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The Coolest is about to get revealed...

V. Barbarino

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Ya know, I'm all for talking shit, as long as I let people know who I am and what my beef is..

Everyone has an agenda, even I

So Mr Cooler or shall I say, Mr. Isace from Club 112, why don't you tell the cjers why you bashing Noctural....

Wait before we get to that, lets talk about one of your dumbest moves ever, no not the Recess party, even though that was dumb, but there is a dumber move by you being the manager of club 112. You let LP push you all over and he kept the door all during wmc at your club, but wait thats not the worst part, you let him call the place Club Spin. You didn't even get any branding out of your club name since LP pushed you around...

Now back to why you have beef with Nocturnal, the reason is NOCTURNAL FIRED YOU!!!

I"m sure you are a nice guy and all, but your friends tipped me off to this... Sobe is such a small town...

Now please apologize to Nocturnal and lets forget all about this... shall we?

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Ya know, I'm all for talking shit, as long as I let people know who I am and what my beef is..

Everyone has an agenda, even I

So Mr Cooler or shall I say, Mr. Isace from Club 112, why don't you tell the cjers why you bashing Noctural....

Wait before we get to that, lets talk about one of your dumbest moves ever, no not the Recess party, even though that was dumb, but there is a dumber move by you being the manager of club 112. You let LP push you all over and he kept the door all during wmc at your club, but wait thats not the worst part, you let him call the place Club Spin. You didn't even get any branding out of your club name since LP pushed you around...

Now back to why you have beef with Nocturnal, the reason is NOCTURNAL FIRED YOU!!!

I"m sure you are a nice guy and all, but your friends tipped me off to this... Sobe is such a small town...

Now please apologize to Nocturnal and lets forget all about this... shall we?

:o :o

.......The Saleen hath spoken.....

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Guest web_norah

dude that shit is so tired just like the Nocturnal blows threads

i thought you were going to post something about the pope or baseball.


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Ya know, I'm all for talking shit, as long as I let people know who I am and what my beef is..

Everyone has an agenda, even I

So Mr Cooler or shall I say, Mr. Isace from Club 112, why don't you tell the cjers why you bashing Noctural....

Wait before we get to that, lets talk about one of your dumbest moves ever, no not the Recess party, even though that was dumb, but there is a dumber move by you being the manager of club 112. You let LP push you all over and he kept the door all during wmc at your club, but wait thats not the worst part, you let him call the place Club Spin. You didn't even get any branding out of your club name since LP pushed you around...

Now back to why you have beef with Nocturnal, the reason is NOCTURNAL FIRED YOU!!!

I"m sure you are a nice guy and all, but your friends tipped me off to this... Sobe is such a small town...

Now please apologize to Nocturnal and lets forget all about this... shall we?


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Guest vaughan

Not for nothing...


And yes, I know some of you LOVE Saleen's posts ::) And put boring... and Zzzzzz .... But EVERYONE was tired of the Nocturnal posts and EVERYONE was talking shit about whoever was behind it... IF this is true, and obviously it is because NO ONE has come here to at least (falsely) defend themselves.... I have to ive Nick props on this one!

Oh... Nick... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BORING! (cuz I'm tired... and bored)

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Guest macboy

Well, since the coolest signed up for CJ as Isaac1963, you guys probably should have figured it out sooner. But are you going to figure out who is the knucklehead known as "clean house"? C'mon pod, post those IPs. :P

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the Recess party did not work for us for various reasons which im not gonna get into right now .. even at the very last time we had to move it to Amika for 1 friday only

Ive met Isaac only a few times and he seemed to be a nice person, i actually saw him a couple of weeks ago having fun @ the space patio

if what Nick says is true, i have to say, this is really lame, i was somehow sure that all these posts bashing about Space & Nocturnal had to come from "inside" .. the way these people talk about things is somehow ovbious and if u are part of the industry you will notice .. this is also why i play with Saleen calling him "mr. puppet" cause i know for sure someone is telling him to post shit

Dade, about Nocturnal, i think you pretty much know WE ARE ALL looking forward to see the club finally open but on a personal note and since there has been so much fuzz about this, i just hope the place will live up to peoples expectations cause if it doesn't all this "bashing around" right now will be nothing compared to what the miami crowd will say about the place after they have seen it ....... and we all know how many people actually read these boards << we even have proof of this

i wish you the best of lucks with the place, i wanna see it open right now but if you think is not ready then please dont post any "sneak peek" dates until the club is 100% done

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Guest JustDade

the Recess party did not work for us for various reasons which im not gonna get into right now .. even at the very last time we had to move it to Amika for 1 friday only

Ive met Isaac only a few times and he seemed to be a nice person, i actually saw him a couple of weeks ago having fun @ the space patio

if what Nick says is true, i have to say, this is really lame, i was somehow sure that all these posts bashing about Space & Nocturnal had to come from "inside" .. the way these people talk about things is somehow ovbious and if u are part of the industry you will notice .. this is also why i play with Saleen calling him "mr. puppet" cause i know for sure someone is telling him to post shit

Dade, about Nocturnal, i think you pretty much know WE ARE ALL looking forward to see the club finally open but on a personal note and since there has been so much fuzz about this, i just hope the place will live up to peoples expectations cause if it doesn't all this "bashing around" right now will be nothing compared to what the miami crowd will say about the place after they have seen it ....... and we all know how many people actually read these boards << we even have proof of this

i wish you the best of lucks with the place, i wanna see it open right now but if you think is not ready then please dont post any "sneak peek" dates until the club is 100% done

Andrew -

The bottom line is that no matter what we build, there will always be bashers and haters. That's just the way it goes. The place is amazing but it certainly won't appeal to everyone. I think that with us open and Space doing what they do, 11th Street will be a better place.

We'll be open soon and hopefully people will enjoy what we've built.

As for Isaac, I don't know him very well but I thought we were cool with each other. I am very surprised that he would resort to the stupidity of what happened here. The truth is that Isaac was fired from Nocturnal very shortly after I got involved because he was the wrong guy for the job. I had no idea he was still bitter.

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let me rephrase then, people call you and tell you stuff then you decide if you post it or not

but, i do know for a fact that some of "those" people sometimes do say "imma call saleen and TELL HIM to post this" << and when these same "people" do it, they do it because they want to get back at someone ..

my point is that this only proves how big these boards have become for the industry and how many people actually read them ..

i still remember when i was walking to my car the other day on 17st and washington and oh surprise i see this "person" (obviously part of the industry) talking on his cell phone saying "can you believe what they said about "us" on cooljunkie ?" ..

the things u see .. the things u see my friend ::)

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let me rephrase then, people call you and tell you stuff then you decide if you post it or not

but, i do know for a fact that some of "those" people sometimes do say "imma call saleen and TELL HIM to post this" << and when these same "people" do it, they do it because they want to get back at someone ..

my point is that this only proves how big these boards have become for the industry and how many people actually read them ..

i still remember when i was walking to my car the other day on 17st and washington and oh surprise i see this "person" (obviously part of the industry) talking on his cell phone saying "can you believe what they said about "us" on cooljunkie ?" ..

the things u see .. the things u see my friend ::)

lol if people dont realize this , they deserve to be the idiots they are 8)

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