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click beep boom is no more

Guest ramon

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Guest ramon

its roughly 10:30pm california time (i've been learning about insecure wintendo is?!) and i get back to see this thread has really gotten out of control. unfortunately it seems the elitist mindset of some techno people is what really holds us back as not only a genre of music , but as a way of life. techno is life life is techno which is true, but you shouldn't alienate people because of it. i really tried to do something there different here and i'm was very grateful of the support i recieved from people on this forum just because it was something i was involved in , you may have not liked the music, but you were open to it and i truly appreciate that. for all i know i turned on people to some new music that these two great dj's were playing. you may not agree with some of their views, but this does not discredit them as dj's. what exactly is a dj? can we truly ask ourselves that question in 2005? is it someone who just plays reocrds? is it someone who is using ableton , we are still entertaining , does it really matter the medium? if we are making people dance isn't that our 'mission'? but we still need people there so there's some more work to be done. so ill see you at the next party wherever it is whenever it is im sure you all will be there.


from california with click beep boom!


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Guest pod

Nonetheless, your performers should not talk down to their potential audience, or their potential employers. Your boy might not get work in any decent venues in Miami anymore.

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Guest ramon

Nonetheless, your performers should not talk down to their potential audience, or their potential employers. Your boy might not get work in any decent venues in Miami anymore.

i agree with you dan, you can't alienate your crowd or your employer because they are what in turn supports you. you can't bite the hand that feeds.

i'm off to class again. :)

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Guest saintjohn
Ido Apologize to the people that will not get to experience my dj sets in Miami at "those" clubs .

No need to apologize.

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Guest DJSkeemWestchesta

Hello, my name is Alfredo Socorro and I am a Techno snob. I have been ever since I was a rebel teeneager going to the Edge and truly learning what real music is. I am sorry if I may offend you but my opinions are just that, and they do not reflects anyone else's or are meant to put words into anybody's mouth.

First thing I'd like to say is that none of this would be possible without the tireless effort of not just myself and Nova, but of Ramon, who I am honored to have worked with. And deserves nothing but props for putting his name on the line for something he feels so strongly about. The truth of the matter is, I find it ridiculous that people would put more effort (not including those who actually attended click.beep.boom) into bashing us for trying to even allow Miami to experience TECHNO the way that Derrick May, Juan Atkins and Richie Hawtin have allowed us over the years. Yes people can go to Detroit and see if for themselves. But lets be realistic here, how many people actually have the means and the no how to do so. I can honestly say that in all my years of going to Detroit and pleading with these picasso like people to come down and play for you all, I have only seen a handfull of Miamians there, and you can ask them whether or not we have done nothing but try and educate people on the truth about electronic music and show them the same thing we have been shown through the years. This is not intended to bash anyone who spins other types of music or who is for all sense of the better word "selling out" to make money. Everybody hurts and most of us have to pay the bills, but don't confuse what we are trying to do with someone trying to do to survive in this town. I have worked my entire life while gone to school for genetics and at the same time staying true to my belief that Techno will someday be appreciated in this town. It may never happen but my effort has been put out. I refuse to let someone I don't know say to the open masses that they support from their cubicles and continuously fail to show up to techno events. You can black flag me too if you wish, but in reality, I would like to not work with those types anyways. Ramon is good peoples and anyone who he can make positive claims about are true in word by my book. What we need are more people like those who work at The Drink that do it for their love of the music and not those who refuse to support due to comments made on some board. You think about what you said and maybe "I'll be your best friend". You should shed that attitude that it is what is. It is that becuase we make it what it is. My apologies for trying to make a difference like everyone who truly feels the love for the music not considered Trance. It definitiely would be much better if you all got off your kiesters and did something more that write on these forums. Peace, Love, Unity, Techno.

"It Is What It Is, So Deal With It."

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Guest Cosmigonon

Then again, I'm not going out just for the music. If I wanna just listen to music, I can do that at home. I go out for the music, the crowd, the visual element, and more.

I think that's the reason why most people go out anyway. 8)

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Guest Electric Eel

What we need are more people like those who work at The Drink that do it for their love of the music and not those who refuse to support due to comments made on some board.

How in the world are you thanking these people for doing it for the love of music and not something else????? These are the same people who after one night decided the party wasn't going to work and are now throwing a hip hop party where they will get their money at the bar. If you are talking about Ramon and the djs that played that night then make sure you state it so it doesnt confuse people.

You know, I never really listened to techno before but after seeing how much love Ramon has for the music I decided to try something new, I even went to meganite at Space and I thought Sven Vath was amazing. But hearing remarks like this coming from people who are telling us we need to support this music is making me think twice. Fortunately i'm not close minded enough to judge everyone involved in techno because of the thoughts of a few. You and Nova need to rethink the way you talk to people before you alienate people from even thinking about giving techno a chance.

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Guest pod

Oh, and they better teach you better composition skills in that genetics program. Reading that hurt. Paragraphs, please.

You can't force a taste on someone. Miami might never "come around" on techno. Then again they might. If they do I can see you and your ilk bitching that it is commercialized. There's no satisfying the snob of any music type.

And you're making the big mistake that myself, Ramon, and Spyder have mentioned. You're talking down to your potential audience. No one's gonna go if they think the event is populated by chin-stroking weenies like yourself. Personally I think you need to sit down with a bottle of Patròn at crobar, Space, or Amika one night and enjoy life a bit.

Miami is a feel-good party town. Techno isn't really a feel-good type of music. People down here wanna go out, see girls, get wasted, and have a good time. Music has to reflect that in these parts. Detroit's a different story I guess. Being shot at constantly and whatnot enforce a different perspective.

That's what makes living in this world so nice. Every place is different. If every form of entertainment 'worked' everywhere, what need would we have to travel?

Oh, and flying to Detroit isn't that hellishly expensive. Ramon does it all the time. Plane ticket, hotel, and ammo costs shouldn't be too harsh.

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Guest musicalmissionary

what real music is.

the truth about electronic music

Until you can refrain from using comments like this..... you will go nowhere. The last thing people want is to be preached to like if they "don't get it". I went to see Matthew Dear at Jazid during conference and I've done nothing but rave about him and Detroit techno ever since that night. And yes, I attended click.beep.boom as well. But that's ME. I had an equally music-loving friend with me at the Matthew Dear party and although she liked it, her level of enjoyment was nowhere near mine. But that's HER.

Point being.... there is no single universal truth about "what real music is" or what electronic music is. Anyone who thinks there is is LOST.

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Guest DJSkeemWestchesta

You peeps should vent out your frustrations on other chat rooms because this is getting absurd. I understand that there are people in this world who like ectasy, $10 waters and Tiesto, I for one am not one of them. I apologize if I do not write with my dictionary by my side, but I did not intend to write this to English majors, just music lovers. If you think that I am trying to alienate people or insult people then you should seriously check yourself. You obviously don't me because I am truly a lover and not a fighter. I was also a DJ at click.beep.boom, and yes Matt does deserve some props for taking a chance on a Friday just because he too likes Techno. I think its great that people are willing to try something new and that has been our intention for having Techno parties to begin with. It has always been about spreading the word of good music. We have spent years with that sole purpose in mind. You have it all wrong just because we don't feel the same way about Trance and what not.

I think it is also great that all of you enjoyed Matt Dear's set, I too thought it was a good set. I've known Matt many years now, and I'd like to bring him down here. Unfortunately I have always run the risk of having a turnout similar to click.beep.boom (no knock on the few who were there, thanks again and I hoped you enjoyed it becuase I am peaceloving individual free from prejidice or disdain for others). Now I fear that I have to worry about being code reded.

FYI, its great that Ramon and I get to frequent Detroit's music scene and sole purpose for tourism, but unfortunately some others do not have that luxary thus the purpose of having Detroit Techno parties in Miami. We'd like to have pilgrimages to Detroit, but since we all can not possibly afford it then we will stay strong in our attempt to bring the Detroit to the people South Beach.

And BTW, whoever you are making ignoramous remarks about people in Detroit getting shot at and things like that really needs to stop making comments that are detrimental to the perception that you are actually intelligent.

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Guest DJSkeemWestchesta

And for your information, if you all ever came to our Detroit Meets Miami BBQ during WMC, you would have seen Matt Dear make his first ever appearance in Miami. That was some four odd years ago, followed up by his second appearance ever at the BBQ the following year. The alienation began back then when we first brought Juan Atkins down. We should have known bringing down the godfather of techno would be a big mistake

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Guest saintjohn
You peeps should vent out your frustrations on other chat rooms because this is getting absurd.

Sounds like good advice.

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If your not Crobar or Space, You are Fucked with any type of music a promoter truly loves.....

Take it from me after 4 yrs, 2 of which were pushing for Tiesto (2001) when he actually cared and i got in free @ Space (Imagine that for tiesto) and the other 2 pushing for techno...

Bottom Line........ Everyone does want they want when they want for free and don't fuck with Space, lol.....

Like someone told me back when I worked for Crobar, another year or so and Crobar will be all Techno on Sats

and sorry about the night Ramon, like we talked about let me getinto this new job and we will see what pawn shop has to offer

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Guest DJ Nova

Personally I think you need to sit down with a bottle of Patròn at crobar, Space, or Amika one night and enjoy life a bit.

Miami is a feel-good party town. Techno isn't really a feel-good type of music. People down here wanna go out, see girls, get wasted, and have a good time. Music has to reflect that in these parts. Detroit's a different story I guess. Being shot at constantly and whatnot enforce a different perspective.

I know I said I would not reply again , but I'm not the type of person that sits around and doesn't take action when it is needed . I will address the second part of this quote first.....

pod.....for you to say that techno isn't a "feel good type music", further implicates that you know less and less about what you talk about .

People ALL around the globe party to techno , in fact jeff mills does about 150 parties a year! more than most djs , and yes those are parties where people for the most part......PARTY .

I'm pretty sure that they feel good about it too . Carl Cox , another very well known techno dj , an "ultra" dj, I think most people agree he plays feel good music .

For you to start poking at Detroit's social problems.....it's kind of a reach don't ya think ? It almost sounds like you have something against techno........I'm sorry to hear people talk about techno like it's a bastard step child.......when in actuallity , ALL of the dance music you hear today is influenced by techno . I apologize if it seems that I am talking down to people who don't listen to techno , that couldn't be further from the truth .

Thing is , that the guys that started this whole thing in the 1980's are still around.......PROBLEM is they get no respect in MIAMI.......most of you have never even heard of them!!! Ultra claims to be the largest electonic festival(and actually it's not true the largest one is in detroit & its FREE) ......yet they have virtually the SAME lineup since year one !?!? None of the Detroit or Chicago founding fathers ever play......don't you think it's messed up to pay upwards of upto $50-$60 to see guys who just started doing this 10 years ago ......and NOT the ones who have been around 20 + years ?? The market down here dictates who is "hot" , but NOT who is the most talented . I know you guys think all the artists at Ultra are super talented , djs etc... (and in their own right some of them are) BUT you have also not experienced the originators , the REAL masters of the trade......so imagine HOW MUCH more you would be into them ! (of course some of you have experienced some of them , and you are entitled to not like them as well) My goal was not to talk down to any of you...just to spread the word on real , underground , dance music (and yes ....it does make you dance!)

As for the comment about having a good time.........I always have a good time , now pod...sounds like you need to go out and leave that camera at home .

p.s. I'm not worried about your campaign against me , actually might save me time from dealing with those STUPID clubs .

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Guest pod

I'm a capitalist pig. Plain and simple. I go out to have fun, and my imaging device is an extension of me, much like you going out and DJing. I conduct my art, and you do as well. At the end of the night we both make a few bucks.

I would have burned out years ago as a "regular clubber". I've been out almost every weekend and then some since 1998...I've seen the scene down here flip flop and change like an epileptic on PCP. I've got the negs and files to prove it.

Do I care if Jeff Mills draws 345930583 people at a festival? Actually yeah. Getting a huge-ass crowd shot like that would be really damn cool. Do I like Jeff Mills as an artist?

Yes I do. I think he's got talent.

But the business side of me knows it would be a bitch and a half to sell a night with him as the headliner down here.

Does it suck? Yeah. Do I obsess over it? Not really. I go out, shoot, drink, shoot some more, drink some more, go home with some girl, rinse, repeat.

I'd like more diversity in the clubs, sure. But it isn't my life's goal. My goal is to go out and have a good time. Hell, I hung with the hip-hop crowd for a bit at Space, had a blast. My friends were in the room, and I went to say hello. Really in the end I go out to see my friends and maybe take a photo of them.

When Ramon throws a party, I go out to support my friend, and have a good time. Do I like the music? Domingo, yeah. You? Not sure yet, haven't really heard you. Ramon says you're A-OK and I tend to trust his instincts in that matter.

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Guest DJ Nova

I'm a capitalist pig. Plain and simple. I go out to have fun, and my imaging device is an extension of me, much like you going out and DJing. I conduct my art, and you do as well. At the end of the night we both make a few bucks.

I would have burned out years ago as a "regular clubber". I've been out almost every weekend and then some since 1998...I've seen the scene down here flip flop and change like an epileptic on PCP. I've got the negs and files to prove it.

Do I care if Jeff Mills draws 345930583 people at a festival? Actually yeah. Getting a huge-ass crowd shot like that would be really damn cool. Do I like Jeff Mills as an artist?

Yes I do. I think he's got talent.

But the business side of me knows it would be a bitch and a half to sell a night with him as the headliner down here.

Does it suck? Yeah. Do I obsess over it? Not really. I go out, shoot, drink, shoot some more, drink some more, go home with some girl, rinse, repeat.

I'd like more diversity in the clubs, sure. But it isn't my life's goal. My goal is to go out and have a good time. Hell, I hung with the hip-hop crowd for a bit at Space, had a blast. My friends were in the room, and I went to say hello. Really in the end I go out to see my friends and maybe take a photo of them.

When Ramon throws a party, I go out to support my friend, and have a good time. Do I like the music? Domingo, yeah. You? Not sure yet, haven't really heard you. Ramon says you're A-OK and I tend to trust his instincts in that matter.

Yes , much like you.... I go out for fun (rarely go out anymore).....only for ME , I can't seem to get paid at the end of the night here in Miami , EVEN though I have just as MUCH and even MORE experience then MOST djs down here .

(And NO I don't force feed people techno here , I know what it takes to make people dance) In fact , I've been playing deephouse here BEFORE DHM , and playing tech-house since before it started getting popular .

Whether you believe this or not .....IT WAS BECAUSE OF ME THAT THESE MUSICAL STYLES COULD HAPPEN HERE , I've always pushed the envelope here .

I didn't "burnout" as a clubber , I just decided to take matters in my own hands to try to show people that there is more than what they hear down here on a regualr basis . I've been watching & active in the scene down here since 1993 .

So the business side of you knows how hard it is to do something like Jeff , but on the same token you don't cut any slack for the VERY group of people that have been trying to do this for YEARS .

Guess what ,do I Obsess over it ......?

YOU'RE dam right I do ! Why ? because I want to make Miami a better place.....because I will not conform to mediocraty , because I saw what it was like before the music got COMMERCIALIZED........and I know HOW MUCH BETTER it COULD be . Knowing all of this , do you think I have maybe a right to be upset , to be frustrated ? I don't know how

long you have been a photographer....How would you feel if you couldn't go anywhere in your hometown to do what you love .......NOT ONE PLACE , even though let's say you had 5,6, 7 years more experience than the other photographers in this city ......and to top it off you had an incredible RESUME .

Would you not be the least bit frustrated ? or upset?

Wouldn't you be mad that nobody would even take a look at your pictures ......and at the same time ...you had inexperienced photographers getting all the paying jobs ?!

Would you not think that all the business that hired those photographers ....that you KNEW were less QUALIFIED than you.......wouldn't you call them stupid ??

Before you condem......try to understand

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Guest DJ Nova

I'd be frustrated, yes. But I wouldn't shoot myself in the foot by insulting my potential clients.

......it is what it is

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Guest saintjohn
I can't seem to get paid at the end of the night here in Miami , EVEN though I have just as MUCH and even MORE experience then MOST djs down here

Nobody here owes you anything.

There’s a reason your high school guidance counselor didn’t recommend becoming a DJ: with some notable exceptions, playing music in nightclubs for the enjoyment of other people (ahem) isn't much of a career. "Paying your dues" has little value in this business, other than to make you appreciate whatever success eventually comes your way. The hours suck, job security is non-existent, and the benefits package is secondhand smoke.

Yes, there are DJs who make serious money, but most of the big names in the business also spend a lot of time in the studio. Producing and re-mixing are often the best ways to reach a wider audience, enhance your reputation, and make the right connections. If south Florida clubbers don't share your taste in music, maybe you should consider concentrating on finding a more receptive crowd.

There a several DJs who live in Miami, but who tend to spin in other cities, states, and countries. You don't see them griping online about their lack of local gigs - they're too busy entertaining people in other places (and getting paid well to do so). They didn't let the predominant musical tastes of south Floridians stop them from pursuing their dreams.

Of course, you're an experienced DJ, so you know all of this already, right?

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Guest pod

Look at Robbie Rivera. Lives here, but never plays here. Markus Schultz, same thing. Stryke? Yep...same deal. Do they bitch and moan? Nope. They're too busy playing elsewhere, or enjoying a very affluent lifestyle.

Lately the same for Oscar as well.

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Guest DJ Nova

Nobody here owes you anything.

There’s a reason your high school guidance counselor didn’t recommend becoming a DJ: with some notable exceptions, playing music in nightclubs for the enjoyment of other people (ahem) isn't much of a career. "Paying your dues" has little value in this business, other than to make you appreciate whatever success eventually comes your way. The hours suck, job security is non-existent, and the benefits package is secondhand smoke.

Yes, there are DJs who make serious money, but most of the big names in the business also spend a lot of time in the studio. Producing and re-mixing are often the best ways to reach a wider audience, enhance your reputation, and make the right connections. If south Florida clubbers don't share your taste in music, maybe you should consider concentrating on finding a more receptive crowd.

There a several DJs who live in Miami, but who tend to spin in other cities, states, and countries. You don't see them griping online about their lack of local gigs - they're too busy entertaining people in other places (and getting paid well to do so). They didn't let the predominant musical tastes of south Floridians stop them from pursuing their dreams.

Of course, you're an experienced DJ, so you know all of this already, right?

First ,

I don't think it's for you to decide whether people owe me something or not . Second , I spend plenty of time in the studio.....and if you knew what you were talking about you would know this (Ralph ,Oscar ,and a few other local djs have been playing my stuff.....which you probably danced to!)

You don't see them caring about South Florida because maybe they do try to look for other markets , as do I , but this is my hometown , and whether the next DJ cares or not is NOT relevant to MY EFFORTS here .

Yes , there are djs that live here and don't play here , the only guy that you mention pod that is from Miami is stryke . Markus & Robbie are not from here , so for them to care about miami....is a bit farfetched . I don't care what other djs are doing about living here and not playing , I do what I do cause I care about Miami , because I know it can be a better place . I will defenitely consider posting my thoughts on a forum where people actually care about the music they listen to ........and not just what they are hand fed by the mainstream .

All of you have much to learn about dance music , and life for that matter . You all can hate me all you want , bottom line is .....you're frustrated because somebody is telling you that you don't know as much as you THINK you know about dance music . SORRY , that's the truth......and it gets worse .

You're getting ripped off by paying money to people that play you an imitation of what dance music is. Read a book or two on dance music , then come back.......watching the history of jazz might help you too . When I say you "all" I'm obviously speaking of the ignorant bunch who reply with nonsense .

This is seriously my last reply , I have no more time to waste on ignorant people (crzyc , pod , and whoever I just quoted above)


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