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War of the Worlds Review Thread


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Guest durrtylexx

Good movie, INTENSE :o :o

Bling your review is wacked.


1 Dakota fanning -screams too damn much in it -annoying

come on she's playing a frightened child.

2)the car issue (wont give it away) while the army doesnt seem to have that same issue WTF

dude the army also have mechanics. your thinking too much, its just a movie.

3) spielberg rips off a scene from empire strikes back (wont give it away)

which one?

4) ending comes too damn fast

its a 2 hour flick. ::)

5) aliens are fucktards u spend a million yrs preparing yet ... LOL (i mean it makes sense but its stupid lol ) u will see

bacteria killed them..not the humans.

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Guest durrtylexx

nice one giving spoilers away alex lol

u know the scene the one where tom cruise does u know what to the alien ship that just screams LUke Skywalker and the Imperial Walker

ha ha fuck it.

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Guest coach

Dont' see it Lola. Save the money for another seeing of Star Wars. Saw it. Wasn't really disappointed because I had such low excpectations, but it was bad in ways I didn't expect, so that was different. Cruise's performance, and the children's was actually quite good. The main issue was the STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID aliens.

I can see how this made an AWESOME radio show in 1950 when the public was far less savvy and you had your own imagination to conjure up what was going on. But once you see the shit on screen, it just looks lame. And what was plausible in the 50s is definitely not today. They should have just let the classic stand as an all-time great and not fucked with it. Release a deluxe boxed set of the audio recordings with special features or something. Don't do a movie.

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Guest slamminshaun

I haven't seen the new one, but the original movie was HOT. Way better then ID4, IMO.

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Guest Cosmigonon

This movie was fuckin' AWESOME!! :o :o

This movie blows away ROTS as THe movie of the summer. Compared to this, ROTS was a snooze fest. This movie keeps you on the ede of your seat the whole fucking time and doesn't let go for a second. You just never know what the fuck is going to happen next, this is like Jurassic Park, non-stop suspense.

Bling, are you crazy, what Empires Strikes Back scene? You're obsessing too much on it, you're starting to see Star Wars scenes everywhere... :-X

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Guest swirlundergrounder

This movie was fuckin' AWESOME!! :o :o


Bling, are you crazy, what Empires Strikes Back scene? You're obsessing too much on it, you're starting to see Star Wars scenes everywhere... :-X

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ehh fuck it

the scene where cruise is being sucked up by the alien ship and he destroys it with a grenade..... duhhhhhhh how did luke destroy the imperial walker? same shit........ he couldnt blow it up from outside cuz of shields so he did it from the inside

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Guest LeVeL

Definetely the Best Film I have seen this year. I just loved the Special Effects and how the movie was made period.

Tom Cruise plays a such great role of the unresponsible parent who doesn't get the respect he derserves from his kids. Also it was cool how the movie ended, in my opinion there was no better way to end it than that, there was no stupid super hero who saved the world at the end.

The only moment that I felt that it was bullshit is when Tom Cruise son survived the tripod attack on the Hill..come on how the fuck did he survive are u kidding me. ::)

Overall I give it an A+ and Steven Spielberg is a genious!! Cant wait to get this Bad Boy on DVD 8)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Holy Shit.!1 I just got back from the theatre. I love myself an nice apocalyptic, sci-fi sub horror every once in while. Some of you guys said that Dakota Fanning was screaming to much. I thought that Tim Robbins needed to shut the fu*k up....

I'm kind of torn by the ending and weather I liked the way it ended or not.

I guess the aliens got a bad strain of the e-bola virus or something right??? LOL

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I haven't seen it, i ain't that cool like some of ya'll..

You have to see it on the big screen. I just went last night and I almost waited to see it on DVD but I'm glad I saw it on the big screen. It had me at the edge of my seat the whole time..

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

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I haven't seen it, i ain't that cool like some of ya'll..

You have to see it on the big screen. I just went last night and I almost waited to see it on DVD but I'm glad I saw it on the big screen. It had me at the edge of my seat the whole time..

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

last movie i saw was bewitched w/ will ferrel but its a lil diff type of movie than this one im sure

i'll prob try to go see it soon once i get a hot date or something lol

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Guest LeVeL

i'll prob try to go see it soon once i get a hot date or something lol

aww come on Diogo you should have ladies lined up waiting to go with you. You know thats not a problem...I thought your pimp hand was stong.

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Guest LeVeL

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

I am glad we agreed man...defintely I think the ending was great. Because its so hard for any alient form to get use to another planet.

I especially dont think we as humans can survive in another planet where there are so many diferent and new plagues,viruses, and sicknesses that we have yet to encounter as humans. Hell we have yet to even find a cure for th common cold, so just imagine living in the Moon or any planet.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

I am glad we agreed man...defintely I think the ending was great. Because its so hard for any alient form to get use to another planet.

I especially dont think we as humans can survive in another planet where there are so many diferent and new plagues' date='viruses, and sicknesses that we have yet to encounter as humans. Hell we have yet to even find a cure for th common cold, so just imagine living in the Moon or any planet.

[/quote']That's the one hole in the movie that I thought of. If those Aliens had been preparing this time (what it seemed to be) for the colonization of the Earth, you would think that they would have collected a bunch of samples of every spec of life on Earth, even at the smallest form to see it would hurt them in anyway.

Great movie though. I knew it was going to be good, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it actually was.

I also liked how Tom Cruise's character wasn't made out to be some big hero who rose up from nothing to conquer the aliens. I liked that he was just trying to take care of his kids and do the right thing for them and not try to do anything stupid. They did a good job of making his character really insignificant and powwerless to what was going on all around him..

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Guest Cosmigonon

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

I am glad we agreed man...defintely I think the ending was great. Because its so hard for any alient form to get use to another planet.

I especially dont think we as humans can survive in another planet where there are so many diferent and new plagues,viruses, and sicknesses that we have yet to encounter as humans. Hell we have yet to even find a cure for th common cold, so just imagine living in the Moon or any planet.

That's the one hole in the movie that I thought of. If those Aliens had been preparing this time (what it seemed to be) for the colonization of the Earth, you would think that they would have collected a bunch of samples of every spec of life on Earth, even at the smallest form to see it would hurt them in anyway.

Great movie though. I knew it was going to be good, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it actually was.

I also liked how Tom Cruise's character wasn't made out to be some big hero who rose up from nothing to conquer the aliens. I liked that he was just trying to take care of his kids and do the right thing for them and not try to do anything stupid. They did a good job of making his character really insignificant and powwerless to what was going on all around him..

Spot on!! :)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm going to defiently buy this when it comes out. And Level was right it was probably the best film I saw this year. Right up there with Star Wars and in some aspect even better imo...

I am glad we agreed man...defintely I think the ending was great. Because its so hard for any alient form to get use to another planet.

I especially dont think we as humans can survive in another planet where there are so many diferent and new plagues,viruses, and sicknesses that we have yet to encounter as humans. Hell we have yet to even find a cure for th common cold, so just imagine living in the Moon or any planet.

That's the one hole in the movie that I thought of. If those Aliens had been preparing this time (what it seemed to be) for the colonization of the Earth, you would think that they would have collected a bunch of samples of every spec of life on Earth, even at the smallest form to see it would hurt them in anyway.

Great movie though. I knew it was going to be good, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it actually was.

I also liked how Tom Cruise's character wasn't made out to be some big hero who rose up from nothing to conquer the aliens. I liked that he was just trying to take care of his kids and do the right thing for them and not try to do anything stupid. They did a good job of making his character really insignificant and powwerless to what was going on all around him..

Spot on!! :)

Damm straight!!
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