idiot... dumber and dumbest.. think outside of the box... lol.... heck your not trying to think outside of the box... obviously you have some special skills which makes you able to comment on documentarires that you've never seen before or know what was presented.

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Guest JMT

what are you even babbling about? does someone need to have cancer to know something about it? try learning to think outside the box.

Cancer... lol... the growing consensus is that your an idiot... dumber and dumbest.. think outside of the box... lol.... heck your not trying to think outside of the box... obviously you have some special skills which makes you able to comment on documentarires that you've never seen before or know what was presented.

oh no, here comes kindergarten tough guy.

dude, go fuck your mac. since you cant read, all i did was post a review i saw. kinda like what people do on here all the time for music. and yes, i have many skills. people buy into whatever crap they watch bc they want to. i can read between the lines without having to waste my precious time. al jizzeera, the noble outlet for justice in the world, lol.

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Guest JMT

i've noticed your great one-side only skills....thats SAD.

ha ha ha, look whos talking. oh the irony!

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Guest JMT

you're still dumb-and-dumbest for talking about something you havent even seen.

you must really like Jim Carrey movies.

you seem to know something about the OC, yet you never watched it. so are you just a walking contradiction or what?

'does justification of war matter, once victory has been achieved?'

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Guest slamminshaun

saw this flick last night on Sundance channel, good view of two sides of the story Iraq-war related, Al Jazeera, news reporting, journalism, people's perceptions and what you get to see and don't on the news...from the trenches in the middle east and not a cushy chair back in DC.


Looks interesting. Almost as interesting as many of the liberal columnists who are posing the question, "what if Bush was right"? Many on the left have taken time to reflect on their views in recent months.

http://www.suntimes.com/output/brown/cst-nws-brown01.html <--just for an example of what is a growing trend among liberal columnists. Remember, this is NOT Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity or any other right-wing hack....

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Guest web_norah

i'll check them out and get back to you with an opinion based on what i gather Shaun....unlike others who talk, and then sound like complete fools because they're judging based on something they havent even seen.....

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Guest JMT

i'll check them out and get back to you with an opinion based on what i gather Shaun....unlike others who talk, and then sound like complete fools because they're judging based on something they havent even seen.....

your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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