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space vs nocturnal this weekend

Guest houseman

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Guest james stratus

This thread is hilarious! ;D There is so much BS being thrown around in here that I have to duck everytime I look at it!

And Mr G laid it out correctly... Space was a ghost town in the earliest of days and it took time to build it up. I know since I was there with the 30 other people. The longest running clubs and parties didn't just happen over night you know. Nocurnal will have its crowd in time and Space will still have its crowd. Players will stay in it's niche, and it will be the other venues that will continue to suffer. Just my 1.5 cents

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Guest eKiTeL

seems like the most successful clubs are the ones that don't start panicing and hiring new promoters and dj's every 2 weeks

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Guest houseman

If next weekend you put Cedric on the Nocturnal patio and Stryke in the main room at Space the odds are that Space will still get 2000+ people and Nocturnal will still be in a building process...






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And stryke is a bit to like i said (mtvpoppy dont feel like im in the undergroundish type of vibe)

translation= Stryke is MTV pop ...?! what!!! that's the craziest shit i've heard so far.

lol this guy has completely lost the plot and then some.

is it wrong to feel that way, im sorry, should i just not say it, am i hurting feelings let me know at times i can be insensetive.

but the times i have heard this cat thats what i feel

nothing personal at all i think some of his productions are better that his sets.

Where have you heard him play? The MTV awards show last year? Or maybe Diegos Bday (Unfiltered) bash last December? I think you have limited knowledge on this subject matter which is causing you to sound like a idiot.

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Guest Eddy Guerra

[quote author=rcrespo

.. cedric just rents it.

there he goes taking another cheapshot at cedric. u should just admit that more people in miami rather hear him, than your boy(stryke). so stop being a hater, and obviously the 2,000+ people that come through the doors of space every saturday before 1 am and stay past sunrise and party their ass off don't agree with you...

Stryke just started a residency at a brand new club...Cedric recently stepped into a party that took 5 years to build into a hugely succesful night...its a LITTLE different..

How is that different? Explain that to me? Fact is and your old boss LP would tell you this too that if you put a shitty dj in the space party, it would tank.. If you put a great dj at the NOC party it would work. Oscar if you ran space, would you hire Stryke for the main room resident when you were on the road?? Stryke took the past 2 years off from the Miami house scene and it shows... Eddy should not have posted what he did. I'm sure Stryke doesn't need a messageboard bodyguard so don't get your panties in a bunch everytime someone doesn't love him as much as you do..it comes with the territory and after all, you are a Space DJ...act right

Well since you asked Nick...I'll tell you how it's VERY different...

When Space first opened on Saturday nights (and I was there from the first Saturday) NOBODY showed up for a month and a half...The first 3 weeks I didnt even play because there werent enough people to open the room...so basically there were about 10 to 15 people in the lounge and then we would close at 4 or 5 because noone showed up..

Nocturnal is a brand new club...My point is you have to give it time before you can judge its success.Making a comparison like Eddie did is unfair. He said the 2000+ people that go to Space every Saturday choose Cedric over Stryke and that is just plain dumb.

If next weekend you put Cedric on the Nocturnal patio and Stryke in the main room at Space the odds are that Space will still get 2000+ people and Nocturnal will still be in a building process...

As for my getting my panties in a bunch and acting right....

well technically Im not a Space dj anymore (although I love that place and still call it home) and I AM acting right...

Rcrespo's original comment had NOTHING to do with Stryke and Eddy still took a cheap shot at Stryke in his post which was uncalled for...especially from a Space employee...that was my point..

in any case.........

you are still WAY too dense to understand any of this so try not to hurt yourself trying to figure it out guido boy...

ur right, i shouldnt have cheapshoted a friend of mine (stryke) i appologize for that bc he is a great dj so sorry about that greg. but i just get mad when people deliberatly target my friends for no reason. and dont forget i am promoter that defends his product

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Guest houseman





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Guest ramon





you also can't seem to take your finger off the caps lock key either.

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Guest houseman

this might help you however.


LET ME ASK U (caps off) what makes u such a club guru and defender of the sound, uve been clubbin for what maybe 4-5 yrs please ur still a freshman in this game.

answer me this where were u hangin out in 95

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Guest ramon

this might help you however.


LET ME ASK U (caps off) what makes u such a club guru and defender of the sound, uve been clubbin for what maybe 4-5 yrs please ur still a freshman in this game.

answewr me this where were u hangin out in 95

i was 15 and in highschool listening to smashing pumpkins

so i'ml a freshman, but with more skills than you will ever have .. better question is where were you in 88? if you are so oldschool.

i know my shit .. people call me 'technopedia' for fuck sakes.

just because i like music that you don't doesn't make me clueless unlike yourself who calls stryke a mtv dj.

stryke has had releases on everywhere from hooj to ovum to platform and guidance, but you are probably too fuckin ignorant to even do a simple google search before you talk your smack.

now unless you can back up your shit comments go play in traffic or something.

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Guest ramon


there was loads of that in detroit ..

i <3 techno girlies ;)

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Guest andrew_thomas

havent you guys done (and bitched about) Space every weekend the last 5 years?

try something different.

1st decent thing i ever heard this guy say

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Guest andrew_thomas

LET ME ASK U (caps off) what makes u such a club guru and defender of the sound, uve been clubbin for what maybe 4-5 yrs please ur still a freshman in this game.

answer me this where were u hangin out in 95


palladium, mirage, expo, limelight, tunnel, sound factory, nasa parties, octagon

why dont everyone just shut up and go do whatever the fuck u wanna do

honestly noone gives a shit were all old enough and the only reason people argue about this shit is to try and clame a name for themselves in a so called nightlife that they cant dominate

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Guest LdySphynx

LET ME ASK U (caps off) what makes u such a club guru and defender of the sound, uve been clubbin for what maybe 4-5 yrs please ur still a freshman in this game.

answer me this where were u hangin out in 95


palladium, mirage, expo, limelight, tunnel, sound factory, nasa parties, octagon

why dont everyone just shut up and go do whatever the fuck u wanna do

honestly noone gives a shit were all old enough and the only reason people argue about this shit is to try and clame a name for themselves in a so called nightlife that they cant dominate

And this is by far the BEST comment you have ever made on here!!!!

I was just about to post something similar, who the FUCK cares who plays where...................just go where you wanna go have a good time and thats it, seriously people everyone is making more of a big deal about this then Louis, Dade, Cedric, & Styke all together. They are probably having dinner together as we speak, so just have your fun and let the shit unfold by itself!!!!

Even though I don't care to go to Nocturnal, i'm glad they at least opened the doors and let us get a peek of what is to come to Downtown!!!!!

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Guest LdySphynx

[quote author=rcrespo

.. cedric just rents it.

there he goes taking another cheapshot at cedric. u should just admit that more people in miami rather hear him, than your boy(stryke). so stop being a hater, and obviously the 2,000+ people that come through the doors of space every saturday before 1 am and stay past sunrise and party their ass off don't agree with you...

Stryke just started a residency at a brand new club...Cedric recently stepped into a party that took 5 years to build into a hugely succesful night...its a LITTLE different..

How is that different? Explain that to me? Fact is and your old boss LP would tell you this too that if you put a shitty dj in the space party, it would tank.. If you put a great dj at the NOC party it would work. Oscar if you ran space, would you hire Stryke for the main room resident when you were on the road?? Stryke took the past 2 years off from the Miami house scene and it shows... Eddy should not have posted what he did. I'm sure Stryke doesn't need a messageboard bodyguard so don't get your panties in a bunch everytime someone doesn't love him as much as you do..it comes with the territory and after all, you are a Space DJ...act right

Well since you asked Nick...I'll tell you how it's VERY different...

When Space first opened on Saturday nights (and I was there from the first Saturday) NOBODY showed up for a month and a half...The first 3 weeks I didnt even play because there werent enough people to open the room...so basically there were about 10 to 15 people in the lounge and then we would close at 4 or 5 because noone showed up..

Nocturnal is a brand new club...My point is you have to give it time before you can judge its success.Making a comparison like Eddie did is unfair. He said the 2000+ people that go to Space every Saturday choose Cedric over Stryke and that is just plain dumb.

If next weekend you put Cedric on the Nocturnal patio and Stryke in the main room at Space the odds are that Space will still get 2000+ people and Nocturnal will still be in a building process...

As for my getting my panties in a bunch and acting right....

well technically Im not a Space dj anymore (although I love that place and still call it home) and I AM acting right...

Rcrespo's original comment had NOTHING to do with Stryke and Eddy still took a cheap shot at Stryke in his post which was uncalled for...especially from a Space employee...that was my point..

in any case.........

you are still WAY too dense to understand any of this so try not to hurt yourself trying to figure it out guido boy...

LMFAO............................from KOKY ;):P!!!!!

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Guest pod

In the case of Space, I see it as what usually happens...someone is number one, so they become a ripe target for being picked on. If CJ existed back in 1996, there'd be the same insults, but hurled at Paciello and Liquid. Maybe not though, since Chris would have you executed behind your apt building for mouthing off.

In the case of Nocturnal, it is just newbie hazing! You can't win on a messageboard, there's always gonna be some sort of malcontent posting bullshit.

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[quote author=rcrespo

.. cedric just rents it.

there he goes taking another cheapshot at cedric. u should just admit that more people in miami rather hear him, than your boy(stryke). so stop being a hater, and obviously the 2,000+ people that come through the doors of space every saturday before 1 am and stay past sunrise and party their ass off don't agree with you...

Stryke just started a residency at a brand new club...Cedric recently stepped into a party that took 5 years to build into a hugely succesful night...its a LITTLE different..

How is that different? Explain that to me? Fact is and your old boss LP would tell you this too that if you put a shitty dj in the space party, it would tank.. If you put a great dj at the NOC party it would work. Oscar if you ran space, would you hire Stryke for the main room resident when you were on the road?? Stryke took the past 2 years off from the Miami house scene and it shows... Eddy should not have posted what he did. I'm sure Stryke doesn't need a messageboard bodyguard so don't get your panties in a bunch everytime someone doesn't love him as much as you do..it comes with the territory and after all, you are a Space DJ...act right

Well since you asked Nick...I'll tell you how it's VERY different...

When Space first opened on Saturday nights (and I was there from the first Saturday) NOBODY showed up for a month and a half...The first 3 weeks I didnt even play because there werent enough people to open the room...so basically there were about 10 to 15 people in the lounge and then we would close at 4 or 5 because noone showed up..

Nocturnal is a brand new club...My point is you have to give it time before you can judge its success.Making a comparison like Eddie did is unfair. He said the 2000+ people that go to Space every Saturday choose Cedric over Stryke and that is just plain dumb.

If next weekend you put Cedric on the Nocturnal patio and Stryke in the main room at Space the odds are that Space will still get 2000+ people and Nocturnal will still be in a building process...

As for my getting my panties in a bunch and acting right....

well technically Im not a Space dj anymore (although I love that place and still call it home) and I AM acting right...

Rcrespo's original comment had NOTHING to do with Stryke and Eddy still took a cheap shot at Stryke in his post which was uncalled for...especially from a Space employee...that was my point..

in any case.........

you are still WAY too dense to understand any of this so try not to hurt yourself trying to figure it out guido boy...

Hahahha nice 8)

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Guest Cosmigonon

LET ME ASK U (caps off) what makes u such a club guru and defender of the sound, uve been clubbin for what maybe 4-5 yrs please ur still a freshman in this game.

answer me this where were u hangin out in 95


palladium, mirage, expo, limelight, tunnel, sound factory, nasa parties, octagon

why dont everyone just shut up and go do whatever the fuck u wanna do

honestly noone gives a shit were all old enough and the only reason people argue about this shit is to try and clame a name for themselves in a so called nightlife that they cant dominate

Even though I don't care to go to Nocturnal, i'm glad they at least opened the doors and let us get a peek of what is to come to Downtown!!!!!

I agree with this last comment.

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