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Star Wars R.O.T.S reviewed by myself, Bling and Slides on The Ice

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Believe in the Hype. Even if you are not really a Star Wars fan, Episode III will make you one. George Lucas is a genius and he ended the Star Wars Saga with a bang!

This movie ties all the other Episodes together and no question that you may have had (with other aspects in the other 5 episodes) go's unanswered.

The movie is dark, graphic and violent. The script was great, the landscapes and the animation made it seem as if you can see for miles beyond what was happening in front of you...

And all the scenes where executed well. You never felt as if you were getting over-dosed with one particular moment or with a particualr character.

The context was very emotional and the humor was contained in the beginning and not spread throughout the movie like in some of the previous episodes...

More thoughts on this later..Don't want to spoil it for anyone...

I will definetly see it again and again.....

BTW had a great time with Bling and Slides on The Ice..We met up at Cheescake factory about 6 hours prior, had some great food and some really geeky discussions about Sci-Fi...Then went into Aventura AMC 24 around 9pm and instead of having people wait in line they opened the theatre so that people can claim their sets early..Good planning by the theatre..... And some funny lightsaber dull from a group of teens..Bling you need to post those pics...

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Wow. My mind is still trying to take in what I just experienced. It was very different in style and storytelling than any other SW film. It was definately better than both prior Episodes, but I am a fan of the first two so for me that does say a lot. I loved it. Definately going to see it again several more times. Lucas really did good with this one. It was so well executed that some badly acted scenes from Padme had to be forgiven.

Where do I rank it? There are some who call it blasphemy to like a prequel better than the Empire Strikes Back, but while TESB has always been my favorite of the SW films, it is now my second favorite.

I did have a great time with Terry and Bling. We had a lot of good conversation and a lot of laughs, as well as me telling some sex stories that busted Terry out laughing because he didn't expect to hear that from me. I had a great time with them two, and had a great movie.

And like Terry said, we were plenty entertained during our 3 hour wait in the theatre by several kids dueling with lightsabers in the front of the theatre.

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some things are just magical . the entire star wars saga. is my childhood plain and simple.

i wont give any spoilers just my feelings. as star wars is about emotion (dark side so to spea)

myself terry and slide got choked up there is no denying it. i dindt get choked up from the story but rather knowing this was the last star wars. the end so to speak of my childhood fantasy.

the battle btw obiwan and anakin is the greatest lightsaber battle of all time. the emotion the drama

i choked up in this film because of the scenes that so closely resembled star wars the original trilogy whether it be the ship interiors, seeing and hearing the vader breathe for the first time. the birth of the twins. i couldnt contain myself

George Lucas created a mythos... that the world can be proud of. Phantom Menace and AOTC were not as bad as i had thought. they set the mood.

they showed anakin as a good man who then betrayed those around him for a lie. POwerful......

Chancellor Palpatine (emperor) should get a supporting actor nomination at the OSCARS for sure.

ill write more tonite before i pass out on only 1 hr sleep



all the questions have been answered

long live the jedi

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loved our geek talk about courascant. how can a planet completely covered by cityscape have clouds and rain with no ocean lol

and our talks about battlestar galactica as well man we geeked out i loved it ;D

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Guest LeVeL

I'm happy you guys had a great time and I am hoping for this movie to be as great as you guys claim.

I am here reading your reviews of the movie and I cant wait to get my ass out there to the theaters to see the flick.

BTW Guys thanks for not ruining the movie for those who haven't seen it 8)

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Guest web_norah

so i guess this Halloween people are going to be original and dress up like Star Wars

i was on my way back from U2 when i saw the lines near Times Square. crazy.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm happy you guys had a great time and I am hoping for this movie to be as great as you guys claim.

I am here reading your reviews of the movie and I cant wait to get my ass out there to the theaters to see the flick.

BTW Guys thanks for not ruining the movie for those who haven't seen it 8)

Oh no we wouldn't do that to you. That would be unfair..... Even as good as the reviews were that I read prior to watching the movie I kind of prepared myself to be a little bit let down just in case (In fact I was almost in a way looking for it based on the prior 2 episodes) and that never happened.
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I also went to the midnight showing in Phoenix - it was fucking awesome!

Wow, I'm still a huge fan of episode IV, V, VI but eposide III is the bomb...

I was super emotional during the movie... to see the love Anikan had for Padma - and his turn to the dark side... it broke my heart..

My questions of why and how were answered in this film. It was great.

Yoda fight scenes are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when Obi-one took out Vader's legs and arm and then he caught fire... wow. That was tough to see. But then seeing how vadar was made was dope.

wow. wow. wow. wow.

i hope i can get chris to take me to see it again tomorrow night while i'm in nashville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looooved ittt.... I can't wait to buy episodes I, II, III when they come out in box set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Slide On The Ice

I don't know if this has been noted and discussed yet. Apologies if my topic is old news.

I am Jewish but I have not been able to read Hebrew in many, many years. I don't remember much since the last times I really read it and knew it was up to and just after my Bar Mitzvah. But while watching the DVD, at the end of Revenge of the Sith, aboard the Tantive IV in the meeting room where Bail, Yoda, and Obi-Wan spoke, I noticed something that led me to open up a book and then look up Hebrew letters online and their meaning. On the wall behind Bail, and behind Obi-Wan, and in the hallway just outside the room, as seen when you look past Yoda, are black panels with lighted red symbols. There is just one red symbol, but repeated in the different places I mentioned. If I remember correctly, there were 3 side by side behind Bail. It struck me that the red symbol was the Hebrew letter "lamed". What struck me right away was my perhaps poor memory recalling that the lamed was sometimes used to indicate "lachayim" the Hebrew word for life. But upon reading up on the meaning attributed to the letter lamed, I learned (or perhaps relearned after all these years) that lamed has a different meaning.


I quote this from a Hebrew alphabet page online:

"The letter Lamed is unique in the Hebrew alphabet since it is the tallest letter (it is the only letter that rises above the baseline) and, as the 12th letter, it is considered the central letter (or “heartâ€) of the Hebrew alphabet."

"The original meaning of Lamed probably was "to prick, sting, incite, goad,†as a shepherd might prod cattle to perform some action. Hence the ancient pictograph was that of a staff or goad, representing authority."

"The Hebrew name of the letter itself, lamed, comes from the root lamad meaning to learn or teach, which first occurs in Deuteronomy 4:1."

(This was followed by Hebrew text which I cannot reproduce here, but it included the lamed which means teaching or learning.) And then it said as a translation: "And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you..."

"From this we can see that the first business of learning is mishnei Torah, the repetition (or inculcation) of the Torah. Indeed, since Lamed is the tallest of the Hebrew letters, it draws our attention to the source of all learning, namely the Torah itself."

"Lamed and Heart Knowledge

Rabbi Akiva (50-135) is said to have noted that the spelling of Lamed can be seen as an acronym for the phrase lev meivin da’at, meaning "a heart that understands knowledge..."

That discussion in the Tantive IV meeting room was a crucial point in the movie and the saga. I believe that the prominant repeated lamed was no accident, it was symbolizing something. That they had all learned a vital and important lesson from the Sith and Anakin's fall, was a given. But when Yoda began telling Obi-Wan that that he had teachings for him to follow in his seclusion, from Qui-Gon himself, the lamed is clearly visible to the right of Obi-Wan, over his left shoulder.

It is already common knowledge to some SW fans that on Darth Vader's chestplate in ANH are Hebrew words with a possible translation of dark father, and/or something else which I don't readily recall, other than it having something to do with a denial of redemption (?). And so, once more GL has given us a tidbit of Hebrew as symbolization. And I had an interesting time pondering that tonight.

EDIT: What I forgot to post, which I had also considered, is that Lucas has said time and time again that one ofthe things he wanted to do with the ideas behind the Force and so forth, was to suggest that there was more out there in the world beyond what we can see, and perhaps lead people to come to or think more about their own faith. I cannot recall a quote offhand, maybe somebody else can. So then, the lamed (pronounced "lah-med" btw) could be a punctuation mark at that point in the story, a subtle suggestion for us to start thinking about the biblical overtones of the prophetic themes told through Anakin's storyline. I am actually surprised that there are no, none that I can see so far, similar symbols in the room when Yoda was telling Anakin to let go, that fear of loss was the path to the dark side.

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I don't know if this has been noted and discussed yet. Apologies if my topic is old news.

I am Jewish but I have not been able to read Hebrew in many, many years. I don't remember much since the last times I really read it and knew it was up to and just after my Bar Mitzvah. But while watching the DVD, at the end of Revenge of the Sith, aboard the Tantive IV in the meeting room where Bail, Yoda, and Obi-Wan spoke, I noticed something that led me to open up a book and then look up Hebrew letters online and their meaning. On the wall behind Bail, and behind Obi-Wan, and in the hallway just outside the room, as seen when you look past Yoda, are black panels with lighted red symbols. There is just one red symbol, but repeated in the different places I mentioned. If I remember correctly, there were 3 side by side behind Bail. It struck me that the red symbol was the Hebrew letter "lamed". What struck me right away was my perhaps poor memory recalling that the lamed was sometimes used to indicate "lachayim" the Hebrew word for life. But upon reading up on the meaning attributed to the letter lamed, I learned (or perhaps relearned after all these years) that lamed has a different meaning.


I quote this from a Hebrew alphabet page online:

"The letter Lamed is unique in the Hebrew alphabet since it is the tallest letter (it is the only letter that rises above the baseline) and, as the 12th letter, it is considered the central letter (or “heartâ€) of the Hebrew alphabet."

"The original meaning of Lamed probably was "to prick, sting, incite, goad,†as a shepherd might prod cattle to perform some action. Hence the ancient pictograph was that of a staff or goad, representing authority."

"The Hebrew name of the letter itself, lamed, comes from the root lamad meaning to learn or teach, which first occurs in Deuteronomy 4:1."

(This was followed by Hebrew text which I cannot reproduce here, but it included the lamed which means teaching or learning.) And then it said as a translation: "And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you..."

"From this we can see that the first business of learning is mishnei Torah, the repetition (or inculcation) of the Torah. Indeed, since Lamed is the tallest of the Hebrew letters, it draws our attention to the source of all learning, namely the Torah itself."

"Lamed and Heart Knowledge

Rabbi Akiva (50-135) is said to have noted that the spelling of Lamed can be seen as an acronym for the phrase lev meivin da’at, meaning "a heart that understands knowledge..."

That discussion in the Tantive IV meeting room was a crucial point in the movie and the saga. I believe that the prominant repeated lamed was no accident, it was symbolizing something. That they had all learned a vital and important lesson from the Sith and Anakin's fall, was a given. But when Yoda began telling Obi-Wan that that he had teachings for him to follow in his seclusion, from Qui-Gon himself, the lamed is clearly visible to the right of Obi-Wan, over his left shoulder.

It is already common knowledge to some SW fans that on Darth Vader's chestplate in ANH are Hebrew words with a possible translation of dark father, and/or something else which I don't readily recall, other than it having something to do with a denial of redemption (?). And so, once more GL has given us a tidbit of Hebrew as symbolization. And I had an interesting time pondering that tonight.

EDIT: What I forgot to post, which I had also considered, is that Lucas has said time and time again that one ofthe things he wanted to do with the ideas behind the Force and so forth, was to suggest that there was more out there in the world beyond what we can see, and perhaps lead people to come to or think more about their own faith. I cannot recall a quote offhand, maybe somebody else can. So then, the lamed (pronounced "lah-med" btw) could be a punctuation mark at that point in the story, a subtle suggestion for us to start thinking about the biblical overtones of the prophetic themes told through Anakin's storyline. I am actually surprised that there are no, none that I can see so far, similar symbols in the room when Yoda was telling Anakin to let go, that fear of loss was the path to the dark side.

awesome analysis i went back and freeze framed the scene and saw it :) WOW LUCAS IS A GENIUS

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Guest Slide On The Ice

That's what I love about the saga, there is deeper meanings set in even the seemingly minute of the story and settings. And people say that the prequels were simple stories and Lucas made no effort to tell a story. Pfffft! :P

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Guest Slide On The Ice

the story was there, its the execution that left a little something to be desired.

Lucas would be a fantastic story teller, if he wasn't such a bad editer. IOW, he edits for pacing, the scenes and lines that would make the story stronger and stand up better.

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