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Aquabooty @ Nocturnal

Guest LeVeL

What u think about Deep House in the Rooftop  

  1. 1. What u think about Deep House in the Rooftop

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Guest LdySphynx

actually ingrid in some research for reviews i did aquabooty has been around 4 yrs only so i was older then 21 unfortunately

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, I know this jesus you take shit too seriously!!!!

I know I remember them when they used to play at Rain on Sundays!!!

Bling, I was being sarcastic about it, again trying to get my point across that they have been around for a while, geeeez!!!

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Guest musicalmissionary

This thread sucks...

I thought so too at first, but now I realize how much of a positive sign this thread is for Aquabooty. After all, the bigger you get, the more haters start hating on you. I really think this is a sign they've taken yet another step UP.

I can't wait to post pictures from this coming Friday night in this thread. Hopefully it'll stay around long enough.

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Guest vaughan
I know I remember them when they used to play at Rain on Sundays!!!

Ummm... Call me the new guy... But wasn't it Fridays???

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Guest mursa

^what Pod said.

i think they bring quality music (Norman Jay, the parties at the Delano last year, Harvey, Osunlade, etc).

yes, it may not be your cup of tea.....but at least they do different DJs not the same tired stuff that everyone else sweats..... <trance and et al>

lmao ...if its one thing miami has too much of is House music ...


..it should be the other way around , bring some diversity to the city scene in terms of Trance (not tiesto or pvd or corsten) and bring Techno .

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Guest LdySphynx
I know I remember them when they used to play at Rain on Sundays!!!

Ummm... Call me the new guy... But wasn't it Fridays???

Well maybe it was Fridays, I didnt go to them......but I could have sworn they did Sundays!!!
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^what Pod said.

i think they bring quality music (Norman Jay, the parties at the Delano last year, Harvey, Osunlade, etc).

yes, it may not be your cup of tea.....but at least they do different DJs not the same tired stuff that everyone else sweats..... <trance and et al>

lmao ...if its one thing miami has too much of is House music ...


..it should be the other way around , bring some diversity to the city scene in terms of Trance (not tiesto or pvd or corsten) and bring Techno .

u know what mursa i dont like techno all that much but i agree

i wouldnt mind seeing techno djs come down that we havent seen id ck it out

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Guest LeVeL

You know one thing I have come to believe over the weekes is that Miami is not a town of diversity.

It likes its House Music and House Music only, anything else wont work here. Yeah you probably are going to ask me how do I know that ...ect..ect. But as a clubbber who goes to any venue in Miami I will tell you that there is not anyone more that knows about this but your random clubber.

Aside from that Miami likes their House Music to be banging and danceable not slow and boring like Deep House. Yeah Nocturnal is bringing a different flavor from Space ect...ect. But at 6am Saturday Morning's Nocturnal brings Roland, now dont tell me Roland doesn't spin something similar to Space.

Now nobody is being a hater here pleaseee I started this thread to get the other people's views on this board and if you agree with me or not then thats up to you. But I am not scared to speak my mind, I say what I say and if you agree with me then its all good.

Musicmissionary no one is knocking your taste...you like what you like you believe what you want to believe. You dont have nothing to prove to me or anyone on this board. If the Aquabooty party becomes the talk of the town...HELL good for them...but you wont see me there....HELL NO!

As as my opinion of Deep House...I think its CRAP...hell after going this past weekend to Nocturnal I dont think I will ever go to that Patio on Fridays again. Believe me I tried to dance to that shit...believe me I tried but there was no soul in that music.

Yeah other people might like it but I sure dont and I know there are more poeple on these forums who agree with me. But are scared to post on this thread due to the fact that they are a bunch of kiss asses who think they may lose their comps this upcoming weekend.

Different strokes for different folks...wish them luck.

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Guest JustDade

It was never our intention to try and please everyone...we know that's a waste of time.

I happen to love the vibe at the Aquabooty events. I think the first two weeks are a good indication of how good Fridays Downtown are going to be. We had over 1300 people come through the door between Aquabooty and DJ Craze. Not bad considering that no one else has ever been able to get a Friday going Downtown. The club's gross was 15% higher than expected and that means they spent money. Joe and Tomas are pros who work hard and get results. I have nothing to complain about.

This Saturday we have Charles Feelgood. If you're into a harder house sound with serious funk, then save it for Saturday. Aquabooty isn't for everyone...but it is for me.

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Guest musicalmissionary

You know one thing I have come to believe over the weekes is that Miami is not a town of diversity.

I totally agree with you on that. I'd love to see techno go off here. Even some good psy-trance (ex: atmos). You won't find a more equal-opportunity electronica lover than myself.

Miami likes their House Music to be banging and danceable not slow and boring like Deep House.

This is where you give your own opinion a little too much weight. Who the hell are you to speak for "Miami". I don't need to remind you that Aquabooty has been throwing successful parties for years and their momentum has been growing steadily. Nocturnal is not stupid. They didn't spend $18M to build a club for "boring Deep House". The fact that you don't like it doesn't mean shit.

Yeah Nocturnal is bringing a different flavor from Space ect...ect. But at 6am Saturday Morning's Nocturnal brings Roland' date=' now dont tell me Roland doesn't spin something similar to Space.


It's called variety. Some people like it.

As my opinion of Deep House...I think its CRAP...hell after going this past weekend to Nocturnal I dont think I will ever go to that Patio on Fridays again. Believe me I tried to dance to that shit...believe me I tried but there was no soul in that music.

So all this nonsense is over one night? That's an informed opinion ::)

Yeah other people might like it but I sure dont and I know there are more poeple on these forums who agree with me. But are scared to post on this thread due to the fact that they are a bunch of kiss asses who think they may lose their comps this upcoming weekend.

Don't start making excuses cuz your poll isn't going the way you wanted it to. Anybody on here can get on the guestlist for Friday nights at Nocturnal without any problem. CJ has a list.

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Guest LeVeL

This is where you give your own opinion a little too much weight. Who the hell are you to speak for "Miami". I don't need to remind you that Aquabooty has been throwing successful parties for years and their momentum has been growing steadily. Nocturnal is not stupid. They didn't spend $18M to build a club for "boring Deep House". The fact that you don't like it doesn't mean shit.

So what is your point...are you saying that Nocturnal was built solely for Deep House..Okay then slow down there cowboy, dont start saying stuff that is not true as you know Aquabooty only has that Rooftop not the whole club.

So all this nonsense is over one night? That's an informed opinion ::)

How is that minformed the fact of the matter I dont like it its my opinion, neither you or anybody else is going to change that.

Don't start making excuses cuz your poll isn't going the way you wanted it to. Anybody on here can get on the guestlist for Friday nights at Nocturnal without any problem. CJ has a list.

Who mentioned anything about guestlist wiseguy...I mentioned Comps not Guestlist...big difference there.

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It was never our intention to try and please everyone...we know that's a waste of time.

I happen to love the vibe at the Aquabooty events. I think the first two weeks are a good indication of how good Fridays Downtown are going to be. We had over 1300 people come through the door between Aquabooty and DJ Craze. Not bad considering that no one else has ever been able to get a Friday going Downtown. The club's gross was 15% higher than expected and that means they spent money. Joe and Tomas are pros who work hard and get results. I have nothing to complain about.

This Saturday we have Charles Feelgood. If you're into a harder house sound with serious funk, then save it for Saturday. Aquabooty isn't for everyone...but it is for me.

Ya know classics AB would be a pretty cool party.... You guys would do really well, granted I wish someone would accidently fire a stinger missile into the crowd...

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Guest biznation00

Support your EDM parties people! These parties are fading fast & hard! you can count the successful ones around town with the fingers on your right hand these days. Hip Hop & Open format has taken over in 2005. alot of people will be out of jobs in the EDM market.

Aquabooty, wether you like it or not, it's good for the scene & it gives our scene diversity. is aquabooty tailored for the nocturnal terrace & the overall Nocturnal picture? I think that's something that only time will tell. Just as with any new party, including ours...

It's obvious that Aquabooty has its following and their guys work really hard. Now I'm no rocket scientist, but when I look into putting together a team for my parties I look for unity & marketability within' each of its members. The same concept applies when selecting which parties go well with what rooms in a mega club. Since I'm on this subject, I'll try and explain this as clear as I can:

Choosing your target audience. are your neighbors targeting that same audience? after figuring this out comes the complex part...

Determining wether a certain party or promotion group has "marketable" value at your venue. For a big mega club like nocturnal, being Marketable almost means "catering to the masses". I said "almost". However, You are a mega club. you don't just specialize in one thing. Mega translates into Mass if you think about it. sure you have different rooms that specialize in different things. but the overall picture comes close to defining nocturnal as catering to the Masses. Unfortunately this is sad but true.

If a party/promotion group's "market value" is low, then does that party or promotion group have the resources to make up for it. In other words, are they bringing the sufficient amount of people/money to keep a certain slot or room consistent thru time & throughout the night?

Does this party or promotion group fit with the other parties or promotion groups involved with the night? If not are they taking away something from the overall picture? In other words are they a liability to the overall success of the night for whatever reason?

These are just some of the things you should consider when putting something of this magnitude together.

Now Lets face it, Miami isn't as big as we think & there is a lot of competition & clubs out there that flood the clubbing population in my opinion. Ok, so Aquabooty isn't for you! it seems that about 10-15 people on this board have soo far determined this. While opinions matter, bashing something makes you & your opinion loose credibility. If you have a better or "proven" suggestion, then state it. Nocturnal wasn't built for cooljunkie. Nocturnal was built for Miami. If Aquabooty doesn't produce their part & Miami agrees with you 15 people, then you might consider a change.

I guess what I'm tryin' to say is that while aquabooty isn't meant to cater to the masses, they do bring something else to the table & they seem to be producing soo far. Only time will tell if they can continue to produce numbers &/or are really suited for Nocturnal's overall picture. The same thing applies to Roland & I along with all the other parties, promotion groups & djs...

dont hate, appreciate!

now in the meantime, if you consider yourself a supporter of EDM, do something and make it known. Help spread awareness, before it all fades away... :)

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Guest web_norah

cliff notes:

we need variety in music, stop being a hater and if you dont like it, just don't go.

Aquabooty isn't masses music. deal with it.

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Guest musicalmissionary

Aquabooty isn't masses music. deal with it.

But it might be a piece of the puzzle that as a whole is for the masses.

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People, listen up!!!! Everybody's taste differs and there is nothing wrong with that. Personally I think Miami needed a club like Nocturnal, because apparently 99% of the clubs in this city play progressive house. Which in my opinion is monotone, repetitive and lacks soul. We needed variety and and now we have it. Hey, deep house isn't for everybody. But it is for me, and many others that are fed up from listening to the same songs in every club. Most of the dj's that I've heard in Miami, play the same tracks, it's almost as if they are playing a mix CD. I don't have to get drunk up the ass to enjoy deep house. It's easy to groove to. Not everybody wants to go to a patio and hear regressive uhhh i mean progressive house :P. If You want to, go to Space, it is a great venue for progressive house. One of the greatest in this country. Ivano Sleepini is not for everybody. For Afterhours give me Roland. You want Deep, vocal, funky, soulful, sexy house go to Nocturnal. Point Blank. 8)

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Guest web_norah

Aquabooty isn't masses music. deal with it.

But it might be a piece of the puzzle that as a whole is for the masses.

definitely, if you use that context :)

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Guest Nefarious Girl

It's one day, one club and there's a crowd.

It's nice to hear this kind of music in a club than at a lounge. Anyone heard Hed Kandi? It's popular in the UK, but not everyone likes that disco happy dance music that they put out. But it's popular, it sells and it's a great party when they (HK) are here during WMC. AB will be the same here I guess. I never expected to hear Hip Hop in big clubs, and there it is. I don't want to hear hip hop in a club, so I don't go. If this isn't for you, then I agree with some on the board and say, don’t go.

I am looking forward to being there on Friday to support AB. Ahhh baby….everything is on positive.

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Guest pod

Well nonetheless, keep on drinking. I need more drunks to hang with.

That being said, I'm glad Tomas, Joe, DHM, and don't forget Mr. Jaime Fiore have found a new home for their party. I'm not a specific deep house fan, but I do like the sound and enjoy their parties. For me it's more about going out to a nice venue, hanging with my friends and having a good time. Whether it be a trance night, a house night, a deep house night, or a drum n bass night...my focal point when I go out is a bit different. I don't trainspot too hardcore, and I don't wet myself if a DJ trainwrecks.

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