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What characteristics define you (good and bad?)


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Seeing as that the junkie chat has become a bit boring as of late I thought this would be an intersting topic to discuss

"What characteristics both good and bad do u believe define your personality?

and provide an example in your life as to where those characteristics were vividly expressed

1) My Bad characteristics

a) I believe sometimes i suffer from jealousy. (I know i shouldnt as i shouod be grateful for all i have but like all human beings we all want what we cannot have)

example: I worked my butt off for 6 yrs (last two yrs of high school and 4 yrs at fiu to graduate Magna cum laude only to drop out of UM law school due to stress and substandard grades -in my view, and i grew a bit jealous of those in law school who didnt have to study nearly as much as I had to and were breezing by)

2) Overly Patient: Many say patience is a virtue but sometimes an overabundance of patience can wear one down.

example: dealing with the status quo for too long believing that things will change. but in reality the more things change the more they stay the same at time at times.

good characteristics

1) emotional (though could be seen as bad as well i take it as a good thing)

2) expressive (verbally and thru writings)

a)emotional-many situations from silly situations like chokin up in the movie theater to various situations (mostly dramas involving some sort of love story), etc.... to of course more serious situations.

B) expressive ( i can literally talk on the phone for hours about anything...... those of u that have spoken to me on the phone know this.... my phone usually dies thats how the convo ends)

writings: and i dont mean my reviews i write short stories and poetry and have been for over 10 yrs.

what about you guys? and gals?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Hmm nice topic..let's put it on top of the ladder again..

My bad characteriscs...

Well I used to be a procrastinater. But I've really worked on that since I moved here to Miami. I used to let opportunities pass me by in the past and i think it was due to a slight insecurity that I used have as far as interacting with people who can improve my life. I used to be drawn to people (not intimately) whom I felt that I could help. I guess you could say that I was intmidated by people who could help me improve my life for some reason. I always used to want to feel as though I was the provider and that I had all of the answers. I always felt most secure when I felt I was being looked up to. So with that in mind I surrounded myself with people that needed me ..But at the same time I wasn't really learning anything from them in a way..

I never really pin pointed why I was that way. But I learned that it was getting me no where fast. To be sucessful you have to surround yourself with success (success not meaning money wise. I could give a whot about money). I'm talking about progress and not being stagnant.

So moving here to Miami really helped me get out of that rut.

Good qualities of mine? Well where do I begin? LOL...J/K

I think one of my better qualities that I've really gotten better at in the past few years is being a more empathic and understanding person. I like to listen to people and see what they're all about and what makes them tick..

My imagination is also an artistic and intellectual asset of mine. It me solve problems, be whitty and helps me interact with a wide range of people.

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Guest musicalmissionary


Tons of self-control

Tons of generosity

Welcome diversity



Too selfless sometimes

Too much self-control sometimes

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Guest DaGoose


Sense of humor (I'm a clown)

Sarcasm (some may classify this as bad)



Expressive (Be it writing, talking, etc.)



Spontanious (Also can be bad at times)

Nice (Although sometimes I am too nice and people start to want to take advantage of that) Then I have to lay the smack down on you bitches!! ;D


Procrastinate (I am the king of "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow")

Argumentative (At times)

Bad temper (I have a long fuse so I rarely lose my temper--but when I do--Its not pretty)

Irresponsible (when it comes to certain things) I am more of a "I don't give a fuck" type person when it comes to me--bills, school, money, work, etc. I find that I'm most responsible when I'm out having a good time.

Jealous (At times)

Closed (In an attempt not to ruin anyone else's mood, I generally hold things in until I feel it's the right time to let it out)

I'm at my best when I'm having fun and have nothing bad on my mind. If something is bothering me I'm usually held back a little and quiet. Not so much in a sense that I still can't have a good time, but you wouldn't be getting ALL of me.

Good topic Bling!

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Guest Devilicious


Sense of humor (I'm a clown)

Sarcasm (some may classify this as bad)



Expressive (Be it writing, talking, etc.)



Spontanious (Also can be bad at times)

Nice (Although sometimes I am too nice and people start to want to take advantage of that) Then I have to lay the smack down on you bitches!! ;D


Procrastinate (I am the king of "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow")

Argumentative (At times)

Bad temper (I have a long fuse so I rarely lose my temper--but when I do--Its not pretty)

Irresponsible (when it comes to certain things) I am more of a "I don't give a fuck" type person when it comes to me--bills, school, money, work, etc. I find that I'm most responsible when I'm out having a good time.

Jealous (At times)

Closed (In an attempt not to ruin anyone else's mood, I generally hold things in until I feel it's the right time to let it out)

I'm at my best when I'm having fun and have nothing bad on my mind. If something is bothering me I'm usually held back a little and quiet. Not so much in a sense that I still can't have a good time, but you wouldn't be getting ALL of me.

Good topic Bling!

OMG are we the same person? LOL

BUT I try never to be jealous, and I am loyal only to the people who are loyal to me. Also, if you fuck up once, it's over. No questions, no discussion. I have no issues writing people out of my life, no matter how long I've known them.

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Guest LdySphynx

OMG are we the same person? LOL

BUT I try never to be jealous, and I am loyal only to the people who are loyal to me. Also, if you fuck up once, it's over. No questions, no discussion. I have no issues writing people out of my life, no matter how long I've known them.

No wonder we get Along :P!!!!

OH and T I have an I TOLD YOU...............you know who im talking bout GIRL :-*!!!!!

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Guest Cosmigonon

I don't know, I can only think of defects in my personality. I've got all 7 of them, and for my own good, I'd rather not elaborate.

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Guest DaGoose


Sense of humor (I'm a clown)

Sarcasm (some may classify this as bad)



Expressive (Be it writing, talking, etc.)



Spontanious (Also can be bad at times)

Nice (Although sometimes I am too nice and people start to want to take advantage of that) Then I have to lay the smack down on you bitches!! ;D


Procrastinate (I am the king of "Yeah I'll do that tomorrow")

Argumentative (At times)

Bad temper (I have a long fuse so I rarely lose my temper--but when I do--Its not pretty)

Irresponsible (when it comes to certain things) I am more of a "I don't give a fuck" type person when it comes to me--bills, school, money, work, etc. I find that I'm most responsible when I'm out having a good time.

Jealous (At times)

Closed (In an attempt not to ruin anyone else's mood, I generally hold things in until I feel it's the right time to let it out)

I'm at my best when I'm having fun and have nothing bad on my mind. If something is bothering me I'm usually held back a little and quiet. Not so much in a sense that I still can't have a good time, but you wouldn't be getting ALL of me.

Good topic Bling!

OMG are we the same person? LOL

BUT I try never to be jealous, and I am loyal only to the people who are loyal to me. Also, if you fuck up once, it's over. No questions, no discussion. I have no issues writing people out of my life, no matter how long I've known them.

Same here as far as the Jealous and the Loyalty go. Yup--I guess we are the same person lol. Scaaaaaaary......

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